1.3.0 (2015-10-19)
- literalMidWordUnderscores: fix different behavior with asterisks (e86aea8), closes #198
- simpleautolink: fix mail simpleAutoLink to ignore urls with @ symbol (8ebb25e), closes #204
- eventDispatcher: add an event dispatcher to converter (2734326)
- hashHTMLSpans: add support for hashing span elements (3097bd4), closes #196 #175
<a name"1.2.3">
- blockGamut: fix for headings inside blockquotes (3df70624, closes #191)
- blockQuote: fix 'github style codeblocks' not being parsed inside 'blockquote' (ed2cf595, closes #192)
- simpleAutoLinks: fix emails being treated as simple urls (7dc3fb1d, closes #187)
- tables: fix md tables being parsed inside indented code blocks. (50256233, closes #193)
<a name"1.2.2">
<a name"1.2.1">
- smoothLivePreview: fix weird effects due to parsing incomplete input (62ba3733)
- subParsers/githubCodeBlock: add extra language class to conform to html5 spec (b7f5e32)
fix broken em/strong tags when used with literalMidWordUnderscores (7ee2017)
When literalMidWordUnderscoresis set to true, em and strong tags that start or end a paragraph don't get parsed as such. This fixes this issue.
Closes #174
fix underscores not being correctly parsed when used in conjunction with literalMidWordsUnderscores option (c9e85f1)
codeSpans: Fix issue with code html tags not being correctly escaped (5f043ca)
images: fix alt attribute not being escaped correctly (542194e)
<a name"1.2.0">
This release moves some of the most popular extensions (such as table-extension and github-extension) to core. Also introduces a simple cli tool that you can use to quickly convert markdown files into html.
- headerLevelStart: fix for NaN error when specifying a non number as headerLevelStart param (be72b487)
- CLI: simple cli tool (ALPHA) (f6a33e40)
- flavours: add markdown presets/flavors (7e55bceb, closes #164)
- ghCodeBlocks: add option to disable GH codeblocks (c33f9888)
- literalMidWordUnderscores: add support for GFM literal midword underscores (0c0cd7db)
- simplifiedAutoLink: add support for GFM autolinks (cff02372)
- strikethrough: add support for GFM strikethrough (43e9448d)
- tables: add support for GFM tables (3a924e3c)
- tasklists: add support for GFM tasklists (dc72403a)
<a name"1.1.0">
- converter.js: add error if the passed constructor argument is not an object (d86ed450)
- output modifiers: fix for output modifiers running twice (dcbdc61e)
- headerLevelStart: add support for setting the header starting level (b84ac67d, closes #69)
- image dimensions: add support for setting image dimensions within markdown syntax (af82c2b6, closes #143)
- noHeaderId: add option to suppress automatic generation of ids in headers (7ac893e9)
- showdown.getDefaultOptions: add method to retrieve default global options keypairs (2de53a7d)
- Deprecates
property. To migrate, extensions should use the new methodshowdown.extension(<ext name>, <extension>)
to register. For more information on the new extension loading mechanism, please check the wiki pages. (4ebd0caa)
<a name"1.0.2">
- Gruntfile.js add missing comma in footer. This bug prevented concatenating other js scripts and libraries with showdown(5315508. Credits to Alexandre Courtiol.
<a name"1.0.1">
- bower.json: update bower.json main attribute to point to dist directory (bc3a092f)
<a name"1.0.0">
This is a major code refactor with some big changes such as:
- showdown.js file was split in several files, called sub-parsers. This should improve code maintainability.
- angular integration was removed from core and move to its own repository, similar to what was done with extensions
- A new extension registering system is on the "cooks" that should reduce errors when using extensions. The old mechanism is kept so old extensions should be compatible.
- extensions: support for old extension loading mechanism (95ed7c68)
- helpers: fix wrong function call 'escapeCharacters' due to old strayed code (18ba4e75)
- showdown.js:
- options.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: fix for options.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks only applying in gitHub flavoured code b (e6f40e19)
- showdown: fix for options merging into globalOptions (ddd6011d, closes #153)
- registerExtension(): new extension loading mechanism. Now extensions can be registered using this function. The system, however, is not final and will probably be changed until the final version([0fd10cb] (http://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/commit/0fd10cb))
- allowBlockIndents: indented inline block elements can now be parsed as markdown (f6326b84)
- omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: add option to omit extra newline at the end of codeblocks (141e3f5)
- prefixHeaderId: add options to prefix header ids to prevent id clash (141e3f5)
- Converter.options: add getOption(), setOption() and getOptions() to Converter object (db6f79b0)
NAMESPACE: showdown's namespace changed.
To migrate your code you should update all references to
. -
Converter: converter reference changed from
.To migrate you should update all references to
angular: angular integration was removed from core and now lives in it's own repository.
If you're using angular integration, you should install ng-showdown. Ex:
bower install ng-showdown
extensions: showdown extensions were removed from core package and now live in their own repository. See the project's github page for available extensions