- add saturation slider
- add new start parameters: force-on, force-off, force-start
- add start parameters to option interface
- tweaked some transition values
- reordered color algorithms
- light options are now saved with unique id
- fixed on/off button bug
- fixed problem with multiple startup parameters
- fixed debug formation
- fixed/prevent purple oversaturation
- fixed connection if bridge ip changed
- fixed problem at second start with unauthorized user
- fixed default settings setup
- code improvements
- fixed problem with different reply amounts depending on the firmware release
- program affects only 'Extended color lights'
- add more / changed debug informations
- on/off button affects only activated lights
- fixed some issues with changed light id's
- fixed option interface crash if no lights have been detected
- some changes to the option interface
- hotfix 'restore color' function with unsupported lights
- move the whole project to GitHub
- latest version and changelog requested now from GitHub
- change changelog formation
- change 'about' text
- add License
- whole lot of class, variable, method renamings
- clean up code
- add version notes to experimental features
- add command-line arguments: debug, log, reset
- slightly faster startup
- disable the 'capture screen' option if you have less than one screen
- add color grid window title
- set timeout for connections to bridge
- individual brightness option will now be disabled when the light is deactivated
- code optimizations
- add new color algorithm (average color) more infos here: http://imgur.com/a/JrJxY
- connection data will now be saved (faster connection, faster startup)
- add brightness option for each light
- add tooltips
- connection interface is now intergrated into the main interface
- some UI improvements
- chunks slider is now exponentially
- chunks are now more like squares
- add experimental hint to 'restore light' function
- 'auto. turn off lights' function is now slightly improved
- great many code optimizations, changes and fixes
- Hue Immersive is now fully usable on OS X
- changed some font sizes
- changed some button sizes
- font size keeps the same no matter what DPI you're system set
- costum UI colors are no longer system dependent
- display names are now simplified
- changed minimum number of chunks
- chnaged changelog font size
- number of chunks is now calculated correctly
- 'about menu' background color
- options will now be saved/loaded correctly
- versions with more than three numbers will be now show correctly
- hotfix: all settings will be automatic deleted at start
- add option to select the screen that the program should capture
- 'show color grid' option will now be saved
- fixed capture and aspect ratio function
- fixed color grid function
- add settings menu bar
- add options window
- add option to select the lights you want to use
- add option to select one of three color algorithms for each light
- add option to disable the automatic light switch
- add option to turn off gamma correction
- add reset function
- 'restore light' option will now be saved
- changed some 'Color picker' code
- changed 'check for updates' window size
- disable the automatic light switch by default
- changed settings save directory
- code optimizations
- the program now recognizes correctly a black/dark screen
- better update code
- turn off lights when the screen is very dark
- you can now search for new updates
- you will be notified when a new update is available
- add menu bar
- add 'about' window
- on/off buttons will be disabled while the program is running
- 'aspect ratio' option will now be saved
- changed project name
- initial release