This project is our reactive rest client implementation for the Tivoli Process Automation Engine (TPAE) maxrest
It's a common engine for IBM Maximo Asset Management and IBM Control Desk.
$ ./gradlew clean quarkusBuild
NOTE: The jandex plugin is used to help in the CDI process of this library.
To run the application in development mode launch.
$ ./gradlew quarkusDev
The test target is the rest client target itself. It's defined in the
$ ./gradlew check
Rest methods include Basic authentication functionality by passing the Authorization in the TPAE REST call.
To use the basic authentication functionality filling in the tpae.user and tpae.password properties is required. Moreover, it is required that null is passed into the uid and pwd (_lid and _lpwd) parameters.
$ ./gradlew release
$ ./gradlew publish -PGitHubUsername=<github_user> -PGitHubPassword=<github_token>
$ ./gradlew quarkusBuild jar publishToMavenLocal