OpenVNet is a network level hypervisor. It allows you to create virtual L2 networks on top of a physical L3 network.
This guide assumes you have a server running Centos 6.4.
Install the dependencies for making OpenVNet's ruby binary.
yum install gcc make zlib-devel openssl-devel zeromq-devel
Install the dependencies for installing the ruby gems
yum install g++ mysql-devel
OpenVNet's nodes communicate through DCell and use redis for DCell's registry. To install redis, we need to add the epel repository.
yum install wget
rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm
yum install redis
Finally install the mysql server
yum install mysql-server
Create the OpenVNet directory and clone the source from git into it.
mkdir /opt/axsh/
cd /opt/axsh
git clone
As was mentioned above, OpenVNet uses its own ruby binary. Build it.
cd /opt/axsh/openvnet/deployment/rubybuild
Add the ruby we built now to your PATH so we can install OpenVNet's gems with it.
We will use bundler to install OpenVNet's gem libraries. First create a config file to separate them from other Ruby programs.
mkdir /opt/axsh/openvnet/vnet/.bundle
Create the file "/opt/axsh/openvnet/vnet/.bundle/config" with the following contents
BUNDLE_PATH: vendor/bundle
Now use bundler to install the gems
cd /opt/axsh/openvnet/vnet
gem install bundler
bundle install
Prepare the database
service mysqld start
mysql -u root
create database vnet;
cd /opt/axsh/openvnet/vnet
bundle exec rake db:init
Start redis
service redis start
Copy the upstart scripts into their proper directories
cp /opt/axsh/openvnet/deployment/conf_files/etc/init/* /etc/init
cp /opt/axsh/openvnet/deployment/conf_files/etc/default/* /etc/default
Start the OpenVNet services
start vnet-vnmgr
start vnet-vna
start vnet-webapi
OpenVNet writes its logs in the /var/log/openvnet directory. If there's a problem starting any of the services, you can find its log files there.
Copyright (c) Axsh Co. Components are included distribution under LGPL 3.0