A command line utility to regenerate stack traces for minified Dart applications compiled with dart2js.
pub global activate retrace
retrace takes a source map file generated by dart2js and a minified stack trace. This is combined into a readable stack trace with original source code locations. For example:
bash$ dart2js someapp.dart
produces the following files
To run a retrace:
bash$ retrace someapp.dart.js.map
Paste your minified trace here:
Now, paste the minified stack trace into the console. Add a blank line to get the resulting stack trace:
ArgumentError - foo is null
at Error (native)
at WK.X4 (http://www.someapp.com/someapp.dart.js:7106:31)
at lx.R1 (http://www.someapp.com/someapp.dart.js:5358:5)
ArgumentError - foo is null
at Error (native)
at web_audio/dart2js/web_audio_dart2js.dart:256 createBuffer (col 3)
at someapp/base.dart:458 setupAudio (col 12)
Written by Björn Melinder. The source code can be found at https://github.com/bjornm/retrace - any pull requests and suggestions are more than welcome. Happy bug hunting :)