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This is a example of individual component testing using @cypress/vue.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

# run cypress/vue test
$ npm run cy:open

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out:

Working in your nuxt project

For your own project here are the steps to get @cypress/vue working:

  1. npm install --save-dev cypress @cypress/vue eslint-plugin-cypress webpack-dev-server @cypress/webpack-dev-server
  2. Create and add the following configuration to cypress.json in the root of your project. Note my testFiles types and componentFolder directory:
    "video": false,
    "fixturesFolder": false,
    "supportFile": false,
    "testFiles": "**/*spec.js",
    "componentFolder": "components"
  1. Update .eslintrc.js to include 'cypress/globals': true in the env: object and 'plugin:cypress/recommended' in the extends: array.
  2. Add the magic configuration to cypress/plugins.js (create directory if it does not exists):
  /// <reference types="cypress" />
  const { startDevServer } = require('@cypress/webpack-dev-server')
  const { getWebpackConfig } = require('nuxt')

  * @type Cypress.PluginConfig
  module.exports = (on, config) => {
    on('dev-server:start', async (options) => {
      let webpackConfig = await getWebpackConfig('client', {
        for: 'dev',

      // cleanup the webpack config from everything we do not need for testing components
      delete webpackConfig.output
      webpackConfig.plugins = webpackConfig.plugins.filter((a) => !== 'HtmlWebpackPlugin')

      return startDevServer({

    return config
  1. Add the following to your package.json scripts section "cy:open": "cypress open-ct"
  2. Create some test covering how users will use your components.
  3. Run your cypress test with npm run cy:open