- Updates versions of dependencies (#20)
- Vendorize neurocombat_sklearn (#21)
- Push to the right PYPI url. (#2)
- Updates documentation workflow and moves docs to docs folder. (#1)
- Upgrade Python dependencies.
- Use the new from_dataset method to initialize objects in examples. (#123)
- Add HBN (#121)
- Add Python 3.10 to CI workflows (#122)
- Add fit, fit_transform, transform, predict, and score methods (#119)
- NF: Allow passing an AFQDataset object as input. (#113)
- Add 1D cnn models and data augmentation (#112)
- (#107)
- Remove groupyr ref from user guide (#110)
- Remove groupyr references from contribution guide (#109)
- Fix attribute errors in bagging and cross-validation. Loosen dependency reqs (#108)
- Make AFQDataset work with different input formats and make indexable (#105)
- ENH: Expose figsize and tight_layout kwargs to plot_tract_profiles (#104)
- Expose legend kwargs to user in plot_tract_profiles (#102)
- BF: Fix label encoding in the presence of NaN labels (#101)
- Add enforce_sub_prefix option to AFQDataset and load_afq_data (#96)
- RF: For plotting, sometimes you don't want to group by any other variable (#99)
- BF: Cast integer session identifiers to strings. (#91)
- Add an AFQDataset class (#89)
- Add callosal bundles to plot_tract_profiles (#82)
- ENH: Add Convolutional Neural Network Models (#83)
- TST: Improve coverage. (#86)
- Fixes tests broken by previous commits. (#85)
- DOC + RF: Adds docstrings to class definitions. (#84)
- ENH: Allow bundle aggregation and put load_afq_data output into a named_tuple (#80)
- ENH: Allow bundle aggregation and put load_afq_data output into a named_tuple (#80)
- DOC: Make examples a bit more explicit (#79)
- Add research examples to documentation (#77)
- ENH: Add dataset fetchers (#76)
- Adds error handling for cases where users forget to set target_cols. (#73)
- ENH: Add unsupervised boolean parameter to load_afq_data (#71)
- ENH: Add bundle profile plotting function (#69)
- Remove transformers that were migrated to groupyr (#68)
- DEP: Loosen groupyr dependency (#67)
- DEP: Loosen dependency requirements (#66)
- Fixes broken links (#65)
- ENH: Stratify bootstrap replicants in SerialBaggingClassifier (#61)
- ENH: Add SerialBagging classes (#60)
- DEP: Bump groupyr version
- ENH: Add ensemble estimators to pipelines (#59)
- FIX: Add option to serialize cv execution (#57)
- ENH: Use joblib.Parallel instead of custom groupyr._ProgressParallel (#56)
- ENH: Add functions and test for outer cross-validation loop (#55)
- FIX: Use target transformer only if requested by user (#54)
- ENH: Bump groupyr version (#53)
- ENH: Use sklearn LabelEncoder in load_afq_data and return classes (#52)
- ENH: Increase flexibility of load_afq_data (#51)
- Major refactoring after moving the sparse group lasso estimator functions into a new library (groupyr) and retaining only AFQ specific dataset transformers and pipelines in AFQ-Insight
- Major refactoring after moving the sparse group lasso estimator functions into a new library (groupyr) and retaining only AFQ specific dataset transformers and pipelines in AFQ-Insight