CRF-RNN specific code in this repository was written by:
- Sadeep Jayasumana (
- Bernardino Romera-Paredes (
- Shuai Zheng (
- Zhizhong Su (
Our code uses the Permutohedral lattice library, and the Caffe future version. We also used parts of the Dense CRF code while implementing this.
Permutohedral lattice library (BSD license) is from Andrew Adams, Jongmin Baek, Abe Davis. Fast High-Dimensional Filtering Using the Permutohedral Lattice. Eurographics 2010. DenseCRF library is from from Philipp Krahenbuhl and Vladlen Koltun. Efficient Inference in Fully Connected CRFs with Gaussian Edge Potentials. NIPS 2011.
Our software is built on top of the Caffe software library. Below is a copy of its file. Please note that, due to technical difficulties, we could not keep the history of the original contributors to Caffe code in our git repository. Please refer to the original Caffe git repository for this purpose.
Caffe is developed by a core set of BVLC members and the open-source community.
We thank all of our contributors!
For the detailed history of contributions of a given file, try
git blame file
to see line-by-line credits and
git log --follow file
to see the change log even across renames and rewrites.
Please refer to the acknowledgements on the Caffe site for further details.
Copyright is held by the original contributor according to the versioning history; see LICENSE.