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271 lines (212 loc) · 8.58 KB

File metadata and controls

271 lines (212 loc) · 8.58 KB


YAZD is a simple command line disassembler for Z80 binary code files. It's based on the disassembler in z80ex, ported to C#.

YAZD supports the following:

  • Disassembly of all Z80 instructions, as supported by z80ex.
  • Code path analysis can usually tell the difference between code and data.
  • Generates labelled assembly language listings.
  • Can also generate more detailed listing files with byte code and assembly source.
  • Can detect procedure boundaries and generate call graphs
  • Can generate reference listings to all external addresses and I/O ports.
  • Can highlight all word literals (use to help find other memory address references).
  • Can generate plain text, or hyperlinked HTML output files.
  • Handles references to addresses not aligned with instruction (eg: self modifying code)
  • Data segments are listed 1 DB byte per line with ASCII character in comments.


Download Zip Here


  • Windows and .NET 4.6.1 or later
  • Linux/OSX with Mono (not tested, should work)

Install as .NET Core Global Tool

dotnet tool install --global yazd

Note: if this is the first global tool you've installed, you'll probably need to logout/in for the changes to you path by dotnet to be picked up.

Command Line

yazd source.bin [destination.asm] [options] [@responsefile]


--addr:N               Z-80 base address of first byte after header, default=0x0000
--start:N              Z-80 address to disassemble from, default=addr
--end:N                Z-80 address to stop at, default=eof
--len:N                Number of bytes to disassemble (instead of --end)
--entry:N              Specifies an entry point (see below)
--xref                 Include referenced locations of labels
--list                 Generate a listing file (more detail, can't be assembled)
--hex:<format>         Specify hex literal formatting (options: $, dollar, &, amper, x or h)
--html                 Generates a HTML file, with hyperlinked references
--open                 Automatically opens the generated file with default associated app
--lowercase|lc         Render in lowercase
--markwordrefs|mwr     Highlight with a comment literal word values (as they may be addresses)
--reloffs              Show the offset of relative address mode instructions
--header:N             Skip N header bytes at start of file
--help                 Show these help instruction
--v                    Show version information

Numeric arguments can be in decimal (no prefix) or hex if prefixed with '0x'.

If one or more --entry arguments are specified (recommended), the file is disassembled by following the code paths from those entry points. All unvisited regions will be rendered as 'DB' directives.

If the --entry argument is not specified, the file is disassembled from top to bottom.

Output is sent to stdout if no destination file specified.

Response file containing arguments can be specified using the @ prefix


yazd --addr:0x0400 --entry:0x1983 -list robotf.bin robotf.lst

Example Output

Typical source mode output. Note that YAZD is normally smart enough to tell the difference between local labels and procedure boundaries. This helps divide up the listing making it easier to understand.

        ORG     0900h

        ; Entry Point
        ; --- START PROC L0900 ---
L0900:  LD      A,0Ah
        OUT     (0Ch),A
        LD      A,2Fh           ; '/'
        OUT     (0Dh),A
        LD      HL,0F800h
        LD      C,80h
L090D:  LD      E,C
        LD      D,03h
L0910:  XOR     A
        BIT     0,E
        JR      Z,L0917 
        OR      0F0h
L0917:  BIT     1,E
        JR      Z,L091D 
        OR      0Fh
L091D:  LD      B,05h
        LD      (HL),A
        INC     HL
        DJNZ    L091F   
        RRC     E
        RRC     E
        DEC     D
        JR      NZ,L0910 
        LD      (HL),A
        INC     HL
        INC     C
        JR      NZ,L090D 
        JP      L1042

        ; --- START PROC L0932 ---
L0932:  PUSH    BC
        LD      C,A
        LD      B,A
        LD      A,12h
        OUT     (0Ch),A
        LD      A,B

Unreachable addresses are automatically detected and rendered as DB directives when the --entry argument is used. If something is incorrectly detected as data instead of code, just add an extra --entry parameter;

L0A46:  DEC     HL
        CALL    L0FB2
        DEC     A
        AND     03h
        DJNZ    L0A3D

L0A50:  DB      00h

        ; --- START PROC L0A51 ---
L0A51:  LD      A,(L0A5F)
        OR      A

The --xref option, causes the referencing locations of any label to also be included:

        ; Referenced from 09BEh
L09C4:  LD      (HL),8Ch
        JR      L09CE

        ; Referenced from 09BAh
L09C8:  LD      (HL),0B0h
        JR      L09CE

        ; Referenced from 09B6h
L09CC:  LD      (HL),80h

        ; Referenced from 09C2h, 09CAh, 09C6h
L09CE:  INC     A
        CALL    L0FB2
        AND     03h
        ADD     HL,DE
        DJNZ    L09B5
        LD      A,(L0A50)
        LD      B,40h           ; '@'
        CP      03h

If an instruction references a memory address that not aligned with the start of an instruction, its disassembly is updated to use the instruction's label with an offset. This usually occurs with self modifying code and helps to produce a listing that can be directly re-assembled.

        LD      (L0BED+1),A     ; reference not aligned to instruction
L0BED:  SET     3,(HL)

In listing mode (--list), the address and byte code is included on the left:

                                        ; Entry Point
								        ; --- START PROC L0900 ---
0900: 3E 0A                      L0900: LD      A,0Ah
0902: D3 0C                             OUT     (0Ch),A
0904: 3E 2F                             LD      A,2Fh   ; '/'
0906: D3 0D                             OUT     (0Dh),A
0908: 21 00 F8                          LD      HL,0F800h
090B: 0E 80                             LD      C,80h
090D: 59                         L090D: LD      E,C
090E: 16 03                             LD      D,03h
0910: AF                         L0910: XOR     A

Listing mode also causes the generation of reference information, including references to external memory addresses:

references to external address 8009:
        0F18 CALL 8009h
        0F43 CALL 8009h
        0F66 CALL 8009h
        21E7 CALL 8009h
        236E CALL 8009h
        2373 CALL 8009h

references to external address F0E2:
        2354 LD (0F0E2h),A

Possible address references are also listed. This includes any instruction that uses a literal word value.

possible references to internal address 0900:
        200E LD BC,0900h
        201E LD BC,0900h
        2037 LD BC,0900h
        204F LD BC,0900h

possible references to internal address 0A5F:
        0A60 LD HL,0A5Fh
        0A51 LD A,(L0A5F)
        105B LD A,(L0A5F)

(Note the instructions after the dashed separator are references to the same literal value, but instances where it's known to be an address.)

Possible references to external addresses are listed separately since they're less likely to need patching to make a source file for assembly:

possible references to external address CC00:
        0DCF LD BC,0CC00h

possible references to external address F000:
        096F LD HL,0F000h
        0A8D LD HL,0F000h
        0AA2 LD DE,0F000h
        0BDD LD DE,0F000h
        0C9C LD HL,0F000h
        0E17 LD DE,0F000h
        1485 LD HL,0F000h

Port references are also listed:

references to port 02h
        0C83 IN A,(02h)
        0C95 IN A,(02h)
        0FCA IN A,(02h)
        0FDA IN A,(02h)
        0C87 OUT (02h),A
        0C99 OUT (02h),A
        0FCE OUT (02h),A
        0FDE OUT (02h),A

references to port 0Bh
        094F OUT (0Bh),A
        096A OUT (0Bh),A

The listing file also includes a few metrics on all the located procedures:

Procedures (96):
  Proc  Length  References Dependants
  L0900  0032            0          1
  L0932  003D            5          0
  L096F  0032            2          0
  L09A1  00AF            6          1
  L0A51  000E            6          3
  L0A60  000E            1          0

and a call graph. Entry points, external routines and recursive routines are highighted:

Call Graph:
L0900 - Entry Point
      8009h - External
            L0A51 - Recusive