Automatically generates a 📚 README file with public API documentation for a PHP package, based on docblocks and package information from composer.json
Included formatters:
- Markdown
Installation via composer:
composer require tomrf/readme-gen
$readmeGen = new \Tomrf\ReadmeGen\ReadmeGen('.'); // path to project directory
echo $readmeGen->generate(
new Tomrf\ReadmeGen\Formatter\MarkdownFormatter(
new \phpDocumentor\Reflection\Types\ContextFactory()
composer test
This project is released under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE for more information.
Very much a work in progress.
public function __construct(
string $projectRoot
): void
public function generate(
Tomrf\ReadmeGen\Interface\ReadmeFormatterInterface $formatter,
string $templateFilename
): string
Generated 2022-06-15T22:33:50+02:00 using 📚tomrf/readme-gen