Search for integers with high multiplicative persistence values.
This project uses the standard rustup
and cargo
toolchain. Originally tested against rustc 1.33.0
A single binary mpersist
will be built. Run with cargo run
. Subcommands are:
: look for the smallest integer with the largest multiplicative persistence valuefor
: get the multiplicative persistence of any positive integer
cargo run -- for 12 # 1
cargo run -- for 77 # 4
cargo run -- search
3 39
4 77
# etc.
# Search for mp values
# - starting with integers 233 digits in length
# - search for 10 rounds (i.e. search up to 243 digits in length)
# - use 4 threads
cargo run -- search -f 233 -n 10 -t 4
# this might take some time!