##OS X Realtek ALC AppleHDA Onboard Audio Solutions
I. Onboard Audio Solutions
II. Requirements - Supported/Unsupported
III. Notes
IV. Guides
V. Tools
VI. Problem Reporting
###I. OS X Realtek ALC AppleHDA Installation Methods
A. Clover Patched AppleHDA Method
Credit: abxite
- Native AppleHDA.kext
- renamed layouts/devices and platforms/pathmaps installed (.zml, persistent)
- Clover/patch kernel cache on boot
- KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatch/AppleHDA (2 patches, persistent)
- EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.xx/realtekALC.kext (configdata/pins, persistent)
- Clover/Devices/Audio/Inject/Audio ID (persistent)
B. Clover Patched Piker-Alpha AppleHDA8series
Credit: Piker-Alpha
- Native AppleHDA.kext
- AppleHDAxxx.kext (codec specific support)
- binary patch (device_id, hex edit)
- layouts/devices and platforms/pathmaps installed (.xml)
- configdata/pins installed (Info.plist)
- Clover/Devices/Audio/Inject/Audio ID (persistent)
C. Realtek ALC Patched AppleHDA Method
Credit: THe KiNG
- Native AppleHDA.kext
- binary patch (device_id, hex edit)
- layouts/devices and platforms/pathmaps installed (remove native .xml)
- configdata/pins installed (replace Info.plist)
- Audio ID Injection required
D. Piker-Alpha AppleHDA8series
Credit: Piker-Alpha
Note: Yosemite Only
- Native AppleHDA.kext
- AppleHDAxxx.kext (codec specific support)
- binary patch (device_id, hex edit)
- layouts/devices and platforms/pathmaps installed (.xml)
- configdata/pins installed (Info.plist)
- Audio ID Injection required
###II. Requirements - Supported/Unsupported
A. OS X Requirements
- OS X Versions
- 10.11/El Capitan
- 10.10/Yosemite
- 10.9/Mavericks
- 10.8/Mountain Lion
- Native AppleHDA.kext
- Supported Realtek onboard audio codec
B. Realtek ALCxxx (verify codec and Audio ID)
Supported codecs
- 269 (BRIX only, Note 4, NA - Piker-Alpha)
- 283 (BRIX Pro and NUC, Note 4, NA - Piker-Alpha)
- 885
- 887
- 888
- 889
- 892
- 898
- 1150
Supported Audio IDs
Audio ID: 1 supports 269, 283, 885, 887, 888, 889, 892, 898, 1150
Realtek ALC audio (default, 1/2/3/5/6 motherboard audio ports)
Audio ID: 2 supports 887, 888, 889, 892, 898, 1150
Realtek ALC/5.1 surround sound (3 motherboard audio ports)
Audio ID: 3 supports 887, 888, 889, 892, 898
HD3000/HD4000 HDMI audio with Realtek ALC audio
C. OS X - Unsupported Intel High Definition Audio
- 100 Series motherboard support (Note 2)
- X99 motherboard support (Note 3)
###III. Notes
Backup working AppleHDA.kext
- After Software Update
- Verify audio
- If working, Backup System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext
- If audio fails after Software Update
- Run script (same method, same script)
- Install Previous working AppleHDA.kext (backup, above)
- After Software Update
100 Series/Intel High Definition Audio (workaround requires 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
- Rename dsdt/HDAS to HDEF
- Clover/config-audio_cloverALC-100series.plist
- Add config.plist/ACPI/DSDT/Patches/Rename HDAS to HDEF
- Clover/config-audio_cloverALC-100series.plist
- sdt injection (any bootloader, select Audio ID and install)
- Restart
- Install Realtek ALC Audio
- see Realtek ALC Installation Methods, above
- Restart
- Rename dsdt/HDAS to HDEF
X99/Intel High Definition Audio (workaround requires 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
Rename dsdt/ALSA to HDEF (select one method)
- Clover/config-audio_cloverALC-x99.plist.
- Add config.plist/ACPI/DSDT/Patches/Rename ALZA to HDEF
- ssdt injection (any bootloader)
- Clover/config-audio_cloverALC-x99.plist.
Install Realtek ALC Audio
- see Realtek ALC Installation Methods, above
Add x99 HD Audio device_id (Select one method)
- Clover/config-audio_cloverALC-x99.plist above, select one, appropriate version)
- Add config.plist/KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatch/10.10-10.11+x99-ALC-Onboard-Audio
- Add config.plist/KernelAndKextPatches/KextsToPatch/110.9.4-10.9.5-x99-ALC-Onboard-Audio
- Patched AppleHDA.kext (RealtekALC, MultiBeast 7 and earlier)
- Clover/config-audio_cloverALC-x99.plist above, select one, appropriate version)
BRIX/ALC269, BRIX Pro/ALC283 and NUC/ALC283 Support
###IV. More Information
- Installation
- Details/Support
- Troubleshooting
- Enhancemants
- Customization
- Surround Sound
- Troubleshooting
- No Audio Devices
- No Sound
- No Audio After Sleep/Wake
- Utilities
- Identify Audio Codec
- Restore native AppleHDA9. Surround Sound - Realtek ALC - AppleHDA [Guide]
- Enhancemants
###V. Tools
Property List Editors
- Xcode
- Property List Editor
- PlistEdit Pro
- Applications/TextEdit
- etc.
###VI. Problem Reporting
- Problem Reporting/Post to
- Problem Reporting/Attached requested files
- No files atached, reply unlikley
Credit: THe KiNG, bcc9, RevoGirl, PikeRAlpha, SJ_UnderWater, RehabMan, TimeWalker75a, abxite