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135 lines (118 loc) · 4.66 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (118 loc) · 4.66 KB

Moar Features

  1. Custom icon
  2. Layer mouseover interaction
  3. Layer control
  4. Zoom to layer (on load)

Custom icon

To make your own custom icon you will need two images, one of the icon and one of the icons shadow. You can use the shadow image as a way to make your icon pop, either as a shadow or background image. Both icons should be saved as .png files and have transparency surrounding the images.

// Custom-defined icon sizing and image
var yourIconName = L.icon({
	iconUrl: 'images/yourIconFileName.png',
	shadowUrl: 'images/yourIconShadowFileName.png',
	iconSize:     [50, 50],
	shadowSize:   [55, 55],
	iconAnchor:   [22, 94],
	shadowAnchor: [22, 94],
	popupAnchor:  [-3, -76]

// Add the marker to the map and specify the custom icon
var yourMarkerName = L.marker([44.9594,-93.2935], {icon: yourIconName, title: 'Accessibility tag'});  

Layer mouseover interaction

Add interaction to your map elements by using the onEachFeature option and adding the layer.on listener for mouseover and mouseout.

You will need to style your elements when a user mouses over the feature, but also when the user mouses out you will need to reset the style back to its original style (or a different one if you so choose).

/* Feature Layer */
var yourFeatureLayerName = L.esri.featureLayer({
  url: "yourUrl",
	// Style
  style: function (feature) {
      return {
        color: "#CCC",
        weight: 1.5,
        fillColor: "#CCC"
  onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
     layer.bindPopup("My popup content"),
		 //The layer.on event listener
			 mouseover: function (e) {
				 //Change the polygon style{
						 weight: 4,
						 color: '#000',
				 //IE & Opera Browser Support
				 if (! && !L.Browser.opera) {
			 //Reset the polygon style
			 mouseout: function (e) {

Layer control

We'll define the map and add the layers option to define which layers we'd like to load into the map by default. Note: We also removed the addTo(map) call:

// Another way to load layers in instead of using the addTo(map) method is to load them using the map's layers option
var map ="map", {
	center: [yourLat, yourLng],
	zoom: yourZoomLevel,
	layers: [initialLoadLayerName]

We'll define the basemaps and overlay layers we'd like to add to our legend:

/* Legend */
var baseMaps = {}; // Basemaps
var overlayMaps = { // Data layers
	"Layer 1": initialLoadLayerName,
	"Layer 2": unloadedLayerName1,
	"Layer 3": unloadedLayerName2

Finally, we'll add the basemaps and overlay layers to the layer control. Then we'll add the control to the map, like so:

// Add the basemaps and data layers to the legend and map view
L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlayMaps).addTo(map);

Zoom to layer

Lastly we'll add an event listener that when a user adds a layer to the view will zoom to the extent of the dataset.

Using the layer name (defined in our legend) we can set up an if/else if/else statement that gathers the extent based on:

  • Point-based extent,
  • Polgon-based extent, and
  • Map view

Note: Since the example uses the L.esri.FeatureLayer we must reference the Esri Leaflet documentation to get the bounds. Other calls using Leaflet will need to consult the Leaflet documentation.

// Event listener when a user adds a layer to the map, the map extent will zoom to the bounds of the dataset
map.on('overlayadd', function (layer) {
	if ("Cities") >= 0) {
		// Point-based extent
		mnCitiesPopulations.query().bounds(function (error, latlngbounds) {
	} else if ("Cat Lounge") >= 0) {
			// Change the map view
			map.setView([44.95945355239673,-93.293559551239], 15);
	} else {
		// Polygon-based extent
		var bounds = L.latLngBounds([]);
    usPopulationChange.eachFeature(function (layer) {
			var layerBounds = layer.getBounds();

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