2017-10-10 - 2017-10-11
Google London
- Richard “RichiH” Hartmann richih@richih.org - RichiH@GitHub
- Pim van Pelt pim@google.com - pimvanpelt@GitHub
- Ben Kochie superq@gmail.com - SuperQ@GitHub
- Wilmer van der Gaast wilmer@google.com - Wilm0r@GitHub
- Tom Wilkie tom.wilkie@gmail.com - tomwilkie@GitHub
- Brian Brazil brian.brazil@gmail.com - brian-brazil@GitHub
- Paul Dix paul@influxdb.com - pauldix@GitHub
- Eric Silva ericsilva@google.com ericanthonysilva@GitHub
- Jeromy Carriere jcarriere@google.com - sjcarriere2@GitHub
- Matt Bostock matt@mattbostock.com - mattbostock@GitHub
- Morgan McLean morganmclean@google.com - mtwo@GitHub
- Sumeer Bhola sbhola@google.com - sumeer@GitHub
- Chris Larsen clarsen@oath.com - manolama@GitHub
- Bogdan Drutu bdrutu@google.com - bogdandrutu@Github
- Dino Oliva dpo@google.com - dinooliva@GitHub
- Introductions
- Pim: Tasked with integrating SRE teams and standardizing our approaches on production between SRE, GCP and Developer Infrastructure, including Borgmon and Monarch; primary responsibilities: Releases/Rollouts (CI/CD), Systems Modeling and Actuation (CA), and Monitoring/Alerting for google’s production stacks. I use Prometheus headed by Grafana for www.sixxs.net, a ~60 server deployment, and other private IoT based projects.
- Ben: Ex-Googler, joined SoundCloud and works on Prometheus. Wants Open Source Streamz - surprised that the industry still hasn’t grokked /varz.
- Wilmer: Long-time Borgmon having spent years hearing how Borgmon sucks from people who never tried outside offerings, grateful that Prometheus now exists.
- Tom: ex-Google, ex-Weaveworks, now Prometheus team and Kausal founder (Kausal runs hosted Prometheus)
- Richi: never worked for Google… way too many years of being on call, want to push proper metrics into the world with the help of an RFC
- Brian: ex-Googler, SRE and and one point helped defined the corp based borgmons. Became borgmon-guy, ended up knowing its power and deficiencies. Now core developer on Prometheus, avoiding new warts and removing others. Person for PromQL and client library semantics.
- Paul Dix: Founded InfluxDB, want to support Prometheus metrics as a first class citizen
- Eric: Product manager of Stackdriver
- Jeromy: Engineering director for Monarch and its external manifestation in stackdriver. Want to make Google’s cloud offering as open as possible, exposing our infrastructure in APIs and a la carte (so customers can pick and choose what they’d like to use, and replace what they don’t like / want).
- Matt Bostock, Cloudflare. Now 190 instances of Prometheus. Also use OpenTSDB.
- Morgan Mclane - OpenCensus PM,
- Chris Larsen - Monitoring engineer @ Yahoo/Oath, member of the valley large scale monitoring group meeting with companies like Paypal, Facebook, Ebay, Apple, LinkedIn, etc. Maintainer and lead on OpenTSDB
- Bogdan: OpenCensus library team lead
- Brian: Prometheus Data Model
- It’s Borgmon, not MySQL
- Not for things which live less than five minutes, Prometheus is not an eventlogger.
- Jeromy: We need quicker than that for things like Cloud Functions and AppEngine
- Brian: Need event logs or statsd
- Jeromy: we do push metrics from appengine; its works…
- Sumeer: We push at the start, every minute, and at the end
- RichiH: No matter how, how long, or how often: the exposition format can be the same
- Label sets are the identity, new label set, new time series
- Implicit namespacing with underscores
- Uses float64 for values and int64 millis for timestamps
- Unix timestamps, base is seconds
- Counters only go up, can do +x (but can be fractional increments); gauges go up/down
- Have non-enforced suffixes for metric names
- Terminology is inconsistent internally within Prometheus, suggested:
- ‘a_count’: time series name
- ‘a’: metric
- ‘a_count{foo=”bar”}’: time series
- ‘a{foo=”bar”}’: child
- _sum/_count suffixes used by convention in Prometheus; should they be metadata?
- It’s Borgmon, not MySQL
- (evacuation alarm in LON building) -- resumed at 1pm
- Units
- Worked in one group that did milliseconds for a decade; then a new project got onboarded, which did microseconds and broke dashboards etc.. This is horrible, so we do seconds.
- Float64 as a baseline? Other types could be used if desired
- String annotations: why not make these metrics ending in _info a primary type (metadata) with value 1?
- Enums: what are they used for?
- Nagios alert states, DB connection state etc
- Units
- Lots of back and forth: Rough consensus: We talked about Prometheus-specific stuff and where this comes from; this does not mandate doing it this way within OpenMetrics
- Chris: Yamas
- Seconds, no ms, for timestamp. Values are float64
- Common dimensions for set of named metrics
- Status codes and status msg
- AOL argus
- Timestamp is ISO 8601
- First class units
- Binary blobs for digests/sketches
- Annotations stored in line with timeseries
- Would like to see support for blobs in OpenMetrics
- Annotation labels which don’t change the identity of a timeseries
- Slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UN88du2-mKyEi3F2n_ZFTpQm_yJr1KOQmnoOLPbEhJU/edit?usp=sharing
- Sumeer: Monarch
- Successor to Borgmon
- Multi-tenant
- Path-based, people should claim subtrees to maintain
- 2 instances; google and public cloud
- Supported units are from Unified Code for Units of Measure
- Trace IDs can be attached to histogram buckets
- Buckets can change and will be interpolated at change boundaries if changed
- Timestamps are in microseconds
- Open issues:
- Memory use in clients when storing distributions
- Specifying bucket sizes when metrics are produced
- Census
- Google’s instrumentation code (collects metrics and traces inside Borg)
- Census is the instrumentation for Dapper
- Going open source -> OpenCensus
- Avoid ecosystem fragmentation as a tracing vendor
- Defining data model, not just the API
- AppDynamics might not be keen on a common ground, the rest views themselves as behind and are interested
- Long-term, something will equalize
- Language-specific libraries to send metrics/tracing to any backend
- Example: Zipkin has many OSS libraries but mostly not maintained by the project; multiple libraries per language
- Census will have one library per language
- API for tracing/metrics
- Provides traces and a dozen metrics out of the box
- Census does not yet include profiling
- Any backend supported, contributions welcome
- Microsoft, Amazon interested
- Google will be a contributor/partner to the project in the long-term, “not a Google project”
- Push and pull could be supported; pull can cause contention on hot code paths
- Zpages agent; executable that talks to Census libraries and hosts a web page serving recent metrics and RPCs
- For now, inspired by StackDriver data model
- Views = list of dimensions, metric, aggregation type, window
- Data (views) currently pushed ‘raw’ to Monarch
- InfluxDB
- Open Discussion
- See GitHub issue tracker for developing consensus.
- Consensus
- We spec in Proto
- Some things might change, v2 vs v3
- Text format MUST be supported, it’s the lingua franca
- Easy to write
- Need it for debugging anyway
- We will have a test suite to implement against
- Both linting & validation
- Going through more issues
- Fields options:
- Option A (“prometheus”, 2 fields):
- Float64(/Int/Bool)
- Counter/Gauge/Histogram/Summary
- Option B (“monarch”, fields):
- Float/Int/Bool/Distribution
- Cumulative/Gauge/Delta
- Option C:
- Float64/Int/Bool(,Enum?)
- Cumulative/Gauge
- Distribution/Scalar/Summary
- Option D:
- Float/Int/Bool
- Counter/Gauge/Counter Histogram/Gauge Histogram
- Option E:
- Float/Int/Bool/Float Distribution/Int Distribution
- Cumulative/Gauge/Delta
- Option Z - a single field which could be:
- Float Counter/Cumulative
- Int Counter/Cumulative
- Float Gauge
- Int Gauge
- Bool Gauge
- Float Counter/Cumulative Histogram/Distribution
- Int Counter/Cumulative Histogram/Distribution (sums & boundaries are ints vs floats)
- Float Gauge Histogram/Distribution
- Int Gauge Histogram/Distribution
- Also:
- Enums
- Should it be an Enum Gauge Scalar or a Bool Counter Enum?
- At datamodel level, is it a ‘type’ like int, float or bool?
- What about float128 or uint64?
- Geo postitioning
- Deltas (could ignore for v1, AWS reports a bajillion)
- Tuples?
- They get complicated...
- Do we want to support strings?
- Will there be OpenMetrics client libraries, or will we just make the Prometheus client libraries OpenMetrics compatible?
- Start timestamps on samples
- Allows you to get more accurate rates when samples are sent infrequently
- Ie really wide sampling intervals, every hour
- Can allow you to detect when samples are dropped
- Can allow you to GC large local histogram dimensions
- Easily represent deltas in a cumulative stream
- Just needed for cumulative type
- Needed for representing deltas (a special case of cumulative).
- Could be added to a “point” type in the data model, and represented as a second time series for each child
- Is a pretty advanced use case, so client libraries probably doesn’t need to expose it. But would like to have wire format and data model support it.
- Exemplars
- Suggested protos to hash out data structure