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PuppetDB 1.3 » Installing PuppetDB from Source |
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This page describes how to install PuppetDB from an archive of the source code, or alternately how to run it directly from source without installing.
If possible, we recommend installing PuppetDB with the puppetlabs-puppetdb module or from packages; either approach will be easier. However, if you are testing a new version, developing PuppetDB, or installing it on a system not supported with official packages, you will need to install it from source.
If you'd like to migrate existing exported resources from your ActiveRecord storeconfigs database, please see the documentation on Migrating Data.
Use your system's package tools to ensure that the following prerequisites are installed:
- Facter, version 1.6.8 or higher
- JDK 1.6 or higher
- Leiningen
- Git (for checking out the source code)
Run the following commands:
$ mkdir -p ~/git && cd ~/git
$ git clone git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb
$ cd puppetdb
$ sudo rake install
This will install PuppetDB, put a puppetdb
init script in /etc/init.d
and create a default configuration directory in /etc/puppetdb
While installing from source is useful for simply running a development version for testing, for development it's better to be able to run directly from source, without any installation step.
Run the following commands:
$ mkdir -p ~/git && cd ~/git
$ git clone git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb
$ cd puppetdb
# Download the dependencies
$ lein deps
This will let you develop on PuppetDB and see your changes by simply editing the code and restarting the server. It will not create an init script or default configuration directory. To start the PuppetDB service when running from source, you will need to run the following:
$ lein run services -c /path/to/config.ini
A sample config file is provided in the root of the source repo: config.sample.ini
. You can also provide a conf.d-style directory instead of a flat config file.
Other useful commands for developers:
lein test
to run the test suitelein docs
to build docs indocs/uberdoc.html
If your PuppetDB server has puppet agent installed, has received a valid certificate from your site's Puppet CA, and you installed PuppetDB from source, then PuppetDB can re-use Puppet's certificate.
Run the following command:
$ sudo /usr/sbin/puppetdb-ssl-setup
This will create a keystore and truststore in /etc/puppetdb/ssl
and will print the password to both files in /etc/puppetdb/ssl/puppetdb_keystore_pw.txt
You should now configure HTTPS in PuppetDB's config file(s); see below.
If you will not be using Puppet on your PuppetDB server, you must manually create a certificate, a keystore, and a truststore. This is an involved process, so we highly recommend installing Puppet and using Option A above, even if you will not be using puppet agent to manage the PuppetDB server.
Use puppet cert generate
to create a certificate and private key for your PuppetDB server. Run the following, using your PuppetDB server's hostname:
$ sudo puppet cert generate puppetdb.example.com
Copy the CA certificate, the PuppetDB certificate, and the PuppetDB private key to your PuppetDB server. Run the following on your CA puppet master server, using your PuppetDB server's hostname:
$ sudo scp $(puppet master --configprint ssldir)/ca/ca_crt.pem puppetdb.example.com:/tmp/certs/ca_crt.pem
$ sudo scp $(puppet master --configprint ssldir)/private_keys/puppetdb.example.com.pem puppetdb.example.com:/tmp/certs/privkey.pem
$ sudo scp $(puppet master --configprint ssldir)/certs/puppetdb.example.com.pem puppetdb.example.com:/tmp/certs/pubkey.pem
You may now log out of your puppet master server.
On your PuppetDB server, navigate to the directory where you copied the certificates and keys:
$ cd /tmp/certs
Now use keytool
to create a truststore file. A truststore contains the set of CA certs to use for validation.
# keytool -import -alias "My CA" -file ca_crt.pem -keystore truststore.jks
Enter keystore password:
Re-enter new password:
Trust this certificate? [no]: y
Certificate was added to keystore
Note that you must supply a password. Remember the password you used, as you'll need it to configure PuppetDB later. Once imported, you can view your certificate:
# keytool -list -keystore truststore.jks
Enter keystore password:
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
my ca, Mar 30, 2012, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 99:D3:28:6B:37:13:7A:A2:B8:73:75:4A:31:78:0B:68
Note the MD5 fingerprint; you can use it to verify this is the correct cert:
# openssl x509 -in ca_crt.pem -fingerprint -md5
MD5 Fingerprint=99:D3:28:6B:37:13:7A:A2:B8:73:75:4A:31:78:0B:68
In the same directory as the truststore you just created, use keytool
to create a Java keystore. A keystore file contains
certificates to use during HTTPS.
# cat privkey.pem pubkey.pem > temp.pem
# openssl pkcs12 -export -in temp.pem -out puppetdb.p12 -name puppetdb.example.com
Enter Export Password:
Verifying - Enter Export Password:
# keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore keystore.jks -srckeystore puppetdb.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -alias puppetdb.example.com
Enter destination keystore password:
Re-enter new password:
Enter source keystore password:
You can validate this was correct:
# keytool -list -keystore keystore.jks
Enter keystore password:
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
puppetdb.example.com, Mar 30, 2012, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 7E:2A:B4:4D:1E:6D:D1:70:A9:E7:20:0D:9D:41:F3:B9
Compare to the certificate's fingerprint on the CA puppet master:
$ sudo puppet cert fingerprint puppetdb.example.com --digest=md5
MD5 Fingerprint=7E:2A:B4:4D:1E:6D:D1:70:A9:E7:20:0D:9D:41:F3:B9
Take the truststore and keystore you generated in the preceding
steps and copy them to a permanent home. These
instructions will assume you are using /etc/puppetdb/ssl
Change the files' ownership to the user PuppetDB will run as, and ensure that only that user can read the files:
$ sudo chown puppetdb:puppetdb /etc/puppetdb/ssl/truststore.jks /etc/puppetdb/ssl/keystore.jks
$ sudo chmod 400 /etc/puppetdb/ssl/truststore.jks /etc/puppetdb/ssl/keystore.jks
You can now safely delete the temporary copies of the keystore, truststore, CA certificate, PuppetDB certificate and private key. These can be retrieved or recreated using the original copies stored on the CA puppet master.
You should now configure HTTPS in PuppetDB's config file(s); see below.
In your PuppetDB configuration file(s), edit the [jetty]
section. If you installed from source, edit /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/jetty.ini
; if you are running from source, edit the config file you chose.
The [jetty]
section should contain the following, with your PuppetDB server's hostname and desired ports:
# Optional settings:
host = puppetdb.example.com
port = 8080
# Required settings:
ssl-host = puppetdb.example.com
ssl-port = 8081
keystore = /etc/puppetdb/ssl/keystore.jks
truststore = /etc/puppetdb/ssl/truststore.jks
key-password = <password used when creating the keystore>
trust-password = <password used when creating the truststore>
If you ran the SSL configuration script, the password will be in /etc/puppetdb/ssl/puppetdb_keystore_pw.txt
. Use this for both the key-password
and the trust-password
If you don't want to do unsecured HTTP at all, you can omit the host
and port
settings. However, this may limit your ability to use PuppetDB for other purposes, including viewing its performance dashboard. A reasonable compromise is to set host
to localhost
, so that unsecured traffic is only allowed from the local box; tunnels can then be used to gain access to the performance dashboard.
If this is a production deployment, you should confirm and configure your database settings:
- Deployments of 100 nodes or fewer can continue to use the default built-in database backend, but should increase PuppetDB's maximum heap size to at least 1 GB.
- Large deployments should set up a PostgreSQL server and configure PuppetDB to use it. You may also need to adjust the maximum heap size.
You can change PuppetDB's database at any time, but note that changing the database does not migrate PuppetDB's data, so the new database will be empty. However, as this data is automatically generated many times a day, PuppetDB should recover in a relatively short period of time.
If you installed PuppetDB from source, you can start PuppetDB by running the following:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/puppetdb start
And if Puppet is installed, you can permanently enable PuppetDB by running:
$ sudo puppet resource service puppetdb ensure=running enable=true
If you are running PuppetDB from source, you should start it as follows:
# From the directory in which PuppetDB's source is stored:
$ lein run services -c /path/to/config.ini
PuppetDB is now fully functional and ready to receive catalogs and facts from any number of puppet master servers.
You should now configure your puppet master(s) to connect to PuppetDB.
If you use a standalone Puppet site, you should configure every node to connect to PuppetDB.