Releases: timholy/ProgressMeter.jl
Releases · timholy/ProgressMeter.jl
ProgressMeter v1.6.0
Closed issues:
- @showprogress @distributed broken in julia 1.3.1? (#146)
- Make a new release (#150)
- Feature request/idea: use compilation time info (#186)
- README has incorrect keyword for "Optional use" example (#187)
- Safety of
Merged pull requests:
- Fix keyword argument to enable/disable progress meter (#188) (@fgasdia)
- Add an option to show per-iteration speed (#192) (@lukemerrick)
- update CI badge (#193) (@johnnychen94)
- Improve distributed example with a long-running function instead of sleep (#194) (@mirkobunse)
- Base ETA off second iteration onwards for higher accuracy (#195) (@IanButterworth)
- Only poll IJulia state during init (#196) (@IanButterworth)
- Learn to be lazy with time checks. Don't lock if not threading (#197) (@IanButterworth)
- Improve
behavior forProgress
(#198) (@halleysfifthinc)
ProgressMeter v1.5.0
Merged pull requests:
- Allow passing a function for lazy-showvalues (#182) (@josePereiro)
- @showprogress for asyncmap (#183) (@fredcallaway)
- make output optional (#185) (@jd-lara)
ProgressMeter v1.4.1
Closed issues:
- Reqest: allow for a pipe at end of map do block (#177)
Merged pull requests:
ProgressMeter v1.4.0
Merged pull requests:
- Allow arbitrary step size for next!() (#168) (@CarolusMagnus)
ProgressMeter v1.3.2
Merged pull requests:
- make showprogress work with reduce (#164) (@johnnychen94)
ProgressMeter v1.3.1
Merged pull requests:
- Update the description from update!() (#159) (@ianshmean)
- Adjust bar length to accommodate updated description (#161) (@ianshmean)
ProgressMeter v1.3.0
Closed issues:
- Example on Threads in README results in deadlocks (#152)
Merged pull requests:
- counterfirst (#94) (@gustafsson)
- Allow to opt-in into clearing IJulia cell (#131) (@saschatimme)
- Avoid allocations due to kwarg default showvalues = Any[] (#137) (@pablosanjose)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#145) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Clear IJulia cell with a package level behaviour control (#147) (@xukai92)
- Ability to update and finish
without incrementing the counter (#149) (@DilumAluthge) - Switch from spinlock to reentrantlock (#153) (@ianshmean)
- update ci to 1.0, 1.4, nightly (#154) (@ianshmean)