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Heart of Redemption Contribution Points

Heart of Redemtion is currently using Version 11 of the Contribution Points loot system. For the most up to date and complete information, please refer to the official docs.

What This Add-on Does

This addon helps the user easily manage their weekly contribution points and rolls. When the weekly CP list is released, just type /horcp set # to set your CP modifier for the week. When it comes time to roll on loot, simply use /horcp roll and your CP modifier will automatically be applied to your roll. This works for any type of CP based roll.

Contribution Points Overview

Contribution Points : Contribution Points, or “CP,” refers to the points in HoR’s loot-system. Like many solid, long-term, flexible systems, the CP system has a lot of thought and design behind it, but it was built and rolled out to be simple to implement and use once understood. We used the name contribution points due to the system allowing for points to be earned in a variety of ways besides just strict raid attendance or boss-kills. In a way, your CP shows your overall 'contribution' to HoR's raiding goals over time. CP points are cumulative, so they build up over the course of time you participate in raiding. This means that CP points are not spent when you win loot. The longer and more consistently you raid with HoR, the more CP you will have. Due to this, we place a cap on CP points which alleviates inflation that plagues other systems.

Loot Roll Types

Priority Roll Type Description
1 CP Need A Need Roll is used to try and win any equipable upgrade (or side-grade) for your main raiding-spec only.
2 CP Over-Need Over-Need (or “ON” for short) is what we call the rolls once a member has used their 1 Need Roll for the week.
3 CP Off-Spec Off-Spec Rolls are used for gear that is NOT for your main raiding spec.
4 CP Alt Alt’s cannot use CP. Therefore, alts just roll a flat 100 roll, and alt rolls come after all main’s needs.
5 CP Transmog If no one wants raid loot, we offer a non-Need roll for collecting Transmog appearances


Command Screenshot
/horcp HoRCP Main Command
/horcp set 47 HoRCP Set
/horcp roll HoRCP Set
/horcp help HoRCP Set

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