Tested with Travis CI
Versions greater than 0.2.0 are incompatible with previous versions of the Sensu-Puppet module.
$ puppet module install yelp-uchiwa
- One or more working Sensu installations
- puppetlabs/apt
- puppetlabs/stdlib
- richardc/datacat
See Modulefile
for details.
node 'uchiwa-server.foo.com' {
class { 'uchiwa':
API definitions will default to the following values:
name => Definition Name
host => ''
ssl => false
port => 4567
user => 'sensu'
pass => 'sensu'
path => ''
timeout => 5000
This is an example of a 2 API setup:
node 'uchiwa-server.foo.com' {
class { 'uchiwa': }
uchiwa::api { ' API 1':
host => '',
uchiwa::api { 'API 2':
host => '',
ssl => true,
port => 7654,
user => 'sensu',
pass => 'saBEnX8PQoyz2LG',
path => '/sensu',
timeout => 5000
See LICENSE file.