The AArch64StandaloneMm branch can be used in conjunction with ARM Trusted Firmware to recreate a simple prototype that demonstrates communication between two UEFI images where one is executing in the normal world and the other is executing in the secure world.
The normal world image includes a:
- DXE runtime driver that implements the protocol for communication with the MM environment in the secure world
- Simple application (UefiInfo) that uses this driver to pass a reference to the UEFI system table to the MM environment
The secure world image includes:
- The MM Standalone framework
- The handler for acknowledging communication initiated by the UefiInfo application in normal world
The following sections describe the steps required to build all the components of this prototype. The instructions have been executed on a host machine with the following characteristics.
(*) Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system
(*) Preinstalling the following packages:
acpica-tools bc bison build-essential curl flex g++-multilib gcc-multilib genext2fs git gperf iasl libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libxml2-utils make openjdk-7-jdk python python-mako uuid-dev wget zlib1g:i386 zlib1g-dev:i386 zip
(*) Configure Git's and attributes:
git config --global "" git config --global "your name"
In user preferred "work" directory, execute the following shell commands
- mkdir edk2
- cd edk2
- git clone .
- git checkout AArch64StandaloneMm
- mkdir OpenPlatformPkg
- cd OpenPlatformPkg
- git clone .
- git checkout AArch64StandaloneMm
- cd ../..
- mkdir arm-tf
- cd arm-tf
- git clone .
- git checkout prototypes/secure_partitions/rfc_v2
- cd ..
- mkdir uefi-tools
- cd uefi-tools
- git clone .
- git checkout master
- cd ..
- cd edk2
- ../uefi-tools/ -b DEBUG fvp_mm_standalone
- ../uefi-tools/ -a ../arm-tf -b DEBUG fvp_mm_normal
Step 21. will build the MM Standalone mode image to run in the secure world. Step 22. will build the normal world UEFI image, ARM Trusted Firmware and a Firmware Image Package (FIP) that includes both the UEFI images.
Boot Loader Stage 1 (BL1) binary and combined arm-tf/uefi firmware image package (fip) binary will be generated at:
- edk2/Build/ArmVExpress-FVP-AArch64-MM-Normal/DEBUG_GCC49/FV/bl1.bin
- edk2/Build/ArmVExpress-FVP-AArch64-MM-Normal/DEBUG_GCC49/FV/fip.bin
- Download the ARMv8 Architecture FVP from
For more information, please refer - Install FVP into preferred "work" directory.
- Create a shell script "" in the same folder where "FVP_Base_AEMv8A-AEMv8A" is present.
Sample Shell script below:
-C cache_state_modelled=0
-C bp.secure_memory=1
-C bp.tzc_400.diagnostics=1
-C bp.pl011_uart0.untimed_fifos=0
-C cluster1.NUM_CORES=4
-C cluster0.NUM_CORES=4
-C bp.pl011_uart0.out_file=uart0.output
-C bp.pl011_uart1.out_file=uart1.output
-C bp.pl011_uart2.out_file=uart2.output
-C bp.pl011_uart3.out_file=uart3.output
-C bp.secureflashloader.fname=""
-C bp.flashloader0.fname=""
-S -R - ./
- Output can be seen on FVP console.
- The normal world will boot to the UEFI shell. MM communication can be demonstrated by executing the UefiInfo application.
The following subsections describe output that signifies correct establishment of MM communication between the secure and normal worlds.
NumSpMemRegions - 0x6
SpMemBase - 0xFF200000
SpMemLimit - 0x100000000
SpImageBase - 0xFF200000
SpStackBase - 0xFF610000
SpHeapBase - 0xFF620000
SpNsCommBufBase - 0xFF600000
SpSharedBufBase - 0xFF500000
SpImageSize - 0x300000
SpPcpuStackSize - 0x2000
SpHeapSize - 0x9E0000
SpNsCommBufSize - 0x10000
SpPcpuSharedBufSize - 0x20000
NumCpus - 0x8
CpuInfo - 0xFF500680
Mpidr - 0x80000000
LinearId - 0x0
Flags - 0x1
Mpidr - 0x80000001
LinearId - 0x1
Flags - 0x0
Mpidr - 0x80000002
LinearId - 0x2
Flags - 0x0
Mpidr - 0x80000003
LinearId - 0x3
Flags - 0x0
Mpidr - 0x80000100
LinearId - 0x4
Flags - 0x0
Mpidr - 0x80000101
LinearId - 0x5
Flags - 0x0
Mpidr - 0x80000102
LinearId - 0x6
Flags - 0x0
Mpidr - 0x80000103
LinearId - 0x7
Flags - 0x0
Found Standalone MM PE data - 0xFF201000
Found Standalone MM PE data - 0xFF201000
Standalone MM Core PE-COFF SectionHeaderOffset - 0xF60, NumberOfSections - 3
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 0 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0x60000020 permissions
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 0 of image at 0xFF201000 has .et name
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 0 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0xFF202000 address
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 0 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0x1000 data
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Ignoring section 0 of image at 0xFF201000 with 0x60000020 permissions
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 1 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0xC0000040 permissions
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 1 of image at 0xFF201000 has .aa name
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 1 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0xFF219000 address
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 1 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0x18000 data
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Mapping section 1 of image at 0xFF201000 with RW-XN permissions
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 2 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0x42000040 permissions
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 2 of image at 0xFF201000 has .eo name
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 2 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0xFF21A000 address
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Section 2 of image at 0xFF201000 has 0x19000 data
UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions: Mapping section 2 of image at 0xFF201000 with RO-XN permissions
StandaloneSmmCoreMemoryAllocationLibConstructor - 0xFF620000
SmramRangeCount - 0x6
SmramRanges[0]: 0x00000000FF200000 - 0x0000000000300000
SmramRanges[1]: 0x00000000FF500000 - 0x0000000000100000
SmramRanges[2]: 0x00000000FF600000 - 0x0000000000010000
SmramRanges[3]: 0x00000000FF610000 - 0x0000000000010000
SmramRanges[4]: 0x00000000FF620000 - 0x00000000000002C8
SmramRanges[5]: 0x00000000FF6202C8 - 0x00000000009DFD38
SmmAddMemoryRegion 0 : 0x00000000FF200000 - 0x0000000000300000
SmmAddMemoryRegion 1 : 0x00000000FF500000 - 0x0000000000100000
SmmAddMemoryRegion 2 : 0x00000000FF600000 - 0x0000000000010000
SmmAddMemoryRegion 3 : 0x00000000FF610000 - 0x0000000000010000
SmmAddMemoryRegion 4 : 0x00000000FF620000 - 0x00000000000002C8
SmmAddMemoryRegion 5 : 0x00000000FF6202C8 - 0x00000000009DFD38
mSmmMemLibInternalMaximumSupportAddress = 0xFFFFFFFFF
SmmMain - 0xFF620000
SmramRangeCount - 0x6
SmramRanges[0]: 0x00000000FF200000 - 0x300000
SmramRanges[1]: 0x00000000FF500000 - 0x100000
SmramRanges[2]: 0x00000000FF600000 - 0x10000
SmramRanges[3]: 0x00000000FF610000 - 0x10000
SmramRanges[4]: 0x00000000FF620000 - 0x2C8
SmramRanges[5]: 0x00000000FF6202C8 - 0x9DFD38
mSmramRangeCount - 0x6
mSmramRanges - 0xFFFFEE10
BFV address - 0xFF200000
BFV size - 0x300000
SmmInstallConfigurationTable For HobList
HobSize - 0x2C8
SmmHobStart - 0xFFFFE810
SmmInstallProtocolInterface - gEfiMmHandlerStateNotificationProtocolGuid
SmmInstallProtocolInterface: 30C8340F-4C30-41D9-BFAE-444ACB2C1F76 FF219218
SmmRegisterProtocolNotify - SmmConfigurationSmmProtocol
MmRegisterProtocolNotify - MmConfigurationMmProtocol
Smm Dispatch StandaloneBfvAddress - 0xFF200000
SmmCoreFfsFindSmmDriver - 0xFF200000
FvIsBeingProcesssed - 0xFF200000
Check SmmFileTypes - 0xA
Check SmmFileTypes - 0xE
Find PE data - 0xFF21B024
SmmAddToDriverList - 58F7A62B-6280-42A7-BC38-10535A64A92C (0xFF21B024)
Drain the Scheduled Queue
Search DriverList for items to place on Scheduled Queue
DriverEntry (Discovered) - 58F7A62B-6280-42A7-BC38-10535A64A92C
Evaluate SMM DEPEX for FFS(58F7A62B-6280-42A7-BC38-10535A64A92C)
Drain the Scheduled Queue
DriverEntry (Scheduled) - 58F7A62B-6280-42A7-BC38-10535A64A92C
SmmLoadImage - 58F7A62B-6280-42A7-BC38-10535A64A92C
UpdatePeCoffPermissions: Mapping section 0 of image at 0xFFFE7000 with RO-XN permissions and size 0x7000
UpdatePeCoffPermissions: Mapping section 0 of image at 0xFFFE7000 with RO-X permissions and size 0x7000
UpdatePeCoffPermissions: Mapping section 1 of image at 0xFFFEE000 with RW-XN permissions and size 0x1000
UpdatePeCoffPermissions: Mapping section 2 of image at 0xFFFEF000 with RO-XN permissions and size 0x1000
Loading SMM driver at 0x000FFFE6000 EntryPoint=0x000FFFE7000 PiMmStandloneArmTfCpuDriver.efi
StartImage - 0xFFFE7000 (Standalone Mode)
SmmInstallProtocolInterface: 0C109319-C149-450E-A3E3-B9BADD9DC3A4 FFFEE008
MmConfigurationMmNotify(0C109319-C149-450E-A3E3-B9BADD9DC3A4) - FFFEE008
MM Core registered MM Entry Point address FF204DE4
SmmInstallProtocolInterface: EB346B97-975F-4A9F-8B22-F8E92BB3D569 FFFEE010
Sharing Cpu Driver EP *0xFF2192C0 = 0xFFFE7A80
mNsCommBuffer.PhysicalStart - 0xFF600000
mNsCommBuffer.PhysicalSize - 0x10000
mNsCommBuffer: 0x00000000FF600000 - 0x10000
mMpInformationHobData: 0x0000000000000008 - 0x8
mMpInformationHobData[0x80000000]: 0, 0, 0
mMpInformationHobData[0x80000001]: 0, 1, 1
mMpInformationHobData[0x80000002]: 0, 2, 2
mMpInformationHobData[0x80000003]: 0, 3, 3
mMpInformationHobData[0x80000100]: 1, 0, 0
mMpInformationHobData[0x80000101]: 1, 1, 1
mMpInformationHobData[0x80000102]: 1, 2, 2
mMpInformationHobData[0x80000103]: 1, 3, 3
SmiHandlerRegister - GUID A37721E4-8C0B-4BCA-B5E8-E902A025514E - Status 0
SmiHandlerRegister - GUID B65694CC-09E3-4C3B-B5CD-05F44D3CDBFF - Status 0
SmiHandlerRegister - GUID 7081E22F-CAC6-4053-9468-675782CF88E5 - Status 0
SmiHandlerRegister - GUID 60FF8964-E906-41D0-AFED-F241E974E08E - Status 0
SmiHandlerRegister - GUID 02CE967A-DD7E-4FFC-9EE7-810CF0470880 - Status 0
SmiHandlerRegister - GUID 2A571201-4966-47F6-8B86-F31E41F32F10 - Status 0
SmiHandlerRegister - GUID 27ABF055-B1B8-4C26-8048-748F37BAA2DF - Status 0
SmiHandlerRegister - GUID 7CE88FB3-4BD7-4679-87A8-A8D8DEE50D2B - Status 0
SmmMain Done!
Shared Cpu Driver EP 0xFFFE7A80
SpStackBase - 0xFF614000
SpSharedBufBase - 0xFF520000
SpPcpuStackSize - 0x2000
SpPcpuSharedBufSize - 0x20000
CpuInfo - 0x80000001
Mpidr - 0x80000001
LinearId - 0x1
Flags - 0x0
SpStackBase - 0xFF616000
SpSharedBufBase - 0xFF540000
SpPcpuStackSize - 0x2000
SpPcpuSharedBufSize - 0x20000
CpuInfo - 0x80000002
Mpidr - 0x80000002
LinearId - 0x2
Flags - 0x0
SpStackBase - 0xFF618000
SpSharedBufBase - 0xFF560000
SpPcpuStackSize - 0x2000
SpPcpuSharedBufSize - 0x20000
CpuInfo - 0x80000003
Mpidr - 0x80000003
LinearId - 0x3
Flags - 0x0
SpStackBase - 0xFF61A000
SpSharedBufBase - 0xFF580000
SpPcpuStackSize - 0x2000
SpPcpuSharedBufSize - 0x20000
CpuInfo - 0x80000100
Mpidr - 0x80000100
LinearId - 0x4
Flags - 0x0
SpStackBase - 0xFF61C000
SpSharedBufBase - 0xFF5A0000
SpPcpuStackSize - 0x2000
SpPcpuSharedBufSize - 0x20000
CpuInfo - 0x80000101
FS0:> UefiInfo.efi
add-symbol-file /home/achgup01/work/genfw/uefi/edk2/Build/ArmVExpress-FVP-AArch64-MM-Normal/DEBUG_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Application/UefiInfoApp/UefiInfo/DEBUG/UefiInfo.dll 0xF5F99000
Loading driver at 0x000F5F98000 EntryPoint=0x000F5F99000 UefiInfo.efi
0xFF600000 - 0xFEFFF550 - 0x20
ARM_SMC_ID_MM_COMMUNICATE_AARCH64 0xC4000041 - 0xFF600000 - 0x0
remove-symbol-file /home/achgup01/work/genfw/uefi/edk2/Build/ArmVExpress-FVP-AArch64-MM-Normal/DEBUG_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Application/UefiInfoApp/UefiInfo/DEBUG/UefiInfo.dll 0xF5F99000
NOTICE: Booting Trusted Firmware
NOTICE: BL1: v1.3(debug):v1.3-659-g6b2b576
NOTICE: BL1: Built : 10:08:00, May 31 2017
INFO: BL1: RAM 0x4036000 - 0x403c000
INFO: BL1: Loading BL2
INFO: Loading image id=1 at address 0x4027000
INFO: Image id=1 loaded: 0x4027000 - 0x402e2a8
NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL2
INFO: Entry point address = 0x4027000
INFO: SPSR = 0x3c5
NOTICE: BL2: v1.3(debug):v1.3-659-g6b2b576
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 10:08:00, May 31 2017
INFO: BL2: Doing platform setup
INFO: Configuring TrustZone Controller
INFO: BL2: Loading image id 3
INFO: Loading image id=3 at address 0xff000000
INFO: Image id=3 loaded: 0xff000000 - 0xff00e218
INFO: BL2: Loading image id 4
INFO: Loading image id=4 at address 0xff200000
INFO: Image id=4 loaded: 0xff200000 - 0xff480000
INFO: BL2: Loading image id 5
INFO: Loading image id=5 at address 0x88000000
INFO: Image id=5 loaded: 0x88000000 - 0x88280000
NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL31
INFO: Entry point address = 0xff000000
INFO: SPSR = 0x3cd
NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(debug):v1.3-659-g6b2b576
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 10:08:00, May 31 2017
INFO: GICv3 with legacy support detected. ARM GICV3 driver initialized in EL3
INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services
INFO: BL31: Initializing BL32
NOTICE: Start address : 0xff219000
NOTICE: Number of pages: 1 (4096 bytes)
NOTICE: Attributes : 0x7
NOTICE: (Equivalent TF attributes: 0x22)
NOTICE: Start address : 0xff219000
NOTICE: Number of pages: 1 (4096 bytes)
NOTICE: Attributes : 0x5
NOTICE: (Equivalent TF attributes: 0x2a)
NOTICE: Start address : 0xff21a000
NOTICE: Number of pages: 1 (4096 bytes)
NOTICE: Attributes : 0x7
NOTICE: (Equivalent TF attributes: 0x22)
NOTICE: Start address : 0xfffe7000
NOTICE: Number of pages: 7 (28672 bytes)
NOTICE: Attributes : 0x7
NOTICE: (Equivalent TF attributes: 0x22)
NOTICE: Start address : 0xfffe7000
NOTICE: Number of pages: 7 (28672 bytes)
NOTICE: Attributes : 0x3
NOTICE: (Equivalent TF attributes: 0x2)
NOTICE: Start address : 0xfffef000
NOTICE: Number of pages: 1 (4096 bytes)
NOTICE: Attributes : 0x7
NOTICE: (Equivalent TF attributes: 0x22)
INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO: Entry point address = 0x88000000
INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9