From d34c561a495d33d8a6fed3bc3fdd836d7d4ed2f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mattias Jonsson Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2022 13:23:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] cherry pick #32721 to release-5.3 Signed-off-by: ti-srebot --- planner/core/partition_pruner_test.go | 192 +++++++++++++++++++++++ planner/core/rule_partition_processor.go | 40 +++++ 2 files changed, 232 insertions(+) diff --git a/planner/core/partition_pruner_test.go b/planner/core/partition_pruner_test.go index c2cefeeb405e4..f1408636153d4 100644 --- a/planner/core/partition_pruner_test.go +++ b/planner/core/partition_pruner_test.go @@ -86,8 +86,200 @@ func (s *testPartitionPruneSuit) TestHashPartitionPruner(c *C) { } } +<<<<<<< HEAD func (s *testPartitionPruneSuit) TestListPartitionPruner(c *C) { tk := testkit.NewTestKit(c, +======= +func TestRangeColumnPartitionPruningForIn(t *testing.T) { + store, clean := testkit.CreateMockStore(t) + defer clean() + tk := testkit.NewTestKit(t, store) + tk.MustExec("drop database if exists test_range_col_in") + tk.MustExec("create database test_range_col_in") + tk.MustExec("use test_range_col_in") + tk.MustExec(`set @@session.tidb_enable_list_partition = 1`) + tk.MustExec("set @@session.tidb_partition_prune_mode='static'") + + // case in issue-26739 + tk.MustExec(`CREATE TABLE t1 ( + id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + dt date, + PRIMARY KEY (id,dt)) + PARTITION BY RANGE COLUMNS(dt) ( + PARTITION p20201125 VALUES LESS THAN ("20201126"), + PARTITION p20201126 VALUES LESS THAN ("20201127"), + PARTITION p20201127 VALUES LESS THAN ("20201128"), + PARTITION p20201128 VALUES LESS THAN ("20201129"), + PARTITION p20201129 VALUES LESS THAN ("20201130"))`) + tk.MustQuery(`explain format='brief' select /*+ HASH_AGG() */ count(1) from t1 where dt in ('2020-11-27','2020-11-28')`).Check( + testkit.Rows("HashAgg 1.00 root funcs:count(Column#5)->Column#4", + "└─PartitionUnion 2.00 root ", + " ├─HashAgg 1.00 root funcs:count(Column#7)->Column#5", + " │ └─IndexReader 1.00 root index:HashAgg", + " │ └─HashAgg 1.00 cop[tikv] funcs:count(1)->Column#7", + " │ └─Selection 20.00 cop[tikv] in(test_range_col_in.t1.dt, 2020-11-27 00:00:00.000000, 2020-11-28 00:00:00.000000)", + " │ └─IndexFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t1, partition:p20201127, index:PRIMARY(id, dt) keep order:false, stats:pseudo", + " └─HashAgg 1.00 root funcs:count(Column#10)->Column#5", + " └─IndexReader 1.00 root index:HashAgg", + " └─HashAgg 1.00 cop[tikv] funcs:count(1)->Column#10", + " └─Selection 20.00 cop[tikv] in(test_range_col_in.t1.dt, 2020-11-27 00:00:00.000000, 2020-11-28 00:00:00.000000)", + " └─IndexFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t1, partition:p20201128, index:PRIMARY(id, dt) keep order:false, stats:pseudo")) + + tk.MustExec(`insert into t1 values (1, "2020-11-25")`) + tk.MustExec(`insert into t1 values (2, "2020-11-26")`) + tk.MustExec(`insert into t1 values (3, "2020-11-27")`) + tk.MustExec(`insert into t1 values (4, "2020-11-28")`) + tk.MustQuery(`select id from t1 where dt in ('2020-11-27','2020-11-28') order by id`).Check(testkit.Rows("3", "4")) + tk.MustQuery(`select id from t1 where dt in (20201127,'2020-11-28') order by id`).Check(testkit.Rows("3", "4")) + tk.MustQuery(`select id from t1 where dt in (20201127,20201128) order by id`).Check(testkit.Rows("3", "4")) + tk.MustQuery(`select id from t1 where dt in (20201127,20201128,null) order by id`).Check(testkit.Rows("3", "4")) + tk.MustQuery(`select id from t1 where dt in ('2020-11-26','2020-11-25','2020-11-28') order by id`).Check(testkit.Rows("1", "2", "4")) + tk.MustQuery(`select id from t1 where dt in ('2020-11-26','wrong','2020-11-28') order by id`).Check(testkit.Rows("2", "4")) + + // int + tk.MustExec(`create table t2 (a int) partition by range columns(a) ( + partition p0 values less than (0), + partition p1 values less than (10), + partition p2 values less than (20))`) + tk.MustExec(`insert into t2 values (-1), (1), (11), (null)`) + tk.MustQuery(`select a from t2 where a in (-1, 1) order by a`).Check(testkit.Rows("-1", "1")) + tk.MustQuery(`select a from t2 where a in (1, 11, null) order by a`).Check(testkit.Rows("1", "11")) + tk.MustQuery(`explain format='brief' select a from t2 where a in (-1, 1)`).Check(testkit.Rows("PartitionUnion 40.00 root ", + "├─TableReader 20.00 root data:Selection", + "│ └─Selection 20.00 cop[tikv] in(test_range_col_in.t2.a, -1, 1)", + "│ └─TableFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t2, partition:p0 keep order:false, stats:pseudo", + "└─TableReader 20.00 root data:Selection", + " └─Selection 20.00 cop[tikv] in(test_range_col_in.t2.a, -1, 1)", + " └─TableFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t2, partition:p1 keep order:false, stats:pseudo")) + + tk.MustExec(`create table t3 (a varchar(10)) partition by range columns(a) ( + partition p0 values less than ("aaa"), + partition p1 values less than ("bbb"), + partition p2 values less than ("ccc"))`) + tk.MustQuery(`explain format='brief' select a from t3 where a in ('aaa', 'aab')`).Check(testkit.Rows( + `TableReader 20.00 root data:Selection`, + `└─Selection 20.00 cop[tikv] in(test_range_col_in.t3.a, "aaa", "aab")`, + ` └─TableFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t3, partition:p1 keep order:false, stats:pseudo`)) + tk.MustQuery(`explain format='brief' select a from t3 where a in ('aaa', 'bu')`).Check(testkit.Rows( + `PartitionUnion 40.00 root `, + `├─TableReader 20.00 root data:Selection`, + `│ └─Selection 20.00 cop[tikv] in(test_range_col_in.t3.a, "aaa", "bu")`, + `│ └─TableFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t3, partition:p1 keep order:false, stats:pseudo`, + `└─TableReader 20.00 root data:Selection`, + ` └─Selection 20.00 cop[tikv] in(test_range_col_in.t3.a, "aaa", "bu")`, + ` └─TableFullScan 10000.00 cop[tikv] table:t3, partition:p2 keep order:false, stats:pseudo`)) +} + +func TestRangeColumnPartitionPruningForInString(t *testing.T) { + store, clean := testkit.CreateMockStore(t) + defer clean() + tk := testkit.NewTestKit(t, store) + tk.MustExec("drop database if exists test_range_col_in_string") + tk.MustExec("create database test_range_col_in_string") + + tk.MustExec("use test_range_col_in_string") + tk.MustExec("set names utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin") + tk.MustExec("set @@session.tidb_partition_prune_mode='static'") + + type testStruct struct { + sql string + partitions string + rows []string + } + + extractPartitions := func(res *testkit.Result) string { + planStrings := testdata.ConvertRowsToStrings(res.Rows()) + partitions := []string{} + for _, s := range planStrings { + parts := getFieldValue("partition:", s) + if parts != "" { + partitions = append(partitions, strings.Split(parts, ",")...) + } + } + return strings.Join(partitions, ",") + } + checkColumnStringPruningTests := func(tests []testStruct) { + modes := []string{"dynamic", "static"} + for _, mode := range modes { + tk.MustExec(`set @@tidb_partition_prune_mode = '` + mode + `'`) + for _, test := range tests { + explainResult := tk.MustQuery("explain format = 'brief' " + test.sql) + partitions := strings.ToLower(extractPartitions(explainResult)) + require.Equal(t, test.partitions, partitions, "Mode: %s sql: %s", mode, test.sql) + tk.MustQuery(test.sql).Sort().Check(testkit.Rows(test.rows...)) + } + } + } + tk.MustExec("create table t (a varchar(255) charset utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin) partition by range columns(a)" + + `( partition pNull values less than (""),` + + `partition pAAAA values less than ("AAAA"),` + + `partition pCCC values less than ("CCC"),` + + `partition pShrimpsandwich values less than ("Räksmörgås"),` + + `partition paaa values less than ("aaa"),` + + `partition pSushi values less than ("🍣🍣🍣"),` + + `partition pMax values less than (MAXVALUE))`) + tk.MustExec(`insert into t values (NULL), ("a"), ("Räkmacka"), ("🍣 is life"), ("🍺 after work?"), ("🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 for oktoberfest"),("AA"),("aa"),("AAA"),("aaa")`) + tests := []testStruct{ + // Lower case partition names due to issue#32719 + {sql: `select * from t where a IS NULL`, partitions: "pnull", rows: []string{""}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AA'`, partitions: "paaaa", rows: []string{"AA"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AA' collate utf8mb4_general_ci`, partitions: "paaaa", rows: []string{"AA"}}, // Notice that the it not uses _bin collation for partition => 'aa' not found! #32749 + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'aa'`, partitions: "paaa", rows: []string{"aa"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'aa' collate utf8mb4_general_ci`, partitions: "paaaa", rows: []string{"AA"}}, // Notice that the it not uses _bin collation for partition => 'aa' not found! #32749 + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AAA'`, partitions: "paaaa", rows: []string{"AAA"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AB'`, partitions: "pccc", rows: []string{}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'aB'`, partitions: "paaa", rows: []string{}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = '🍣'`, partitions: "psushi", rows: []string{}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a in ('🍣 is life', "Räkmacka", "🍺🍺🍺🍺 after work?")`, partitions: "pshrimpsandwich,psushi,pmax", rows: []string{"Räkmacka", "🍣 is life"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a in ('AAA', 'aa')`, partitions: "paaaa,paaa", rows: []string{"AAA", "aa"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a in ('AAA' collate utf8mb4_general_ci, 'aa')`, partitions: "paaaa,paaa", rows: []string{"AA", "AAA", "aa"}}, // aaa missing due to #32749 + {sql: `select * from t where a in ('AAA', 'aa' collate utf8mb4_general_ci)`, partitions: "paaaa", rows: []string{"AA", "AAA"}}, // aa, aaa missing due to #32749 + } + checkColumnStringPruningTests(tests) + tk.MustExec(`set names utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci`) + checkColumnStringPruningTests(tests) + tk.MustExec(`set names utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci`) + checkColumnStringPruningTests(tests) + tk.MustExec("drop table t") + tk.MustExec("create table t (a varchar(255) charset utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci) partition by range columns(a)" + + `( partition pNull values less than (""),` + + `partition paaa values less than ("aaa"),` + + `partition pAAAA values less than ("AAAA"),` + + `partition pCCC values less than ("CCC"),` + + `partition pShrimpsandwich values less than ("Räksmörgås"),` + + `partition pSushi values less than ("🍣🍣🍣"),` + + `partition pMax values less than (MAXVALUE))`) + tk.MustExec(`insert into t values (NULL), ("a"), ("Räkmacka"), ("🍣 is life"), ("🍺 after work?"), ("🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 for oktoberfest"),("AA"),("aa"),("AAA"),("aaa")`) + + tests = []testStruct{ + // Lower case partition names due to issue#32719 + {sql: `select * from t where a IS NULL`, partitions: "pnull", rows: []string{""}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AA'`, partitions: "paaa", rows: []string{"AA", "aa"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AA' collate utf8mb4_bin`, partitions: "paaa", rows: []string{"AA"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AAA'`, partitions: "paaaa", rows: []string{"AAA", "aaa"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AAA' collate utf8mb4_bin`, partitions: "paaa", rows: []string{}}, // Notice that the it uses _bin collation for partition => not found! #32749 + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'AB'`, partitions: "pccc", rows: []string{}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = 'aB'`, partitions: "pccc", rows: []string{}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a = '🍣'`, partitions: "psushi", rows: []string{}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a in ('🍣 is life', "Räkmacka", "🍺🍺🍺🍺 after work?")`, partitions: "pshrimpsandwich,psushi,pmax", rows: []string{"Räkmacka", "🍣 is life"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a in ('AA', 'aaa')`, partitions: "paaa,paaaa", rows: []string{"AA", "AAA", "aa", "aaa"}}, + {sql: `select * from t where a in ('AAA' collate utf8mb4_bin, 'aa')`, partitions: "paaa", rows: []string{"aa"}}, // AAA missing due to #32749, why is AA missing? + {sql: `select * from t where a in ('AAA', 'aa' collate utf8mb4_bin)`, partitions: "paaaa,psushi", rows: []string{"AAA"}}, // aa, aaa missing due to #32749 also all missing paaa + } + + tk.MustExec(`set names utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin`) + checkColumnStringPruningTests(tests) + tk.MustExec(`set names utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci`) + checkColumnStringPruningTests(tests) + tk.MustExec(`set names utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci`) + checkColumnStringPruningTests(tests) +} + +func TestListPartitionPruner(t *testing.T) { + store, clean := testkit.CreateMockStore(t) + defer clean() + tk := testkit.NewTestKit(t, store) +>>>>>>> 7bf5e4e23... planner: Columns in string pruning (#32626) (#32721) tk.MustExec("drop database if exists test_partition;") tk.MustExec("create database test_partition") tk.MustExec("use test_partition") diff --git a/planner/core/rule_partition_processor.go b/planner/core/rule_partition_processor.go index f88ff67b4241c..d5a4b0cd67556 100644 --- a/planner/core/rule_partition_processor.go +++ b/planner/core/rule_partition_processor.go @@ -1020,6 +1020,46 @@ func partitionRangeForOrExpr(sctx sessionctx.Context, expr1, expr2 expression.Ex return tmp1.union(tmp2) } +<<<<<<< HEAD +======= +func partitionRangeColumnForInExpr(sctx sessionctx.Context, args []expression.Expression, + pruner *rangeColumnsPruner) partitionRangeOR { + col, ok := args[0].(*expression.Column) + if !ok || col.ID != pruner.partCol.ID { + return pruner.fullRange() + } + + var result partitionRangeOR + for i := 1; i < len(args); i++ { + constExpr, ok := args[i].(*expression.Constant) + if !ok { + return pruner.fullRange() + } + switch constExpr.Value.Kind() { + case types.KindInt64, types.KindUint64, types.KindMysqlTime, types.KindString: // for safety, only support string,int and datetime now + case types.KindNull: + result = append(result, partitionRange{0, 1}) + continue + default: + return pruner.fullRange() + } + + // convert all elements to EQ-exprs and prune them one by one + sf, err := expression.NewFunction(sctx, ast.EQ, types.NewFieldType(types.KindInt64), []expression.Expression{col, args[i]}...) + if err != nil { + return pruner.fullRange() + } + start, end, ok := pruner.partitionRangeForExpr(sctx, sf) + if !ok { + return pruner.fullRange() + } + result = append(result, partitionRange{start, end}) + } + + return result.simplify() +} + +>>>>>>> 7bf5e4e23... planner: Columns in string pruning (#32626) (#32721) func partitionRangeForInExpr(sctx sessionctx.Context, args []expression.Expression, pruner *rangePruner) partitionRangeOR { col, ok := args[0].(*expression.Column)