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File metadata and controls

186 lines (124 loc) · 4.55 KB



Parse Thrift (IDL) to TypeScript, which could be used as typed interface docs for FrontEnd.

Also as an option, Thrift service clients could be generated. With these clients, a complete RPC call with Thrift data transport and protocol could be done.

This make up some issues on thrift officially generated RPC service clients for browser javascript app:

* add sequence support for RPC client so that it can reuse the Websocket connection without incorrect response callback order

* moduled script file, easy to import and package, rather than many global variables in official generated client for browser

* all generated TypeScript files introduce types support and result in more convenient development of your app

Thrift Doc

TypeScript Doc


Thrift2TS Demo Project



npm install thrift2ts -g


yarn global add thrift2ts



t2t -i [thrift file path] -o [typescript file output folder] -r [request method import path] -c


t2t -i ./common.thrift -o ./services -r ./request -c

normal package

var thrift2ts = require('thrift2ts').default;
var thriftCode = 'XXX';

var tsCode = thrift2ts(thriftCode, './request')



namespace java
namespace go

include "./Common.thrift"

enum EmployeeType {
	Junior = 0,
	Senior = 1,
	Director = 0xa

struct Employee {
	1:required string name;
	2:optional i32 age;
	3:required map<string, i32> tasks;

exception NetworkException {
	1:required i32 code;
	2:required string message;
	3:optional string url;

const i32 year = 2017

const list<string> languages = ['Java', 'Go', 'JavaScript']

const map<string, i32> lanAges = {'Java': 20, 'Go': 8, 'JavaScript': 16}

const bool happy = true

// This is a map definition
typedef map<string, number> EmployeesCatlog // a tail comment

service EmployeeOperator {
	list<Employee> QueryEmployee(1:i32 age)

service EmployeeSalaryOperator extends EmployeeOperator {
	bool OperateEmployeeSalaryByType(1:EmployeeType type, 2:i64 amount, 2:string note);

Convert to TypeScript

 * Auto generated by Thrift2Ts.
 * Mon Jun 19 2017 22:42:06 GMT+0800 (CST)

import Request from "./request";

import * as Common from "./CommonService";

export const year: number = 2017; 

export const languages: string[] = ["Java", "Go", "JavaScript"]; 

export const lanAges: {[key: string]: number} = {"Java": 20, "Go": 8, "JavaScript": 16}; 

export const happy: boolean = true; 

export enum EmployeeType {
    Junior = 0,
    Senior = 1,
    Manager = 2,
    Director = 10

export interface NetworkException {
    code: number;
    message: string;
    url?: string;

export interface Employee {
    name: string;
    age?: number;
    tasks: {[key: string]: number};

export function QueryEmployee(age: number): Promise<Employee[]> {
    return Request<Employee[]>("EmployeeOperator.QueryEmployee", { age })

export function OperateEmployeeSalaryByType(type: EmployeeType, amount: number, note: string): Promise<boolean> {
    return Request<boolean>("EmployeeSalaryOperator.OperateEmployeeSalaryByType", { type, amount, note })

export default {


Why import Request

Thrift service will exploded into functions which are used for RPC-liked call or webApi request, a common request instance is required, and accept method string, POST data as parameters. We donnot concern about which request approach(AJAX, Fetch) or libraries(axios, jQuery, fetch-io) you'd like to use, but you must provide the request implementation file path for importing.

Please find the examples in sample folder.

Using normal text transport without thrift rpc server
Using thrift data transport protocol with thrift rpc server


You need import Browser Thrift package when trying to communicate with a Thrift RPC server, which defines the thrift data transport protocol.

Also you could find a demo in this package's introduction.