- Identify web server & technologies
- Enumerate subdomains
- Directory enumeration
- Find[ leaked ids, emails](pwndb)
- Identify WAF
- Crawl all the site for interesting keywords like password, token, etc
- Test for debug parameters
- Identify data entry points
- Try to locate /robots.txt /crossdomain.xml /clientaccesspolicy.xml /phpinfo.php /sitemap.xml and /.well-known/
- Review comments on source code
- Check /.git
- Shodan
- Google dorking
- Check waybackurls (gau and waybackurls)
- Check for backup files (bfac)
- Locate admin and login panel
- Check ICMP packets allowed
- Check DMARC policies (spoofcheck)
- Look services on other ports than 80 and 443
- Check UDP ports (udp-proto-scanner or nmap)
- Test [SSL ](testssl)
- Study site structure
- Make a list with all possible test cases
- Duplicate registration
- Overwrite existing user (existing user takeover)
- Username uniqueness
- Weak password policy
- Insufficient email verification process
- Weak registration implementation or allows disposable email addresses
- Tamper email with dotted gmail accounts (mail@gmail.com = ma.il@gmail.com = m.ail@gmail.com)
- Fuzz after user creation to check if any folder have been overwritten or created with your profile name
- Add only spaces in password
- Username enumeration
- Resilience to password guessing
- Account recovery function
- "Remember me" function
- Impersonation function
- Unsafe distribution of credentials
- Fail-open conditions
- Multi-stage mechanisms
- SQL Injections
- Auto-complete testing
- Lack of password confirmation on change email, password or 2FA
- Weak login function over HTTP and HTTPS if both are available
- User account lockout mechanism on brute force attack
- Check for password wordlist (cewl and burp-goldenNuggets)
- Test 0auth login functionality for Open Redirection
- Test response tampering in [SAML ]authentication
- In OTP check guessable codes and race conditions
- If [JWT], check common flaws
- Browser cache weakness (eg Pragma, Expires, Max-age)
- Session handling
- Test tokens for meaning
- Test tokens for predictability
- Insecure transmission of tokens
- Disclosure of tokens in logs
- Mapping of tokens to sessions
- Session termination
- Session fixation
- Cross-site request forgery
- Cookie scope
- Decode Cookie (Base64, hex, URL etc.)
- Cookie expiration time
- Check HTTPOnly and Secure flags
- Use same cookie from a different effective IP address or system
- Access controls
- Effectiveness of controls using multiple accounts
- Insecure access control methods (request parameters, Referer header, etc)
- Check for concurrent login through different machine/IP
- Bypass [AntiCSRF] tokens
- Weak generated security questions
- Path traversal on cookies
- Find parameter with user id and try to tamper in order to get the details of other users
- Create a list of features that are pertaining to a user account only and try CSRF
- Change email id and update with any existing email id. Check if its getting validated on server or not.
- Check any new email confirmation link and what if user doesn't confirm.
- File [upload]: eicar, No Size Limit, File extension, Filter Bypass, burp extension
- CSV import/export: Command Injection, XSS, macro injection
- Check profile picture URL and find email id/user info or EXIF Geolocation Data
- Imagetragick in picture profile upload
- Metadata of all downloadable files
- Account deletion option and try to reactivate with "Forgot password" feature
- Try bruteforce enumeration when change any user unique parameter.
- Check application request re-authentication for sensitive operations
- Try parameter pollution to add two values of same field
- Check different roles policy
- Invalidate session on Logout and Password reset
- Uniqueness of forget password reset link/code
- Reset links expiration time
- Find user id or other sensitive fields in reset link and tamper them
- Request 2 reset passwords links and use the older
- Check if many requests have sequential tokens
- Fuzz all request parameters
- Identify all reflected data
- Reflected XSS
- HTTP[ header injection] in GET & POST (X Forwarded Host)
- Arbitrary redirection
- Stored attacks
- OS command injection
- Path traversal, LFI and RFI
- Script injection
- File inclusion
- SMTP injection
- Native software flaws (buffer overflow, integer bugs, format strings)
- SOAP injection
- LDAP injection
- SSI Injection
- XPath injection
- XXE in any request, change content-type to text/xml
- Stored XSS
- NoSQL injection
- HTTP Request Smuggling
- Open redirect
- Code Injection
- SSRF in previously discovered open ports
- xmlrpc.php DOS and user enumeration
- HTTP dangerous methods OPTIONS PUT DELETE
- Try to discover hidden parameters (arjun or parameth)
- Access custom pages like /whatever_fake.php (.aspx,.html,.etc)
- Add multiple parameters in GET and POST request using different values
- Add "[]", "]]", and "[[" in cookie values and parameter values to create errors
- Generate error by giving input as "/~randomthing/%s" at the end of URL
- Use Burp Intruder "Fuzzing Full" List in input to generate error codes
- Try different HTTP Verbs like PATCH, DEBUG or wrong like FAKE
- Identify the logic attack surface
- Test transmission of data via the client
- Test for reliance on client-side input validation
- Thick-client components (Java, ActiveX, Flash)
- Multi-stage processes for logic flaws
- Handling of incomplete input
- Trust boundaries
- Transaction logic
- Implemented CAPTCHA in email forms to avoid flooding
- Tamper product id, price or quantity value in any action (add, modify, delete, place, pay...)
- Tamper gift or discount codes
- Reuse gift codes
- Try parameter pollution to use gift code two times in same request
- Try stored XSS in non-limited fields like address
- Check in payment form if CVV and card number is in clear text or masked
- Check if is processed by the app itself or sent to 3rd parts
- IDOR from other users details ticket/cart/shipment
- Check PRINT or PDF creation for IDOR
- Check unsubscribe button with user enumeration
- Parameter pollution on social media sharing links
- CORS (corsy)
- Change POST sensitive requests to GET
- Segregation in shared infrastructures
- Segregation between ASP-hosted applications
- Web server vulnerabilities
- Dangerous HTTP methods
- Proxy functionality
- Virtual hosting misconfiguration
- Check for internal numeric IP's in request
- Check for external numeric IP's and resolve it
- Test cloud storage
- Check the existence of alternative channels (www.web.com vs m.web.com)
- Send old captcha value.
- Send old captcha value with old session ID.
- Request captcha absolute path like www.url.com/captcha/1.png
- Remove captcha with any adblocker and request again
- Bypass with OCR tool
- X-XSS-Protection
- Strict-Transport-Security
- Content-Security-Policy
- Public-Key-Pins
- X-Frame-Options
- X-Content-Type-Options
- Referer-Policy
- Cache-Control
- Expires