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576 lines (448 loc) · 22 KB

File metadata and controls

576 lines (448 loc) · 22 KB





Get the HotPatcher instance for patching internal methods


Encode a path for use with WebDAV servers


Join URL segments

prepareRequestOptions(requestOptions, methodOptions)

Process request options before being passed to Axios


Make a request This method can be patched by patching or plugging-in to the "request" item using HotPatcher. It uses Axios by default.


ClientInterface : Object

Client adapter

PutOptions : UserOptions

Options for creating a resource

OptionsWithFormat : UserOptions

Options with headers and format

OptionsForAdvancedResponses : UserOptions

Options for methods that resturn responses

GetDirectoryContentsOptions : OptionsForAdvancedResponses
AuthToken : Object
CreateClientOptions : Object
Stat : Object

A stat result

UserOptions : Object
RequestOptions : Object


WebDAV.axios : function

Axios request library

Kind: static property of WebDAV

WebDAV.createClient(remoteURL, [opts]) ⇒ ClientInterface

Create a client adapter

Kind: static method of WebDAV
Returns: ClientInterface - A new client interface instance

Param Type Description
remoteURL String The remote address of the webdav server
[opts] CreateClientOptions Client options


const createClient = require("webdav");
 const client = createClient(url, { username, password });
     .then(contents => {


const createClient = require("webdav");
 const client = createClient(url, {
     token: { token_type: "Bearer", access_token: "tokenvalue" }
     .then(contents => {

getPatcher() ⇒ HotPatcher

Get the HotPatcher instance for patching internal methods

Kind: global function
Returns: HotPatcher - The internal HotPatcher instance

encodePath(path) ⇒ String

Encode a path for use with WebDAV servers

Kind: global function
Returns: String - The encoded path (separators protected)

Param Type Description
path String The path to encode

joinURL( ⇒ String

Join URL segments

Kind: global function
Returns: String - A joined URL string

Param Type Description String URL segments to join

prepareRequestOptions(requestOptions, methodOptions)

Process request options before being passed to Axios

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
requestOptions RequestOptions The request options object
methodOptions UserOptions Provided options (external)

request(requestOptions) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Make a request This method can be patched by patching or plugging-in to the "request" item using HotPatcher. It uses Axios by default.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<Object> - A promise that resolves with a response object

Param Type Description
requestOptions RequestOptions Options for the request

ClientInterface : Object

Client adapter

Kind: global typedef

ClientInterface.copyFile(remotePath, targetRemotePath, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Copy a remote item to another path

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise - A promise that resolves once the request has completed

Param Type Description
remotePath String The remote item path
targetRemotePath String The path file will be copied to
[options] UserOptions Options for the request


await client.copyFile("/photos/pic1.jpg", "/backup/pic1.jpg");

ClientInterface.createDirectory(dirPath, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Create a directory

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise - A promise that resolves when the remote path has been created

Param Type Description
dirPath String The path to create
[options] UserOptions Options for the request


await client.createDirectory("/my/directory");

ClientInterface.createReadStream(remoteFilename, [options]) ⇒ Readable

Create a readable stream of a remote file

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Readable - A readable stream

Param Type Description
remoteFilename String The file to stream
[options] UserOptions Options for the request


const remote = client.createReadStream("/");

ClientInterface.createWriteStream(remoteFilename, [options], [callback]) ⇒ Writeable

Create a writeable stream to a remote file

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Writeable - A writeable stream

Param Type Description
remoteFilename String The file to write to
[options] PutOptions Options for the request
[callback] function Optional callback to fire once the request has finished


const remote = client.createWriteStream("/");

ClientInterface.customRequest(remotePath, [requestOptions], [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Any>

Send a custom request

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise.<Any> - A promise that resolves with response of the request

Param Type Description
remotePath String The remote path
[requestOptions] RequestOptions the request options
[options] Options Options for the request


const contents = await client.customRequest("/alrighty.jpg", {
         method: "PROPFIND",
         headers: {
             Accept: "text/plain",
             Depth: 0
         responseType: "text"

ClientInterface.deleteFile(remotePath, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Delete a remote file

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise - A promise that resolves when the remote file as been deleted

Param Type Description
remotePath String The remote path to delete
[options] UserOptions The options for the request


await client.deleteFile("/some/file.txt");

ClientInterface.exists(remotePath, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Boolean>

Check if a remote file or directory exists

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise.<Boolean> - A promise that resolves with true if the path exists or false if it does not

Param Type Description
remotePath String The remote path to check
[options] UserOptions The options for the request


if (await client.exists("/some-path/file.txt")) {
         // Do something

ClientInterface.getDirectoryContents(remotePath, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Stat>>

Get the contents of a remote directory

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Stat>> - A promise that resolves with an array of remote item stats

Param Type Description
remotePath String The path to fetch the contents of
[options] GetDirectoryContentsOptions Options for the remote the request


const contents = await client.getDirectoryContents("/");

ClientInterface.getFileContents(remoteFilename, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<(Buffer|String)>

Get the contents of a remote file

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise.<(Buffer|String)> - A promise that resolves with the contents of the remote file

Param Type Description
remoteFilename String The file to fetch
[options] OptionsWithFormat Options for the request


// Fetching data:
     const buff = await client.getFileContents("/image.png");
     // Fetching text:
     const txt = await client.getFileContents("/list.txt", { format: "text" });

ClientInterface.getFileDownloadLink(remoteFilename, [options]) ⇒ String

Get the download link of a remote file Only supported for Basic authentication or unauthenticated connections.

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: String - A download URL

Param Type Description
remoteFilename String The file url to fetch
[options] UserOptions Options for the request

ClientInterface.getFileUploadLink(remoteFilename, [options]) ⇒ String

Get a file upload link Only supported for Basic authentication or unauthenticated connections.

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: String - A upload URL

Param Type Description
remoteFilename String The path of the remote file location
[options] PutOptions The options for the request

ClientInterface.getQuota([options]) ⇒ Promise.<(null|Object)>

Get quota information

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise.<(null|Object)> - Returns null if failed, or an object with used and available

Param Type Description
[options] OptionsForAdvancedResponses Options for the request

ClientInterface.moveFile(remotePath, targetRemotePath, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Move a remote item to another path

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise - A promise that resolves once the request has completed

Param Type Description
remotePath String The remote item path
targetRemotePath String The new path after moving
[options] UserOptions Options for the request


await client.moveFile("/sub/file.dat", "/another/dir/file.dat");

ClientInterface.putFileContents(remoteFilename, data, [options]) ⇒ Promise

Write contents to a remote file path

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise - A promise that resolves once the contents have been written

Param Type Description
remoteFilename String The path of the remote file
data String | Buffer The data to write
[options] PutOptions The options for the request


await client.putFileContents("/dir/image.png", myImageBuffer);
     // Put contents without overwriting:
     await client.putFileContents("/dir/image.png", myImageBuffer, { overwrite: false });

ClientInterface.stat(remotePath, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<Stat>

Stat a remote object

Kind: static method of ClientInterface
Returns: Promise.<Stat> - A promise that resolves with the stat data

Param Type Description
remotePath String The path of the item
[options] OptionsForAdvancedResponses Options for the request

PutOptions : UserOptions

Options for creating a resource

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[overwrite] Boolean Whether or not to overwrite existing files (default: true)
[maxBodyLength] Number The maximum amount of bytes to upload (default: 10 MiB) (only in nodejs-environments)

OptionsWithFormat : UserOptions

Options with headers and format

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
format String The format to use (text/binary)
[details] Boolean Provided detailed response information, such as response headers (defaults to false). Only available on requests that return result data.
[maxContentLength] Number The maximum amount of bytes to download (default: 10 MiB)

OptionsForAdvancedResponses : UserOptions

Options for methods that resturn responses

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[details] Boolean Provided detailed response information, such as response headers (defaults to false). Only available on requests that return result data.

GetDirectoryContentsOptions : OptionsForAdvancedResponses

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[deep] Boolean Return deep (infinite) items (default: false)
[glob] String Glob pattern for matching certain files

AuthToken : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
token_type String The type of token (eg "Bearer")
access_token String The token access code

CreateClientOptions : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[username] String The username for authentication
[password] String The password for authentication
[httpAgent] http.Agent Override the HTTP Agent instance for requests
[httpsAgent] https.Agent Override the HTTPS Agent instance for requests
[token] AuthToken Optional OAuth token

Stat : Object

A stat result

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
filename String The full path and filename of the remote item
basename String The base filename of the remote item, without the path
lastmod String | null The last modification date (eg. "Sun, 13 Mar 2016 04:23:32 GMT")
size Number The size of the remote item
type String The type of the item (file/directory)
[mime] String The file mimetype (not present on directories)
etag String | null The ETag of the remote item (as supported by the server)
[props] Object Additionally returned properties from the server, unprocessed, if details: true is specified in the options

UserOptions : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[httpAgent] Object HTTP agent instance
[httpsAgent] Object HTTPS agent instance
[headers] Object Set additional request headers
[withCredentials] Boolean Set whether or not credentials should
data Object | String | * Set additional body be included with the request. Defaults to value used by axios.

RequestOptions : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
url String The URL to request
method String The method to use (eg. "POST")
[headers] Object Headers to set on the request
[httpAgent] Object A HTTP agent instance
[httpsAgent] Object A HTTPS agent interface
data Object | String | * Body data for the request