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Firstly, just to reiterate, this is the guide to setup The Gazelle's server for production, you only need this if you are handling the main DevOps for The Gazelle, this is not related to normal development.

Creating the server

At the time of writing we are using Digital Ocean. To setup a new Droplet you can follow this guide. We are currently using one of the Ubuntu 16.04 "Flexible Droplets" with 2GB RAM and 2 vCPUs located in London.

Initial Server Setup

Here is a really good guide for setting up an Ubuntu 16.04 server initially (which is what we use), this is the recommended guide to follow regardless of whether the current provider is Digital Ocean or not.

NOTE: Remember to also follow the link about "common UFW operations" at the bottom to allow http(s) connections and possibly database connections from the staging server (at the time of writing we don't do this though).

It is also handy to run

sudo apt update

we'll need that command to have been run for the future installations.

Setting up git and connecting to Github

We use a Github "Machine User" as described here with the username gazelle-deployment-bot. The login credentials can be found on the LastPass account (which the lead engineers have access to). The gazelle-deployment-bot is an outside collaborator to the thegazelle-ad organization with read-only access to the repos it needs to use. Remember to add it as an outside collaborator to any new repos which may be needed, but only read-only as code should never be edited from the server (see this guide, but as long as all the repos are public adding it as an outside collaborator shouldn't even be necessary).

Now install git

sudo apt install git

and then setup git

git config --global "Gazelle Deployment Bot"
git config --global
# This one is just personal preference
git config --global core.editor vim

You should already have created an SSH key in the guide mentioned above, but in case you didn't it is also described here. Then you should add the key to the Github account of gazelle-deployment-bot.

Install necessary programs

First install node, upgrade npm and install our necessary npm packages

curl -sL | sudo -E bash - # At the time of writing we're using the newest version of node v9
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
npm install -g npm@6.1 # You may want to use sudo here, also note this is just the version at the time of writing
npm install -g forever # Also may need to use sudo here

You will also need python2 for some of the npm packages to run and it doesn't ship with Ubuntu 16.0.4, you can probably install it in many ways but here is a simple guide which basically consists of

sudo apt install -y python2.7
sudo apt install -y python-pip
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
sudo -H python2 -m pip install --upgrade pip
sudo -H python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Reconfigure timezone

We run the server on UAE time, the easiest way to reconfigure the timezone is running

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Which will take you through an interactive guide so you can set the timezone to Asia/Dubai (or Abu Dhabi, but I only found Dubai)

Install the server

Setting up simple dev environment

First clone the main repo

# We normally name the repo directory `server` as the command below will
git clone server

Then (with the repo being your working directory, which you of course do by running cd server) run

# This is different from the npm install command and is more appropriate for deployment
npm ci

And then we just quickly want to disable the postmerge hook setup by Husky for development (and you might possibly want to disable others as well by doing something similar) by running

echo "# Placeholder comment to disable husky" > .git/hooks/post-merge

You then just follow the wiki page for setting up the server from the Setup Database section up until but not including the build step (which should just be setting up the database and environment variables). But remember to install the stable branch for production and master for staging!

Get live database

In staging we at the time of writing just use the dummy data already set up above, and you won't actually have to do anything in this step.

If you are moving the production server on the other hand, you will probably have to move the database from the old server. This is done with mysqldump and mysql < dumpfile.dump. You can either do it completely manually by taking inspiration from the backup database script. Or you can just run that script to upload it to Google Drive where you can download the dump. To restore the database at the new server do something like

mysql -u root -p -e 'drop database the_gazelle; create database the_gazelle;'
mysql -u root -p the_gazelle < dumpfile.dump

Generating static http error code pages

In order to not check in a lot of duplicate html pages we have written a short python generator that takes a template and creates specific error pages for each of the 5xx error codes. Generate these pages by simply running python3 deployment-resources/http-error-static-pages/ in the server directory.

Build the source

NOTE: If you are setting this up on a server with a small amount of RAM you might want to setup swap space first or it might not be sufficient to build source

Now depending on whether you are setting up the staging or production server simply run

npm run build:staging


npm run build:production

in the root of the server directory.

NOTE: It may be the server doesn't have enough RAM to build the source, in that case you'll have to build the source elsewhere, such as your local computer, and copying the build files over with scp or something similar. You can see how this is done in our CI config. EXTRA NOTE: Remember that you'll have to copy the .env file from the server to wherever you build the source if doing this.

Update DNS

We use Cloudflare as our DNS provider. The lead engineers should have access to the login for it. Simply go here and update the IPs so they match the correct IPs for the production/staging server.

Setup Swap Space

NOTE: At the time of writing we don't actually use swap space as we moved away from building the source on the server which was the biggest usage of RAM. In case you need it for other reasons though check out the below instructions

It can be a good idea to setup swap space so that in case a huge load comes in our processes don't simply get killed. this Digital Ocean guide details how to setup swap space. In our current setup on the production server we have bought a 2GB volume (very cheaply) so as to be nice to Digital Ocean and not setup swap space on the SSD and setup a 1.5GB swap file there. As the guide recommends we also changes the swappiness to 10 and the vfs_cache_pressure to 50.

Install Caddy

To install caddy first run

# This line is generated at where you can also add plugins if needed in the future
curl | bash -s personal

Run everything

First we start the main server:

cd ~/server
forever start --uid server build/server.js

Now startup a GNU Screen session (you can find a cheat sheet here, and several tutorials online). We recommend naming the session by for example running screen -S main. We also usually use the following .screenrc which you are welcome to setup

startup_message off
term screen-256color
hardstatus off
escape ^Ff
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B} %m-%d %{W} %c %{g}]'
vbell off

Note that if you use the above .screenrc the escape key will be CTRL + f instead of CTRL + a.


And then you can detach from the screen session (CTRL + f, d), to ever reattach to it (if you named it main) simply execute screen -r main.

Connect to the CI

In order to let CircleCI know the IP/user etc. of your servers we need to set some environment variables. These are described as follows:

  • GAZELLE_SERVER_STAGING_USER: The user we created for the staging Ubuntu server
  • GAZELLE_SERVER_STAGING_IP: The IP for the staging Ubuntu server
  • GAZELLE_SERVER_PRODUCTION_USER: The user we created for the production Ubuntu server
  • GAZELLE_SERVER_PRODUCTION_IP: The IP for the production Ubuntu server

Also remember to add the CI ssh public key to the .ssh/authorized_keys file on the server to allow CircleCI to access it. If you don't have it (as CircleCI hides it) you can probably find it one of the servers currently set up in authorized_keys, or worst case scenario generate a new SSH key for CircleCI and authorize it with Github.


Congratulations! The server should now be setup and running on the relevant domain names, and all dev support such as CI and Slack integration should be working as well! Hope you don't have any stupid bugs to hunt down, and if you do please update this document to help future server admins.