If you use some other Adblocker, such as AdBlock Plus or "AdBlock", delete it before installing uBlock Origin.
- Firefox (check out my Firefox tips)
- Chrome
- Opera
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
More information about installation on uBO's Github: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
- Prevent WebRTC from leaking local IP addresses
- Block CSP reports
Keep in mind, that some browsers do not support these features, such as Safari.
For blocking annoyances etc. which aren't blocked out of the box.
- Fanboy's Cookie List
- Crapblock Annoyances
- uBlock Filters - Annoyances
- AdGuard's Annoyance List
- AdGuard's Social Filters
- Fanboy’s Annoyance List
- Adguard's Spyware Filters
- Adblock Warning Removal List
- Finnish Annoyance List
- Dandelion Sprout's Annoying Banners and Overlays List (blocks some of these "Please login to your site" popups, "Download our browser" nags and "Do you want to receive notifciations from this site nags)
- Staying on The Mobile Browser (blocks some of these "Download our app" popups)
- Even cleaner news sites (removes unnecessary non-content from news sites)
Stuff may more likely break if you enable these lists:
- My Firefox recommendations
- Amp2Html - Addon for Firefox to redirect Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to normal pages.
- FOSS-Android - List of free and open-source alternatives to proprietary Android apps.