Subscriptions are managed through Stripe and consist of a flat monthly rate with extra charges for usage that exceeds a fixed quota of operations. When a user signs up with a new account, we create a Stripe customer and save this to the account table. When a user subscribes to a paid plan, the subscription id and subscription item id are also stored alongside this. The following products and prices will need to be created in Stripe using your secret key:
# Starter
curl \
-u {{API_KEY}} \
-d id='prod_starter' \
-d active=true \
-d name='Starter' \
-d statement_descriptor='TPD LTD MECO' \
-d type='service' \
-d unit_label='operation'
# Indie
curl \
-u {{API_KEY}} \
-d id='prod_indie' \
-d active=true \
-d name='Indie' \
-d statement_descriptor='TPD LTD MECO' \
-d type='service' \
-d unit_label='operation'
# Pro
curl \
-u {{API_KEY}} \
-d id='prod_pro' \
-d active=true \
-d name='Pro' \
-d statement_descriptor='TPD LTD MECO' \
-d type='service' \
-d unit_label='operation'
# Starter
curl \
-u {{API_KEY}} \
-d currency=gbp \
-d unit_amount=0 \
-d nickname='starter' \
-d 'recurring[interval]'=month \
-d 'recurring[interval_count]'=1 \
-d 'recurring[usage_type]'=metered \
-d product=prod_starter
# Indie
curl \
-u {{API_KEY}} \
-d billing_scheme=tiered \
-d currency=gbp \
-d nickname='indie' \
-d 'recurring[aggregate_usage]'=sum \
-d 'recurring[interval]'=month \
-d 'recurring[interval_count]'=1 \
-d 'recurring[usage_type]'=metered \
-d tiers_mode=graduated \
-d 'tiers[0][flat_amount]'=5000 \
-d 'tiers[0][up_to]'=10000 \
-d 'tiers[1][unit_amount_decimal]'=0.2 \
-d 'tiers[1][up_to]'=inf \
-d product=prod_indie
# Pro
curl \
-u {{API_KEY}} \
-d billing_scheme=tiered \
-d currency=gbp \
-d nickname='pro' \
-d 'recurring[aggregate_usage]'=sum \
-d 'recurring[interval]'=month \
-d 'recurring[interval_count]'=1 \
-d 'recurring[usage_type]'=metered \
-d tiers_mode=graduated \
-d 'tiers[0][flat_amount]'=20000 \
-d 'tiers[0][up_to]'=100000 \
-d 'tiers[1][unit_amount_decimal]'=0.1 \
-d 'tiers[1][up_to]'=inf \
-d product=prod_pro