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122 lines (98 loc) · 6.73 KB

golang.tmbundle v3.3.0

(a TextMate 2 bundle for the go programming language)


TextMate should detect .go files and load this bundle. This bundle is a fork from Jim Dovey's bundle with additional improvements merged from around the community.

Changes from the original version (see full changelog for more details):

  • Support for goimports and golint (thanks fmccann)
  • Improved syntax highlighting (thanks nanoant)
  • Users can supply commands via ENV variables (TM_GO_DYNAMIC_GOPATH, TM_GO_DYNAMIC_PKG, TM_GO_DYNAMIC_PKG_PATH). The bundle will consult these commands if defined to dynamically change the gopath or package based on the current directory. (thanks fmccann)
  • all non-run go commands operate on the current directory instead of per file if the package is not defined dynamically. (thanks tg).
  • run and build work on unsaved files (thanks tg)
  • added print, println, printf, and fprintf snippets (thanks jish)
  • HiDPI completion icons (thanks nanoant)
  • bugfixes (thanks everyone!)

To install this bundle manually, open a Terminal window and do:

mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Pristine\ Copy/Bundles
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Pristine\ Copy/Bundles
git clone git://

This bundle uses gocode for completion, godoc for documentation, golint for linting, and goimports for automatic imports and formatting. These can be installed with the following commands:

go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u


The bundle implements language syntax, completion via gocode, some snippets, and some compile/format/documentation commands for the Go language.


Simple Statements

Snippet Content
Cmd-i '+iota+'
, A pair ('first, second'), suitable for declaring result variables from a multi-return-value function or a map range loop.
< Send/receive through a channel. Provides tab stops for the value and the channel name.
def A default clause within a switch.
fmt fmt.Println with tab stop for interface
fmt. fmt.Printf with tab stops for string and interface
in An empty interface type (i.e. matches anything).
imp An import statement with optional alternative name.
imps A multiple-import statement.
pkg A package declaration including an optional comment block for packages other than 'main'.
ret A return statement with optional return value.

Initializers and Declarations

Snippet Content
: A short-form variable initializer (i.e. 'name := value').
[] A slice variable type; expands to '[]+type+', so is usable inside other snippets.
ch A channel type.
con A single constant declaration.
cons A multiple constant declaration block.
fun A function type definition statement.
inte An interface definition with a single method.
mk A make statement (used for creating & initializing channels, maps, etc.).
map A map variable type; expands to 'map[+keytype+]+valuetype+'.
ew A new statement (used to create & initialize structure types).
st A struct definition with a single member.
type A type declaration, with name and variable type as tab-stops.
types A block with multiple type declarations.
var Declare a variable with an optional initial value (long form, i.e. 'var x int = 10').
vars A block of long-form variable declarations.


Snippet Content
de A deferred goroutine call (defines the function inline).
func A plain (global) function declaration, with tab stops for name, parameters, and a single optional result.
funcv A plain (global) function declaration, with tab stops for name, parameters, and multiple results.
go An immediate goroutine call (defines the function inline).
init A template for a module's +init()+ function, with a tab stop at its body.
main A template for a +main()+ function with a tab stop at its body.
meth Declares a function on a particular type, with additional tab stops for receiver name and type and a single optional result.
methv Declares a function on a particular type, with additional tab stops for receiver name and type and multiple results.

Control Statements

Snippet Content
case A case clause, within a switch or select.
for A for loop.
fori A for loop with an index (similar to C for loops).
forr A for loop iterating over a collection's full range.
if An if statement, properly formatted (Go requires the use of {} on ifs, unlike C; this throws me sometimes).
sel A select statement, for looping over channel conditions.
sw A switch statement with an optional expression.


Shortcut Content
Cmd-K Build the current package or executable.
Cmd-R Compile and run the current file.
Cmd-Opt-T Launch the unittests for the current package using "go test".
Ctrl-Shift-H Reformat the document according to the Go style guidelines.
Ctrl-H Show the Go HTML documentation for the currently-selected symbol.
<ESC> Complete the symbol under the cursor.


This is a fork from Jim Dovey who has done most of the work in maintaining the bundle and deserves everyone's gratitude. The following are his attributions for this bundle.

Much of the current infrastructure was created by Martin Kühl, who is a significantly more seasoned TextMate bundle developer than I, and to whom I am eternally grateful.

Support for Go 1.0 was provided by Jeremy Whitlock and Michael Sheets, with additional code and fixes from Sylvain Defresne, liuyork, and Alexey Palazhchenko.

Thanks be to lasersox and Infininight over at the #textmate room on IRC for all their help in cleaning up this here bundle, and for helping me to optimize my regex use in the language grammar. Thanks to Martin Kühl for his extensive additions to this project's snippets and commands. Also Infininight's work on updating the bundle to use the TextMate's new Ruby interface and Jeremy & Sylvain's work on supporting Go 1.0 has been invaluable. Their assistance and stewardship while I've been deep in the world of Objective-C is very much appreciated.

Happy coding :)