Run the following command to make the
script executable and install dependencies:This script installs the required dependencies, including ffmpeg and shaka packager.
chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh
Ensure you have set the required variables in the config.json
file. Open the config.json
file and replace the placeholder values with your actual organization code, content ID, Widevine AES key, Widevine IV, and video path:
"org_code": "your_org_code",
"content_id": "your_content_id",
"widevine_aes_key": "your_widevine_aes_key",
"widevine_iv": "your_widevine_iv",
"video_path": "input.mp4"
Run the widevine_packager.sh
script using the following commands:
chmod +x widevine_packager.sh && ./widevine_packager.sh
Upon successful execution, you should see the following message:
Packaging completed successfully.
You will find the generated MPD file (h264.mpd) in the current working directory.
Run the get_license_url.py
script to generate your license URL. Use the following command:
python3 get_license_url.py
You will receive your license URL in the following format:
License URL: https://license.tpstreams.com/api/v1/69xt46/drm_license/?data=eyJjb250ZW50X2RhdGEiOiJleUpqYjI1MFpXNTBYMmxrSWpvaVpHUmtaREZrWVdVNE9EWXlORE5pWlRnMU56RTJZekZtWWpnNE9UVTJORFVpTENKa2NtMWZkSGx3WlNJNkluZHBaR1YyYVc1bElpd2laRzkzYm14dllXUWlPbVpoYkhObGZRPT0iLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI5QkM5aTloTFVMWHlmaXlBdXE5aHRhRGZYb3FRam9PWGtDOWlVbGd5Z3R3PSJ9
The get_license_url.py
script internally calls two methods, get_encoded_content_data
and generate_signature
, both of which are required to generate the license URL. Ensure you've run these steps before generating the license URL.
- Copy the generated license URL and Open the config.json file and replace the license URL values.
- Save the changes.
Now, to view the video, follow these steps:
Open a terminal.
Navigate to the drm-video-processsing directory .
Run the following command to start a local server:
python manage.py runserver
Visit http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser.
Note: This will trigger a call to the DRM-proxy API at The widevine configuration and security level settings are configured there.
You should now be able to play the video using the configured DRM settings and the provided license URL. If any issues occur, ensure that the MPD file path and license URL are correctly set in the config.json
and index.html
To add step 6 to your instructions, you can follow these guidelines:
Run the following command to execute the script:
python3 get_key_iv_and_uri.py
This script will send a POST request to the URL
and obtain the FairPlay URI, Key, and IV -
You will receive a response similar to the following:
Response: b'{"iv":"c60e93703a0c423696b9dfa0e02b60d2","key":"a8031c8ba7474846b137ffc328cf2304","uri":"skd://4a961191b7764338b8a6ca3259023c2d"}'
Update the values of FairPlay URI, Key, and IV in
provided in the response
Run the fairplay_packager.sh
script using the following commands:
chmod +x fairplay_packager.sh && ./fairplay_packager.sh
Upon successful execution, you should see the following message:
Packaging completed successfully.
You will find the generated M3U8 file (video.m3u8) in the current working directory.
To play the encrypted video using FairPlay DRM, follow these steps:
Open the
file located in your project directory. -
Replace the placeholder values in the
section with the path to your FairPlay-encrypted M3U8 file (video.m3u8
) and the FairPlay license URL obtained in Step 6. -
Save the changes to the
file. -
Navigate back to Step 5 and follow the instructions to play the encrypted video.