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Side-by-side Tests

The SideBySide project is intended to verify that MySqlConnector doesn't break compatibility with Connector/NET and that known bugs have been fixed.

The tests require a MySQL server. The simplest way to run one is with Docker:

docker run -d --rm --name mysqlconnector -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass -p 3306:3306 mysql:8.0.27 --max-allowed-packet=96M --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --log-bin-trust-function-creators=1 --local-infile=1 --max-connections=250

Copy the file SideBySide/config.json.example to SideBySide/config.json, then edit the config.json file in order to connect to your server. If you are using the Docker command above, then the default options will work and do not need to be modified. Otherwise, set the following options appropriately:

  • Data.ConnectionString: The full connection string to your server. You should specify a database name. If the database does not exist, the test will attempt to create it.
  • Data.PasswordlessUser: (Optional) A user account in your database with no password and no roles.
  • Data.SecondaryDatabase: (Optional) A second database on your server that the test user has permission to access.
  • Data.CertificatesPath: (Optional) The absolute path to the server and client certificates folder (i.e., the .ci/server/certs folder in this repo).
  • Data.MySqlBulkLoaderLocalCsvFile: (Optional) The path to a test CSV file.
  • Data.MySqlBulkLoaderLocalTsvFile: (Optional) The path to a test TSV file.
  • Data.UnsupportedFeatures: A comma-delimited list of ServerFeature enum values that your test database server does not support
    • CachingSha2Password: a user named caching-sha2-user exists on your server and uses the caching_sha2_password auth plugin
    • Ed25519: a user named ed25519user exists on your server and uses the client_ed25519 auth plugin
    • ErrorCodes: server returns error codes in error packet (some MySQL proxies do not)
    • Json: the JSON data type (MySQL 5.7 and later)
    • LargePackets: large packets (over 4MB)
    • RoundDateTime: server rounds datetime values to the specified precision (not implemented in MariaDB)
    • RsaEncryption: server supports RSA public key encryption (for sha256_password and caching_sha2_password)
    • SessionTrack: server supports CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK capability (MySQL 5.7 and later)
    • Sha256Password: a user named sha256user exists on your server and uses the sha256_password auth plugin
    • StoredProcedures: create and execute stored procedures
    • Timeout: server can cancel queries promptly (so timed tests don't time out)
    • Tls11: server supports TLS 1.1
    • Tls12: server supports TLS 1.2
    • Tls13: server supports TLS 1.3
    • UnixDomainSocket: server is accessible via a Unix domain socket
    • UuidToBin: server supports UUID_TO_BIN (MySQL 8.0 and later)

Running Tests

There are two ways to run the tests: command line and Visual Studio.

Visual Studio 2017

After building the solution, you should see a list of tests in the Test Explorer. Click "Run All" to run them.

Command Line

To run the tests against MySqlConnector:

cd tests\SideBySide
dotnet test -c Release

To run the tests against MySql.Data:

cd tests\SideBySide
dotnet restore /p:Configuration=Baseline && dotnet test -c Baseline