User data on encrypted volumes other than the boot volume will not mount until login. To remedy this, see Unlock (forked to my GitHub for archival).
Remove these using System Preferences:
Mission Control
owns ⌃← and ⌃→Spotlight
owns ⌘space
Click desktop to focus Finder, ⌘j use smallest sizes for everything.
iCloud sign in
Install App store apps
- Display Menu or EasyRes: Set higher/native resolutions
- Xcode: select CLI tools in prefs
- This is required to build some apps like neovim@HEAD
(alias to generate new ed25519 keys)- Add the public key to GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/privatekeyfile
to store the key in Keychain.
git clone ~/.dotfiles/
Install homebrew according to
Mojave no longer installs SDK headers for building certain things. It comes with mac OS but requires manual execution. Use bootstrap/mac to install it:
The script will also:
brew bundle
some default packages- Run the fzf installer
- Change the user's default shell to the brewed
Bundle dumps for specific systems are in my ~/.secret
(not public).
GPGTools is not required, use Homebrew instead.
Install GPG and pinentry with brew
bi gnupg pinentry-mac
It should output something like /Users/sam/.config/gnupg
If not, make sure you've run bootstrap/xdg and bootstrap/mac for dotfiles
Check this directory for a gpg-agent.conf
file. If there is none, create it.
Ensure proper permissions on the gnupg directory by following the steps in this gist comment
In gpg-agent.conf
, add the path to the pinentry program (you can find the correct path
with which pinentry-mac
# Connects gpg-agent to the OSX keychain via the brew-installed
# pinentry program from GPGtools. This is the OSX 'magic sauce',
# allowing the gpg key's passphrase to be stored in the login
# keychain, enabling automatic key signing.
pinentry-program /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac
Restart gpg-agent
gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
Now you have what you need to generate a new GPG key
Check for existing keys first
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
If none are found, generate one
gpg --full-generate-key
Recommended options:
- RSA and RSA
- 4096
- Expires: never
Generate a strong password with Bitwarden, and store it there
Sign a test message so pinentry-mac can store your password in the keychain
echo "test" | gpg --clearsign
This should open a dialog prompting your password. Remember to check “Save in Keychain”.
First, copy your private key to add to GitHub
gpg --export --armor | pbcopy
And paste it in GitHub's Settings > SSH and GPG Keys > New GPG key
Second, configure your git environment to use signed commits. I’ve done it globally. First obtain your public GPG keys:
$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec rsa2048 2019-01-15 [SC]
uid [ultimate] Your Name <>
ssb rsa2048 2019-01-15 [E]
Then configure git
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global user.signingkey YOUR_GPG_KEY
(might not need --global
since we're using a local config at
Finally, commit something with the-S argument to make sure it’s signed:
git commit -S -m "Testing GPG signature"
Taken from this gist comment:
And this article:
- dropbox
- Has app settings sync so wait for it to finish syncing.
- If the shared directory is on an external volume, disable autostart and add LoginItems/ to your login items instead. It is a generic app made using Script Editor.
- bettertouchtool
- License in gmail
- Provides better trackpad swipe configs, drag window snapping, modifier-hold window resizing
- Synced to Dropbox
- hammerspoon
- App launcher (⌘space) to replace spotlight (disable spotlight shortcut first)
- Audio output device switch in menubar, relies on
which is in homebrew - Auto-type from clipboard (⌃⌘v) for paste blockers
- Caffeinate in menubar
- Window management keys to use sections of a monitor (try hitting the key multiple times) and to throw apps to the next monitor (⌃⌘⇧f/h/l/z/[/])
List Homebrew items in mac/Brewfile and run bootstrap/mac after editing to apply changes. Install additional packages from as desired.
backs up application settings. It will be installed if using this
repo's Brewfile.
defines some app settings (such as the itsycal plist). It is
symlinked to ~/.mackup.cfg
by bootstrap/symlink
Mackup is configured to use ~/.local/Mackup
as the storage location. On my
system this is a symlink to a private settings repository.
Run mackup restore
to restore settings from that repository.
- Go to
- Click "Test with RunKit" and generate snappy name
- System Preferences > Sharing and enter the new name
Installed packages before development tools.
Use the bi
alias for a clean room install.
- Increase file limits a la
karma-runner/karma#1979 (comment)
- See if there are still file limit issues
- REBOOT for
ulimit -n
changes to take effect
- Install PHP packages with composer
- Use brew-managed PHP with
bi php@8.1
Unlink current php:brew unlink php
brew-php-switcher 8.1
- Run php/install-composer-packages
- Use brew-managed PHP with
- Install
using the recommended method. Then move the resulting .phar build to