diff --git a/docs/pipelines.md b/docs/pipelines.md
index 44071ab5a3a..a4fe5205efc 100644
--- a/docs/pipelines.md
+++ b/docs/pipelines.md
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ weight: 203
   - [Specifying `Workspaces`](#specifying-workspaces)
   - [Specifying `Parameters`](#specifying-parameters)
   - [Adding `Tasks` to the `Pipeline`](#adding-tasks-to-the-pipeline)
+    - [Specifying Display Name](#specifying-displayname-in-pipelinetasks)
     - [Specifying Remote Tasks](#specifying-remote-tasks)
     - [Specifying `Pipelines` in `PipelineTasks`](#specifying-pipelines-in-pipelinetasks)
     - [Specifying `Parameters` in `PipelineTasks`](#specifying-parameters-in-pipelinetasks)
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ weight: 203
   - [Configuring the `Task` execution order](#configuring-the-task-execution-order)
   - [Adding a description](#adding-a-description)
   - [Adding `Finally` to the `Pipeline`](#adding-finally-to-the-pipeline)
+    - [Specifying Display Name](#specifying-displayname-in-finally-tasks)
     - [Specifying `Workspaces` in `finally` tasks](#specifying-workspaces-in-finally-tasks)
     - [Specifying `Parameters` in `finally` tasks](#specifying-parameters-in-finally-tasks)
     - [Specifying `matrix` in `finally` tasks](#specifying-matrix-in-finally-tasks)
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ A `Pipeline` definition supports the following fields:
   - [`workspaces`](#specifying-workspaces) - Specifies a set of Workspaces that the `Pipeline` requires.
   - [`tasks`](#adding-tasks-to-the-pipeline):
       - [`name`](#adding-tasks-to-the-pipeline) - the name of this `Task` within the context of this `Pipeline`.
-      - [`displayName`](#specifying-a-display-name) - a user-facing name of this `Task` within the context of this `Pipeline`.
+      - [`displayName`](#specifying-displayname-in-pipelinetasks) - a user-facing name of this `Task` within the context of this `Pipeline`.
       - [`description`](#adding-tasks-to-the-pipeline) - a description of this `Task` within the context of this `Pipeline`.
       - [`taskRef`](#adding-tasks-to-the-pipeline) - a reference to a `Task` definition.
       - [`taskSpec`](#adding-tasks-to-the-pipeline) - a specification of a `Task`.
@@ -297,6 +299,43 @@ tasks:
 Note that any `task` specified in `taskSpec` will be the same version as the `Pipeline`.
+### Specifying `displayName` in `PipelineTasks`
+The `displayName` field is an optional field that allows you to add a user-facing name of the `PipelineTask` that can be
+used to populate and distinguish in the dashboard. For example:
+  tasks:
+    - name: scan
+      displayName: "Code Scan"
+      taskRef:
+        name: sonar-scan
+The `displayName` also allows you to parameterize the human-readable name of your choice based on the
+[params](#specifying-parameters), [the task results](#passing-one-tasks-results-into-the-parameters-or-when-expressions-of-another),
+and [the context variables](#context-variables). For example:
+  params:
+    - name: application
+  tasks:
+    - name: scan
+      displayName: "Code Scan for $(params.application)"
+      taskRef:
+        name: sonar-scan
+    - name: upload-scan-report
+      displayName: "Upload Scan Report $(tasks.scan.results.report)"
+      taskRef:
+        name: upload
+Specifying task results in the `displayName` does not introduce an inherent resource dependency among `tasks`. The
+pipeline author is responsible for specifying dependency explicitly either using [runAfter](#using-the-runafter-field)
+or rely on [whenExpressions](#guard-task-execution-using-when-expressions) or [task results in params](#using-results).
 ### Specifying Remote Tasks
 **([beta feature](https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/blob/main/docs/install.md#beta-features))**
@@ -1323,6 +1362,29 @@ spec:
         name: cleanup
+### Specifying `displayName` in `finally` tasks
+Similar to [specifying `displayName` in `pipelineTasks`](#specifying-displayname-in-pipelinetasks), `finally` tasks also
+allows to add a user-facing name of the `finally` task that can be used to populate and distinguish in the dashboard.
+For example:
+  finally:
+    - name: notification
+      displayName: "Notify"
+      taskRef:
+        name: notification
+    - name: notification-using-context-variable
+      displayName: "Notification from $(context.pipeline.name)"
+      taskRef:
+        name: notification
+The `displayName` also allows you to parameterize the human-readable name of your choice based on the
+[params](#specifying-parameters), [the task results](#consuming-task-execution-results-in-finally),
+and [the context variables](#context-variables).
 ### Specifying `Workspaces` in `finally` tasks
 `finally` tasks can specify [workspaces](workspaces.md) which `PipelineTasks` might have utilized
diff --git a/docs/variables.md b/docs/variables.md
index e1224f0a8a3..ed742d50057 100644
--- a/docs/variables.md
+++ b/docs/variables.md
@@ -75,54 +75,55 @@ For instructions on using variable substitutions see the relevant section of [th
 ## Fields that accept variable substitutions
-| CRD | Field |
-| --- | ----- |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].image` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].imagePullPolicy` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].command` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].args` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].script` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].onError` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.value` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.valuefrom.secretkeyref.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.valuefrom.secretkeyref.key` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.valuefrom.configmapkeyref.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.valuefrom.configmapkeyref.key` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].volumemounts.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].volumemounts.mountpath` |
-| `Task` | `spec.steps[].volumemounts.subpath` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].configmap.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].configmap.items[].key` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].configmap.items[].path` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].secret.secretname` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].secret.items[].key` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].secret.items[].path` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].persistentvolumeclaim.claimname` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].projected.sources.configmap.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].projected.sources.secret.name` |
+| CRD | Field                                                           |
+| --- |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].name`                                             |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].image`                                            |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].imagePullPolicy`                                  |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].command`                                          |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].args`                                             |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].script`                                           |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].onError`                                          |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.value`                                        |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.valuefrom.secretkeyref.name`                  |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.valuefrom.secretkeyref.key`                   |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.valuefrom.configmapkeyref.name`               |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].env.valuefrom.configmapkeyref.key`                |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].volumemounts.name`                                |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].volumemounts.mountpath`                           |
+| `Task` | `spec.steps[].volumemounts.subpath`                             |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].name`                                           |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].configmap.name`                                 |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].configmap.items[].key`                          |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].configmap.items[].path`                         |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].secret.secretname`                              |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].secret.items[].key`                             |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].secret.items[].path`                            |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].persistentvolumeclaim.claimname`                |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].projected.sources.configmap.name`               |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].projected.sources.secret.name`                  |
 | `Task` | `spec.volumes[].projected.sources.serviceaccounttoken.audience` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].csi.nodepublishsecretref.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].csi.volumeattributes.* `|
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].image` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].imagePullPolicy` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.value` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.valuefrom.secretkeyref.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.valuefrom.secretkeyref.key` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.valuefrom.configmapkeyref.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.valuefrom.configmapkeyref.key` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].volumemounts.name` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].volumemounts.mountpath` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].volumemounts.subpath` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].command` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].args` |
-| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].script` |
-| `Task` | `spec.workspaces[].mountPath` |
-| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].params[].value` |
-| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].conditions[].params[].value` |
-| `Pipeline` | `spec.results[].value` |
-| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].when[].input` |
-| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].when[].values` |
-| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].workspaces[].subPath` |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].csi.nodepublishsecretref.name`                  |
+| `Task` | `spec.volumes[].csi.volumeattributes.* `                        |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].name`                                          |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].image`                                         |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].imagePullPolicy`                               |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.value`                                     |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.valuefrom.secretkeyref.name`               |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.valuefrom.secretkeyref.key`                |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.valuefrom.configmapkeyref.name`            |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].env.valuefrom.configmapkeyref.key`             |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].volumemounts.name`                             |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].volumemounts.mountpath`                        |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].volumemounts.subpath`                          |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].command`                                       |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].args`                                          |
+| `Task` | `spec.sidecars[].script`                                        |
+| `Task` | `spec.workspaces[].mountPath`                                   |
+| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].params[].value`                                   |
+| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].conditions[].params[].value`                      |
+| `Pipeline` | `spec.results[].value`                                          |
+| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].when[].input`                                     |
+| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].when[].values`                                    |
+| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].workspaces[].subPath`                             |
+| `Pipeline` | `spec.tasks[].displayName`                                      |
diff --git a/examples/v1/pipelineruns/pipeline-with-displayname.yaml b/examples/v1/pipelineruns/pipeline-with-displayname.yaml
index f77d701bf6b..cb8f5e46026 100644
--- a/examples/v1/pipelineruns/pipeline-with-displayname.yaml
+++ b/examples/v1/pipelineruns/pipeline-with-displayname.yaml
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ spec:
       default: "1"
     - name: sum-two-numbers
-      displayName: Calculate the first two numbers
+      displayName: "Calculate the first two numbers $(params.a) + $(params.b)"
       description: Calculate the sum of the first two numbers
         name: sum
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ spec:
         - name: b
           value: "$(params.b)"
     - name: sum-with-third-number
-      displayName: Sum with the third number
+      displayName: "Sum with the third number - $(tasks.sum-two-numbers.results.sum) + $(params.c)"
       description: Calculate the sum of the first two numbers and the third number
         name: sum
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ spec:
 apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1
 kind: PipelineRun
-  name: sum
+  generateName: sum-
     - name: a
diff --git a/pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply.go b/pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply.go
index 936a28939be..39210369f9c 100644
--- a/pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply.go
+++ b/pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply.go
@@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ func ApplyPipelineTaskContexts(pt *v1.PipelineTask, pipelineRunStatus v1.Pipelin
 			pt.Matrix.Include[i].Params = pt.Matrix.Include[i].Params.ReplaceVariables(replacements, map[string][]string{}, map[string]map[string]string{})
+	pt.DisplayName = substitution.ApplyReplacements(pt.DisplayName, replacements)
 	return pt
@@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ func ApplyTaskResults(targets PipelineRunState, resolvedResultRefs ResolvedResul
 			if pipelineTask.TaskRef != nil && pipelineTask.TaskRef.Params != nil {
 				pipelineTask.TaskRef.Params = pipelineTask.TaskRef.Params.ReplaceVariables(stringReplacements, arrayReplacements, objectReplacements)
+			pipelineTask.DisplayName = substitution.ApplyReplacements(pipelineTask.DisplayName, stringReplacements)
 			resolvedPipelineRunTask.PipelineTask = pipelineTask
@@ -259,6 +261,7 @@ func ApplyPipelineTaskStateContext(state PipelineRunState, replacements map[stri
 			if pipelineTask.TaskRef != nil && pipelineTask.TaskRef.Params != nil {
 				pipelineTask.TaskRef.Params = pipelineTask.TaskRef.Params.ReplaceVariables(replacements, nil, nil)
+			pipelineTask.DisplayName = substitution.ApplyReplacements(pipelineTask.DisplayName, replacements)
 			resolvedPipelineRunTask.PipelineTask = pipelineTask
@@ -299,6 +302,7 @@ func ApplyReplacements(p *v1.PipelineSpec, replacements map[string]string, array
 		if p.Tasks[i].TaskRef != nil && p.Tasks[i].TaskRef.Params != nil {
 			p.Tasks[i].TaskRef.Params = p.Tasks[i].TaskRef.Params.ReplaceVariables(replacements, arrayReplacements, objectReplacements)
+		p.Tasks[i].DisplayName = substitution.ApplyReplacements(p.Tasks[i].DisplayName, replacements)
 		p.Tasks[i] = propagateParams(p.Tasks[i], replacements, arrayReplacements, objectReplacements)
@@ -317,6 +321,7 @@ func ApplyReplacements(p *v1.PipelineSpec, replacements map[string]string, array
 		if p.Finally[i].TaskRef != nil && p.Finally[i].TaskRef.Params != nil {
 			p.Finally[i].TaskRef.Params = p.Finally[i].TaskRef.Params.ReplaceVariables(replacements, arrayReplacements, objectReplacements)
+		p.Finally[i].DisplayName = substitution.ApplyReplacements(p.Finally[i].DisplayName, replacements)
 		p.Finally[i] = propagateParams(p.Finally[i], replacements, arrayReplacements, objectReplacements)
diff --git a/pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply_test.go b/pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply_test.go
index 995404fd01b..2e9b51f6008 100644
--- a/pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply_test.go
+++ b/pkg/reconciler/pipelinerun/resources/apply_test.go
@@ -1709,6 +1709,33 @@ func TestApplyParameters(t *testing.T) {
+		}, {
+			name:   "parameter/s in tasks and finally display name",
+			params: v1.Params{{Name: "second-param", Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("second-value")}},
+			original: v1.PipelineSpec{
+				Params: []v1.ParamSpec{
+					{Name: "first-param", Type: v1.ParamTypeString, Default: v1.NewStructuredValues("default-value")},
+					{Name: "second-param", Type: v1.ParamTypeString, Default: v1.NewStructuredValues("default-value")},
+				},
+				Tasks: []v1.PipelineTask{{
+					DisplayName: "Human Readable Name $(params.first-param) $(params.second-param)",
+				}},
+				Finally: []v1.PipelineTask{{
+					DisplayName: "Human Readable Name $(params.first-param) $(params.second-param)",
+				}},
+			},
+			expected: v1.PipelineSpec{
+				Params: []v1.ParamSpec{
+					{Name: "first-param", Type: v1.ParamTypeString, Default: v1.NewStructuredValues("default-value")},
+					{Name: "second-param", Type: v1.ParamTypeString, Default: v1.NewStructuredValues("default-value")},
+				},
+				Tasks: []v1.PipelineTask{{
+					DisplayName: "Human Readable Name default-value second-value",
+				}},
+				Finally: []v1.PipelineTask{{
+					DisplayName: "Human Readable Name default-value second-value",
+				}},
+			},
 	} {
 		tt := tt // capture range variable
@@ -3153,6 +3180,30 @@ func TestApplyTaskResults_EmbeddedExpression(t *testing.T) {
+	}, {
+		name: "Test result substitution on embedded variable substitution expression - displayName",
+		resolvedResultRefs: resources.ResolvedResultRefs{{
+			Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("aResultValue"),
+			ResultReference: v1.ResultRef{
+				PipelineTask: "aTask",
+				Result:       "aResult",
+			},
+			FromTaskRun: "aTaskRun",
+		}},
+		targets: resources.PipelineRunState{{
+			PipelineTask: &v1.PipelineTask{
+				Name:        "bTask",
+				TaskRef:     &v1.TaskRef{Name: "bTask"},
+				DisplayName: "Result value --> $(tasks.aTask.results.aResult)",
+			},
+		}},
+		want: resources.PipelineRunState{{
+			PipelineTask: &v1.PipelineTask{
+				Name:        "bTask",
+				TaskRef:     &v1.TaskRef{Name: "bTask"},
+				DisplayName: "Result value --> aResultValue",
+			},
+		}},
 	}} {
 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
 			resources.ApplyTaskResults(tt.targets, tt.resolvedResultRefs)
@@ -3165,66 +3216,83 @@ func TestApplyTaskResults_EmbeddedExpression(t *testing.T) {
 func TestContext(t *testing.T) {
 	for _, tc := range []struct {
-		description string
-		pr          *v1.PipelineRun
-		original    v1.Param
-		expected    v1.Param
+		description         string
+		pr                  *v1.PipelineRun
+		original            v1.Param
+		expected            v1.Param
+		displayName         string
+		expectedDisplayName string
 		description: "context.pipeline.name defined",
 		pr: &v1.PipelineRun{
 			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "name"},
-		original: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipeline.name)-1")},
-		expected: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("test-pipeline-1")},
+		original:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipeline.name)-1")},
+		expected:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("test-pipeline-1")},
+		displayName:         "$(context.pipeline.name)-1",
+		expectedDisplayName: "test-pipeline-1",
 	}, {
 		description: "context.pipelineRun.name defined",
 		pr: &v1.PipelineRun{
 			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "name"},
-		original: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.name)-1")},
-		expected: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("name-1")},
+		original:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.name)-1")},
+		expected:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("name-1")},
+		displayName:         "$(context.pipelineRun.name)-1",
+		expectedDisplayName: "name-1",
 	}, {
 		description: "context.pipelineRun.name undefined",
 		pr: &v1.PipelineRun{
 			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: ""},
-		original: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.name)-1")},
-		expected: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("-1")},
+		original:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.name)-1")},
+		expected:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("-1")},
+		displayName:         "$(context.pipelineRun.name)-1",
+		expectedDisplayName: "-1",
 	}, {
 		description: "context.pipelineRun.namespace defined",
 		pr: &v1.PipelineRun{
 			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "namespace"},
-		original: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.namespace)-1")},
-		expected: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("namespace-1")},
+		original:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.namespace)-1")},
+		expected:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("namespace-1")},
+		displayName:         "$(context.pipelineRun.namespace)-1",
+		expectedDisplayName: "namespace-1",
 	}, {
 		description: "context.pipelineRun.namespace undefined",
 		pr: &v1.PipelineRun{
 			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Namespace: ""},
-		original: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.namespace)-1")},
-		expected: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("-1")},
+		original:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.namespace)-1")},
+		expected:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("-1")},
+		displayName:         "$(context.pipelineRun.namespace)-1",
+		expectedDisplayName: "-1",
 	}, {
 		description: "context.pipelineRun.uid defined",
 		pr: &v1.PipelineRun{
 			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{UID: "UID"},
-		original: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.uid)-1")},
-		expected: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("UID-1")},
+		original:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.uid)-1")},
+		expected:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("UID-1")},
+		displayName:         "$(context.pipelineRun.uid)-1",
+		expectedDisplayName: "UID-1",
 	}, {
 		description: "context.pipelineRun.uid undefined",
 		pr: &v1.PipelineRun{
 			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{UID: ""},
-		original: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.uid)-1")},
-		expected: v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("-1")},
+		original:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(context.pipelineRun.uid)-1")},
+		expected:            v1.Param{Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("-1")},
+		displayName:         "$(context.pipelineRun.uid)-1",
+		expectedDisplayName: "-1",
 	}} {
 		t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
 			orig := &v1.Pipeline{
 				ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "test-pipeline"},
 				Spec: v1.PipelineSpec{
 					Tasks: []v1.PipelineTask{{
-						Params: v1.Params{tc.original},
+						DisplayName: tc.displayName,
+						Params:      v1.Params{tc.original},
 						Matrix: &v1.Matrix{
 							Params: v1.Params{tc.original},
@@ -3237,6 +3305,9 @@ func TestContext(t *testing.T) {
 			if d := cmp.Diff(tc.expected, got.Tasks[0].Matrix.Params[0]); d != "" {
+			if d := cmp.Diff(tc.expectedDisplayName, got.Tasks[0].DisplayName); d != "" {
+				t.Errorf(diff.PrintWantGot(d))
+			}
@@ -3360,6 +3431,7 @@ func TestApplyPipelineTaskContexts(t *testing.T) {
 	}, {
 		description: "matrix length and matrix results length context variables in matrix include params ",
 		pt: v1.PipelineTask{
+			DisplayName: "A task created $(tasks.matrix-emitting-results.matrix.length) instances and each produced $(tasks.matrix-emitting-results.matrix.IMAGE-DIGEST.length) results",
 			Params: v1.Params{{
 				Name:  "matrixlength",
 				Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(tasks.matrix-emitting-results.matrix.length)"),
@@ -3468,6 +3540,7 @@ func TestApplyPipelineTaskContexts(t *testing.T) {
 		want: v1.PipelineTask{
+			DisplayName: "A task created 3 instances and each produced 3 results",
 			Params: v1.Params{{
 				Name:  "matrixlength",
 				Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("3"),
@@ -4216,8 +4289,9 @@ func TestApplyTaskRunContext(t *testing.T) {
 	state := resources.PipelineRunState{{
 		PipelineTask: &v1.PipelineTask{
-			Name:    "task4",
-			TaskRef: &v1.TaskRef{Name: "task"},
+			Name:        "task4",
+			DisplayName: "Task 1 $(tasks.task1.status) but Task 3 exited with $(tasks.task3.status)",
+			TaskRef:     &v1.TaskRef{Name: "task"},
 			Params: v1.Params{{
 				Name:  "task1",
 				Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("$(tasks.task1.status)"),
@@ -4234,8 +4308,9 @@ func TestApplyTaskRunContext(t *testing.T) {
 	expectedState := resources.PipelineRunState{{
 		PipelineTask: &v1.PipelineTask{
-			Name:    "task4",
-			TaskRef: &v1.TaskRef{Name: "task"},
+			Name:        "task4",
+			DisplayName: "Task 1 succeeded but Task 3 exited with none",
+			TaskRef:     &v1.TaskRef{Name: "task"},
 			Params: v1.Params{{
 				Name:  "task1",
 				Value: *v1.NewStructuredValues("succeeded"),