# Magento Developer Documentation Welcome! This site contains the latest Magento developer documentation for ongoing Magento 2.x releases. To contribute, please fork the `develop` branch. # Building this site You can build this site locally in the following ways: - [Installing the project dependencies locally](#build-using-jekyll) (Mac, Linux) - [Using a Docker container](#build-using-docker) (Mac, Linux) - [Using a Vagrant virtual machine](#build-using-vagrant) (Mac, Linux, Windows) ## Build using Jekyll For local builds, you need to install [Bundler](http://bundler.io/), and [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org) version manager. ### To prepare your MacOS environment: 1. Install Homebrew. See the [Homebrew site](https://brew.sh) for instructions. 1. Use Homebrew to install a Ruby version manager. ``` $ brew install rbenv ruby-build ``` 1. Add rbenv to bash so that it loads every time you open a terminal. ``` $ echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile ``` 1. Source your `.bash_profile` file. ``` $ source ~/.bash_profile ``` 1. Install a specific version of Ruby. ``` $ rbenv install 2.4.x $ rbenv global 2.4.x $ ruby -v ``` 1. Install the Bundler gem, which helps with Ruby dependencies. ``` $ gem install bundler ``` 1. Run `bundle install` the first time you are in the `devdocs` directory or when you need to pick up theme changes. ### To build locally: Once you have completed preparing your environment, you can build locally and review the site in your browser. 1. Run the serve command. ``` $ bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental Configuration file: /Users/username/Github/devdocs/_config.yml Source: /Users/username/Github/devdocs Destination: /Users/username/Github/devdocs/_site Incremental build: enabled Generating... done in x.x seconds. Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/Users/username/Github/devdocs' Server address: Server running... press ctrl-c to stop. ``` 1. Use the **Server address** URL `` in a browser to preview the content. 1. Press `Ctrl+C` in the serve terminal to stop the server. > ***TIP*** > Leave the serve terminal open and running. Every time you save changes to a file, it automatically regenerates the site so you can test the output immediately. Changing the `_config.yml` file requires a fresh build. Using the `--incremental` option limits re-builds to posts and pages that have changed. ## Build using Docker [This Docker container](https://github.com/magento-devdocs/docker-for-devdocs) contains everything necessary to run Jekyll3 for working with Magento DevDocs. ## Build using Vagrant You can deploy the devdocs site locally using [this Vagrant project](https://github.com/magento-devdocs/vagrant-for-magento-devdocs). *** If you have questions, open an issue and ask us. We're looking forward to hearing from you! * <a href="https://twitter.com/MagentoDevDocs" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @MagentoDevDocs</a> * <a href="mailto:DL-Magento-Doc-Feedback@magento.com">E-mail us</a> * <a href="http://devdocs.magento.com">Visit our documentation site</a>, built using [GitHub pages](https://pages.github.com/).