This repository contains fantasy sports simulators based in Python that were originally used as a training tool for myself, but have since grown into more of a pet project. All applications are meant for entertainment purposes only.
Still working on uploading this package to PyPI, but in the meantime, you can create and activate an operational conda environment via the following commands:
git clone
cd FantasySports
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate fantasy
For details on each script's exact usage, execute the "help" option for each script:
python --help
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--season=SEASON season of interest
--week=WEEK week to project the season from
--name=NAME name of team to analyze in the case of multiple teams
in a single season
--earliest=EARLIEST earliest week of stats being considered, e.g. 201807
corresponds to week 7 of the 2018 season
--games=GAMES number of games to build each player's prior off of
scaling factors for basal/opponent/depthchart/time
factors, comma-separated string of values
--sims=SIMS number of season simulations
--payouts=PAYOUTS comma separated string containing integer payouts for
1st, 2nd, and 3rd
number of times to try pulling injury statuses before
rolling with it
--bestball whether to assess the league of interest in the
context of bestball (simulates bench contributions
--pickups=PICKUPS assess possible free agent pickups for the players
specified ("all" will analyze all possible pickups)
--adds whether to assess possible free agent adds
--drops whether to assess possible drops
--trades=TRADES assess possible trades for the players specified
("all" will analyze all possible trades)
--given=GIVEN given players to start with for multi-player trades
--deltas whether to assess deltas for each matchup of the
current week
--output=OUTPUT where to save the final projections spreadsheet
--email=EMAIL where to send the final projections spreadsheet
- Optimizing weighting factors based on position in
. - Expanded html documentation of the entire package.
- Incorporating unit tests for each script.
Taylor Firman, @tefirman51,