- It complies to the OSI definition: http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php
- It complies with Debian Free Software Guidelines: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-dfsg
- The license is the result of a week long discussion with input from a license expert at Fedora.
- The whole OSS thing have started to take more time then it's actually worth.
- No, it will not get changed because you complain.
Modifications are not our responsibility.
Modified servers, however, must not broadcast themselves under the name of one of the official gametypes, and abide by other common-sense Server Rules.
Has to be done in 3rd person :)
Thanks to your generosity, we have enough resources to keep the current infrastructure (website, masterservers) running for long, and have stopped accepting donations.