Update tests/pytests/unit/utils/
Update tests/pytests/unit/utils/
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Move patches out of decorators and into the function
Move patches out of decorators and into the function
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Merge branch 'master' into thin_pytest
Add tops, alternatives tests for
Add tops, alternatives tests for
blacken daemons/ and its test_auto_key
blacken daemons/ and its test_auto_key
Missing repo metadata
Missing repo metadata
Force push
Fix file_roots for docker formula
Fix file_roots for docker formula
Check for errors before loop (docker)
Check for errors before loop (docker)
Skip install for distros that are not correctly supported by formula
Skip install for distros that are not correctly supported by formula
Force push
Merge branch 'master' into vimduers
Merge branch 'master' into vimduers
Check for errors before result loop
Check for errors before result loop
Assert specifically against True
Assert specifically against True
Assert against True, not unspecified
Assert against True, not unspecified
Skip install for distros that are not correctly supported by formula
Skip install for distros that are not correctly supported by formula
Skip install for distros that are not correctly supported by formula
Skip install for distros that are not correctly supported by formula