brew tap team23/b5
brew install b5
When manually installing b5 I recommend using pipx to keep b5 and its dependencies separated from the system packages. You may install it using:
pipx install --python python3 b5
You may of course instead just do a normal pip install:
pip3 install b5
git clone
cd b5
pip3 install .
cd work/path/
git clone
cd b5
pipenv install --dev
or if you have b5 installed already
cd work/path/
git clone
cd b5
b5 install # ;-)
Note: These dependencies are purely optional and are usually only needed at TEAM23 for our own project setup. If you don't work at TEAM23 you probably don't need them or at least not all.
You may need to install the following packages in addition, as some of the projects might/will require them:
- python3
- poetry
- virtualenv
- pyenv and pipenv
- docker & docker compose
- composer
- node/npm and yarn
- rsync
- wget and curl
Use the following commands to install everything on Mac OS X:
brew install python curl node pipenv pyenv rsync wget yarn composer
brew postinstall python
brew cask install docker
sudo pip install virtualenv
Use the following commands to install everything on Mac OS X:
# After installing docker
apt install docker docker-compose-plugin
# Other packages
apt install python3 curl wget pipenv composer rsync npm virtualenv