For the syntax, we use the `?.` token, with a lookahead at the level of the lexical grammar that allows to discriminate between `a?.b` (optional chaining) and `a?.3:0` (conditional operator, whose meaning cannot be changed due to backward compatibility constraints).
Normative additions are marked like this. In order to avoid distraction, we don’t mark mere editorial amendments.
List of significant editorial modifications:
Property Accessors: Factoring part of the property access operations in the new EvaluateDynamicPropertyAccess and EvaluateStaticPropertyAccess abstract operations.
Factoring out first step of EvaluateCall as in PR tc39/ecma262#963.
In new content, adoption of calling convention for directed operations of PR tc39/ecma262##955.
When processing an instance of the production CallExpression : CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead the interpretation of |CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead| is refined using the following grammar:
+ CallExpression : CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead
+ 1. Return the result of parsing the lexical token stream matched by |CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead| using |CallMemberExpression| as the goal symbol with its [Yield] and [Await] parameters set to the values used when parsing |CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead|.
Static Semantics: Contains
With parameter _symbol_.
+ MemberExpression : MemberExpression `.` IdentifierName
+ 1. If |MemberExpression| Contains _symbol_ is *true*, return *true*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is a |ReservedWord|, return *false*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is an |Identifier| and StringValue of _symbol_ is the same value as the StringValue of |IdentifierName|, return *true*.
+ 1. Return *false*.
+ SuperProperty : `super` `.` IdentifierName
+ 1. If _symbol_ is the |ReservedWord| `super`, return *true*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is a |ReservedWord|, return *false*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is an |Identifier| and StringValue of _symbol_ is the same value as the StringValue of |IdentifierName|, return *true*.
+ 1. Return *false*.
+ CallExpression : CallExpression `.` IdentifierName
+ 1. If |CallExpression| Contains _symbol_ is *true*, return *true*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is a |ReservedWord|, return *false*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is an |Identifier| and StringValue of _symbol_ is the same value as the StringValue of |IdentifierName|, return *true*.
+ 1. Return *false*.
+ OptionalChain : OptionalChainingPunctuator IdentifierName
+ 1. If _symbol_ is a |ReservedWord|, return *false*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is an |Identifier| and StringValue of _symbol_ is the same value as the StringValue of |IdentifierName|, return *true*.
+ 1. Return *false*.
+ OptionalChain : OptionalChain `.` IdentifierName
+ 1. If |OptionalChain| Contains _symbol_ is *true*, return *true*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is a |ReservedWord|, return *false*.
+ 1. If _symbol_ is an |Identifier| and StringValue of _symbol_ is the same value as the StringValue of |IdentifierName|, return *true*.
+ 1. Return *false*.
where <identifier-name-string> is the result of evaluating StringValue of |IdentifierName|.
Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
+ MemberExpression : MemberExpression `[` Expression `]`
+ 1. Let _baseReference_ be the result of evaluating |MemberExpression|.
+ 1. Let _baseValue_ be ? GetValue(_baseReference_).
+ 1. If the code matched by this |MemberExpression| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateDynamicPropertyAccess(_baseValue_, |Expression|, _strict_).
+ MemberExpression : MemberExpression `.` IdentifierName
+ 1. Let _baseReference_ be the result of evaluating |MemberExpression|.
+ 1. Let _baseValue_ be ? GetValue(_baseReference_).
+ 1. If the code matched by this |MemberExpression| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateStaticPropertyAccess(_baseValue_, |IdentifierName|, _strict_);
+ CallExpression : CallExpression `[` Expression `]`
+ 1. Let _baseReference_ be the result of evaluating |CallExpression|.
+ 1. Let _baseValue_ be ? GetValue(_baseReference_).
+ 1. If the code matched by this |CallExpression| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateDynamicPropertyAccess(_baseValue_, |Expression|, _strict_).
+ CallExpression : CallExpression `.` IdentifierName
+ 1. Let _baseReference_ be the result of evaluating |CallExpression|.
+ 1. Let _baseValue_ be ? GetValue(_baseReference_).
+ 1. If the code matched by this |CallExpression| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateStaticPropertyAccess(_baseValue_, |IdentifierName|, _strict_);
The abstract operation EvaluateDynamicPropertyAccess takes as arguments a value _baseValue_, a Parse Node _expression_, and a Boolean argument _strict_. It performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _propertyNameReference_ be the result of evaluating _expression_.
+ 1. Let _propertyNameValue_ be ? GetValue(_propertyNameReference_).
+ 1. Let _bv_ be ? RequireObjectCoercible(_baseValue_).
+ 1. Let _propertyKey_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_propertyNameValue_).
+ 1. Return a value of type Reference whose base value component is _bv_, whose referenced name component is _propertyKey_, and whose strict reference flag is _strict_.
The abstract operation EvaluateStaticPropertyAccess takes as arguments a value _baseValue_, a Parse Node _identifierName_, and a Boolean argument _strict_. It performs the following steps:
+ 1. Let _bv_ be ? RequireObjectCoercible(_baseValue_).
+ 1. Let _propertyNameString_ be StringValue of _identifierName_.
+ 1. Return a value of type Reference whose base value component is _bv_, whose referenced name component is _propertyNameString_, and whose strict reference flag is _strict_.
+ CallExpression : CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead
+ 1. Let _expr_ be CoveredCallExpression of |CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead|.
+ 1. Let _memberExpr_ be the |MemberExpression| of _expr_.
+ 1. Let _arguments_ be the |Arguments| of _expr_.
+ 1. Let _ref_ be the result of evaluating _memberExpr_.
+ 1. Let _func_ be ? GetValue(_ref_).
+ 1. If Type(_ref_) is Reference, IsPropertyReference(_ref_) is *false*, and GetReferencedName(_ref_) is `"eval"`, then
+ 1. If SameValue(_func_, %eval%) is *true*, then
+ 1. Let _argList_ be ArgumentListEvaluation of _arguments_.
+ 1. ReturnIfAbrupt(_argList_).
+ 1. If _argList_ has no elements, return *undefined*.
+ 1. Let _evalText_ be the first element of _argList_.
+ 1. If the source code matching this |CallExpression| is strict mode code, let _strictCaller_ be *true*. Otherwise let _strictCaller_ be *false*.
+ 1. Let _evalRealm_ be the current Realm Record.
+ 1. Perform ? HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(_evalRealm_, _evalRealm_).
+ 1. Return ? PerformEval(_evalText_, _evalRealm_, _strictCaller_, *true*).
+ 1. Let _thisCall_ be this |CallExpression|.
+ 1. Let _tailCall_ be IsInTailPosition(_thisCall_).
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateCall(_func_, _ref_, _arguments_, _tailCall_).
A |CallExpression| evaluation that executes step 6.a.vii is a direct eval.
+ CallExpression : CallExpression Arguments
+ 1. Let _ref_ be the result of evaluating |CallExpression|.
+ 1. Let _func_ be ? GetValue(_ref_).
+ 1. Let _thisCall_ be this |CallExpression|.
+ 1. Let _tailCall_ be IsInTailPosition(_thisCall_).
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateCall(_func_, _ref_, |Arguments|, _tailCall_).
The abstract operation EvaluateCall takes as arguments a value _func_, a value _ref_, a Parse Node _arguments_, and a Boolean argument _tailPosition_. It performs the following steps:
+ 1. If Type(_ref_) is Reference, then
+ 1. If IsPropertyReference(_ref_) is *true*, then
+ 1. Let _thisValue_ be GetThisValue(_ref_).
+ 1. Else the base of _ref_ is an Environment Record,
+ 1. Let _refEnv_ be GetBase(_ref_).
+ 1. Let _thisValue_ be _refEnv_.WithBaseObject().
+ 1. Else Type(_ref_) is not Reference,
+ 1. Let _thisValue_ be *undefined*.
+ 1. Let _argList_ be ArgumentListEvaluation of _arguments_.
+ 1. ReturnIfAbrupt(_argList_).
+ 1. If Type(_func_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_func_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If _tailPosition_ is *true*, perform PrepareForTailCall().
+ 1. Let _result_ be Call(_func_, _thisValue_, _argList_).
+ 1. Assert: If _tailPosition_ is *true*, the above call will not return here, but instead evaluation will continue as if the following return has already occurred.
+ 1. Assert: If _result_ is not an abrupt completion, then Type(_result_) is an ECMAScript language type.
+ 1. Return _result_.
+ An optional chain is a chain of property accesses and function calls introduced by a |OptionalChainingPunctuator|.
Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
+ OptionalChainingExpression :
+ MemberExpression OptionalChain
+ CallExpression OptionalChain
+ OptionalChainingExpression OptionalChain
+ 1. Let _baseExpression_ be the first child of this production (i.e., this |MemberExpression|, |CallExpression|, or |OptionalChainingExpression|).
+ 1. Let _baseReference_ be ? _baseExpression_.Evaluation().
+ 1. Let _baseValue_ be ? GetValue(_baseReference_).
+ 1. If _baseValue_ is *undefined* or *null*, then
+ 1. Return *undefined*.
+ 1. Let _optionalChain_ be this |OptionalChain|.
+ 1. Return ? _optionalChain_.ChainEvaluation(_baseValue_, _baseReference_).
Runtime Semantics: ChainEvaluation
With parameters _baseValue_ and _baseReference_.
+ OptionalChain : OptionalChainingPunctuator `[` Expression `]`
+ 1. If the code matched by this |OptionalChain| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateDynamicPropertyAccess(_baseValue_, |Expression|, _strict_).
+ OptionalChain : OptionalChainingPunctuator IdentifierName
+ 1. If the code matched by this |OptionalChain| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateStaticPropertyAccess(_baseValue_, |IdentifierName|, _strict_).
+ OptionalChain : OptionalChainingPunctuator Arguments
+ 1. If the code matched by this |OptionalChain| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateCall(_baseValue_, _baseReference_, |Arguments|, _strict_).
+ OptionalChain : OptionalChain `[` Expression `]`
+ 1. Let _optionalChain_ be this |OptionalChain|.
+ 1. Let _newReference_ be ? _optionalChain_.ChainEvaluation(_baseValue_, _baseReference_).
+ 1. Let _newValue_ be ? GetValue(_newReference_).
+ 1. If the code matched by this |OptionalChain| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateDynamicPropertyAccess(_newValue_, |Expression|, _strict_).
+ OptionalChain : OptionalChain `.` IdentifierName
+ 1. Let _optionalChain_ be this |OptionalChain|.
+ 1. Let _newReference_ be ? _optionalChain_.ChainEvaluation(_baseValue_, _baseReference_).
+ 1. Let _newValue_ be ? GetValue(_newReference_).
+ 1. If the code matched by this |OptionalChain| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateStaticPropertyAccess(_newValue_, |IdentifierName|, _strict_).
+ OptionalChain : OptionalChain Arguments
+ 1. Let _optionalChain_ be this |OptionalChain|.
+ 1. Let _newReference_ be ? _optionalChain_.ChainEvaluation(_baseValue_, _baseReference_).
+ 1. Let _newValue_ be ? GetValue(_newReference_).
+ 1. If the code matched by this |OptionalChain| is strict mode code, let _strict_ be *true*, else let _strict_ be *false*.
+ 1. Return ? EvaluateCall(_newValue_, _newReference_, |Arguments|, _strict_).