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Simon Boudrias edited this page Jun 24, 2013 · 28 revisions

Before you can start using the Backbone Boilerplate you need to install it! :D

Using the Yeoman generator (Preferred method)

In order to use the scaffolding tool, you will need to install node.js. Once that's done, you need to install some packages:

npm install -g yo generator-bbb grunt-cli bower jamjs karma

Most of these packages are there to help you build, test and manage assets in your project. Only yoand generator-bbb really are related to the scaffolding.

To initialize a new project, simply run:

yo bbb my-project/

This will prompt you with some question about your preferences, then build the entire boilerplate into your directory.

Downloading an archive

The master branch (latest copy) is available from GitHub as a compressed archive in either ZIP or TAR format. Windows users may find the ZIP archive easier to work with and GNU/Linux users may find the TAR format easier to work with.

Using Git

This will download the latest boilerplate into your application directory and clean out all the unnecessary git remnants.

mkdir my-project/
cd my-project/
git clone .
rm -rf .git*