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Tim Branyen edited this page Sep 29, 2013 · 28 revisions

Before you can start using the Backbone Boilerplate you need to install it!

There are many ways to install this project, and below are three documented ways to get you started.

Using Git (Preferred)

This will download the latest boilerplate into your application directory and gets you started with the most recent commit.

# Using Git, fetch only the latest commits.  You won't need the full history
# for your project.
git clone --depth 1

# Move the repository to your own project name.
mv backbone-boilerplate my-project

Using the Yeoman generator (Experimental method)

You will need to download and install Node.js if you want to use the scaffolding tool.

# Install any of these dependencies that you do not currently have.  Please
# wait until the process exits.
npm i -gq generator-bbb

To initialize a new project, simply run:

yo bbb my-project

You will then be prompted with questions about your development preferences which will customize the application scaffold.

Once you complete the questions, the file structure will be built out into a folder named my-project.

Downloading an archive

The master branch (latest copy) is available from GitHub as a compressed archive in either ZIP or TAR format. Windows users may find the ZIP archive easier to work with and GNU/Linux users may find the TAR format easier to work with.