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tbranyen edited this page Mar 25, 2012 · 28 revisions

Installing the dependencies

The Backbone Boilerplate itself has no formal dependencies, but if you wish to use the included build tool, you will need to install Node.js for your platform. Don't worry it's super easy now!

If you would prefer to not use the included build tool, you can simply delete the build folder.


Navigate to: and click Download. Once you've downloaded scroll down to the Build section to see how to configure and use it.

Installing the Backbone Boilerplate

There are several methods you can use to install the Backbone Boilerplate.

Downloading an archive

The master branch (latest copy) is available from GitHub as a compressed archive in either ZIP or TAR format. Windows users may find the ZIP archive easier to work with and GNU/Linux users may find the TAR format easier to work with.

Using Git

This will download the latest boilerplate into your application directory and clean out all the unnecessary git remnants.

cd myproject
git clone .
rm -rf .git*

If you would like to use the bundled build tool, you will need to install

Scaffolding tool

To be completed...