This guide will assist you with installing Coinpunk. This document assumes you are running Mac OSX 10.9 (Maverick), adjustments may need to be made for other OSes.
If you don't understand how to use this document, Coinpunk is not for you. Coinpunk requires a commanding understanding of UNIX system administration to be run safely. If you are learning, you can use Coinpunk's testnet
mode to ensure that mistakes cannot lead to loss of money.
Make sure that XCode and the compiler tools are installed.
Install Homebrew from
with this command (run in a terminal prompt):
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install some needed deps:
brew install wget node autoconf
Redis is used to store your wallet data.
brew install redis
Now you will need to edit /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
to be more data persistent:
Change appendonly no
to appendonly yes
Change appendfsync everysec
to appendfsync always
Consult brew info redis
to learn how to configure redis to start (and start automatically on reboot).
Please check the instructions for installing and configuring Insight API. In order to run Insight API you need to install bitcoind and download the bitcoin blockchain as described on the documentation.
Go to your user's home directory (cd ~
), clone the repository and install nodejs dependencies:
git clone
cd coinpunk
npm install
Now you will need to create and configure your config.json file, one for the main folder and one in public
. From the coinpunk
cp config.template.json config.json
Edit the file to connect to bitcoind
. Use port 18332
for testnet, 8332
for production. Also remove the testnet
entry for production:
"insight": "",
"pricesUrl": "",
"testnet": true,
"httpPort": 8080
For SSL:
"insight": "",
"pricesUrl": "",
"testnet": true,
"httpPort": 8085,
"httpsPort": 8086,
"sslKey": "./coinpunk.key",
"sslCert": "./coinpunk.crt"
Now copy the client application's config:
cp public/config.template.json public/config.json
And change network
to prod
instead of testnet
if you are using Coinpunk in production mode.
You can start Coinpunk from the command line:
node start.js -p 10000
Where -p is the port number you want to run Coinpunk as. It will run on port 8080
by default if -p is not provided.
Try to connect by going to http://YOURADDRESS.COM:10000. If it loads, then you should be ready to use Coinpunk!
Redis maintains a file called /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
, which is a backup of your Redis database. It is safe to copy this file while Redis is running. It is strongly recommended that you backup this file frequently. You can also setup a Redis slave to listen to master in real time. Ideally you should do both!