These use QPID client libraries to publish / subscribe and put / get messages to topics and queues on IBM MQ.
These samples need the IBM MQ AMQP Service to be running. As the samples use both queues and topics IBM MQ must be at or above.
To enable the IBM MQ AMQP service in the container image, you will need to customise it.
Clone the mq-container GtiHub repository
Edit the file
and set to enable AMQP
export genmqpkg_incamqp=1
Add the contents of
from this repository to the bottom of the file/incubating/mqadvanced-server-dev/10-dev.mqsc.tpl
. -
Build a developer image following the instructions in the mq-container repository
Run the container. If you have tagged your image with
then you can run it with the command
docker run --env LICENSE=accept --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --env MQ_APP_PASSWORD=passw0rd --publish 1414:1414 --publish 9443:9443 --publish 5672:5672 --detach ibm-mqadvanced-server-dev:
There are two sets of samples.
Most of the code is common, and shared through symbolic links. Each has its own
maven pom.xml
, build and run instructions.
Each set of samples has its own mechanism for configuration.
- qpid-standard uses command line arguments, JNDI and an associated
file. - qpid-quarkus uses
a quarkus
The mode options are the same for both sets of applications. The difference is in how they are specified.
Specify as command line arguments, in any order
Specify in
as amqp-mqtest.appargs
- one of
- put (default)
- get
- browse
- this will run the sample as a put/pub, get/sub or browse. The put will put a set of TextMessage, BytesMessage, StreamMessage, ObjectMessage and MapMessage.
- in MQ browse performs a destructive get on the message
- an integer number n
- if specified will repeat the put of messages set n times
- one of
- queue (default)
- topic
- directs the operation to a queue (put/get) or topic (pub/sub)
- one of
- high
- low
- if specified sets message priority to high (7) or low (2)
- one of
- sync (default)
- async
- for the get operations, runs either in synchronous or asynchronous mode
- selector
- if set will cause the get to use a selector.
- causes an exception to be thrown
- if set will cause the get to use a selector.
Exception in thread "main" javax.jms.IllegalStateRuntimeException: The MessageConsumer was closed due to an unrecoverable error.
- one of
- if not set defaults the session to AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE
- ack
- if set will switch the session to CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode.
- if set for the put, it also needs to be set for the get. Otherwise the get action does not remove the message from the queue.
- transaction
- if set will attempt to commit the first 2 messages in each batch put and rollback the remaining 3 messages.
- causes
in the get to throw an exception
javax.jms.JMSRuntimeException: AMQXR0025E: ClientIdentifier ...
used an invalid destination name 'null'. [condition = amqp:not-found]
- durable
- if set will cause the topic subscribe to be durable.
- needs the mode to be
get topic durable
to be actioned.
- needs the mode to be
- if set will cause the topic subscribe to be durable.
- reply
- if set the put will add a reply to queue to the message. The put will wait a short time for a response. This setting does not directly affect the get. The get does, however check received messages for a reply to queue, and if set, sends a reply.
- expire
- if specified will run the put with a message expiry.
- An exception is thrown if the sample is used to get as yet unexpired message with an expiry.
- if specified will run the put with a message expiry.
javax.jms.JMSRuntimeException: AMQXR2101E:
rejected the message because the state of the AMQP message was modified. [condition = amqp:not-implemented]
- delay
- if specified will run the put with a message delay
- Causes an exception to be thrown
- if specified will run the put with a message delay
javax.jms.JMSRuntimeException: Remote does not support delayed message delivery
- persist
- if specified will put a persistent message.
- custom
- if specified the put adds custom properties to the header.
- object
- if specified adds an ObjectMessage to the message set.
- When specified and running native with GraalVM / Quarkus, causes an Error to be thrown
- if specified adds an ObjectMessage to the message set. ObjectOutputStream.writeObject()
at org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpSerializedObjectDelegate.getSerializedBytes(
- bytes
- if specified adds a BytesMessage to the message set.
- Raises an exception in MQI get applications
- if specified adds a BytesMessage to the message set.
MQ call failed with error : GET: MQCC = MQCC_WARNING [1] MQRC = MQRC_FORMAT_ERROR [2110]
In quarkus all get JMSRuntimeException
s manifest as
LogManager error of type FORMAT_FAILURE: Formatting error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't parse argument number: