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Part 1 - Data Ingestion

File metadata and controls

278 lines (203 loc) · 8.08 KB

Part 1 - Data Ingestion Layer : Set up Cloud Function to scrape Kaggle data

Setting Up a Cloud Function for Kaggle Data Pipeline

This guide outlines the steps to create a Cloud Function that downloads a dataset from Kaggle, processes it, and uploads it to Google Cloud Storage.


  1. Google Cloud Platform account with billing enabled
  2. Kaggle account with API access
  3. Google Cloud Shell

Step 1: Environment Setup

The commands are executed under the cloud shell terminal…

First, set up the necessary environment variables in Cloud Shell:

> export PROJECT_ID=steam-link-443214-f2
> export REGION=us-central1
> export BUCKET=dataproc-composer
> export STAGING_BUCKET=dataproc-composer-staging
> export PHS_CLUSTER_NAME=phs-my
> export

Step 2: Configure Kaggle Authentication

  • Go to Kaggle Settings
  • Click on "Create New API Token" to download kaggle.json

  • Create a new kaggle.json file in Cloud Shell
> nano kaggle.json

And paste all the contents in kaggle.json file downloaded from Kaggle website into the kaggle.json file in the Cloud Shell

Step 3: Enable Required Google Cloud APIs

> gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \

Step 4: Set Up Secret Manager

  • Create a secret for Kaggle credentials
> gcloud secrets create kaggle-json --data-file=kaggle.json
  • Grant access to the service account:
> gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --member=serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL} \

Step 5: Create Cloud Function Files

  • Create a directory for the Cloud Function
> mkdir -p cf_scripts
  • Create requirements.txt
> nano cf_scripts/requirements.txt
  • Add the following dependencies:
  • Create
> nano cf_scripts/
  • Add the Python code for the Cloud Function (as below)
import os
import zipfile
import pandas as pd
from import secretmanager
from import storage
import json
import functions_framework
from flask import jsonify

def get_secret(secret_name):
    client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()
    project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')
    secret_name_path = f"projects/{project_id}/secrets/{secret_name}/versions/latest"
    response = client.access_secret_version(name=secret_name_path)

def download_and_upload(request):
        # Validate environment variables
        bucket_name = os.getenv('BUCKET')
        if not bucket_name:
            return jsonify({'error': 'BUCKET environment variable not set'}), 500

        dataset_name = 'karomatovdovudkhon/co2-emissions-canada'
        local_zip_path = '/tmp/'
        csv_filename = 'CO2 Emissions_Canada.csv'
        local_csv_path = os.path.join('/tmp', csv_filename)
        gcs_path = 'dataset/co2_emissions_canada.csv'

        # Define new header names
        new_headers = [
            "make", "model", "vehicle_class", "engine_size", "cylinders", "transmission",
            "fuel_type", "fuel_consumption_city", "fuel_consumption_hwy", "fuel_consumption_comb_Lkm", 
            "fuel_consumption_comb_mpg", "co2_emissions"

        # Get Kaggle credentials
            kaggle_creds = json.loads(get_secret("kaggle-json"))
            os.environ['KAGGLE_USERNAME'] = kaggle_creds['username']
            os.environ['KAGGLE_KEY'] = kaggle_creds['key']
            # Import kaggle after setting credentials
            import kaggle
        except Exception as e:
            return jsonify({'error': f'Failed to get Kaggle credentials: {str(e)}'}), 500

        # Download from Kaggle
            print("Starting dataset download...")
            kaggle.api.dataset_download_files(dataset_name, path='/tmp', unzip=True)
            print("Dataset downloaded successfully")

            # Check if the CSV file exists after extraction
            if not os.path.exists(local_csv_path):
                return jsonify({'error': f'{csv_filename} not found in {local_zip_path} after extraction'}), 500

            print("Files in /tmp:", os.listdir('/tmp'))  # List files in /tmp for debugging

            # Read the CSV and update headers
            df = pd.read_csv(local_csv_path)

            # Check if the CSV columns exist
            if len(df.columns) != len(new_headers):
                return jsonify({'error': f"CSV file has {len(df.columns)} columns, expected {len(new_headers)}"}), 500

            # Rename the columns
            df.columns = new_headers

            # Save the modified CSV
            df.to_csv(local_csv_path, index=False)
            print(f"Headers updated in {local_csv_path}")

        except Exception as e:
            return jsonify({'error': f'Failed to download or modify the CSV: {str(e)}'}), 500

        # Upload to GCS
            client = storage.Client()
            bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
            blob = bucket.blob(gcs_path)

            # Upload the modified CSV file
            print(f"Dataset uploaded to gs://{bucket_name}/{gcs_path}")
        except Exception as e:
            return jsonify({'error': f'Failed to upload to GCS: {str(e)}'}), 500

        return jsonify({
            'status': 'success',
            'message': 'Download, modification, and upload completed successfully',
            'destination': f'gs://{bucket_name}/{gcs_path}'
        }), 200

    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({'error': f'Unexpected error: {str(e)}'}), 500

Step 6: Deploy the Cloud Function

  • Deploy the function with the following configuration:
gcloud functions deploy download_and_upload \
  --runtime python310 \
  --trigger-http \
  --allow-unauthenticated \
  --region ${REGION} \
  --source ./cf_scripts \
  --set-env-vars PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID},BUCKET=${BUCKET} \
  --timeout=540s \

After waiting for around 30s - 1 min, our script will be deployed to the Cloud Function, as follows:

Step 7: Test the Cloud Function

> curl "https://${REGION}-${PROJECT_ID}${BUCKET}"

If you open the link directly in your browser, you will see this output:

And when you check your Google Cloud Storage, you will see the data will be downloaded:

Function Details

The Cloud Function performs the following operations:

  1. Authenticates with Kaggle using stored credentials
  2. Downloads the specified dataset
  3. Updates the CSV headers to standardized names
  4. Uploads the processed file to Google Cloud Storage


You can monitor the function's execution using Cloud Logging:

> gcloud functions logs read download_and_upload
