- [DSGroupCard] Added dark color to scroll button.
- Improved link color contrast in Dark Mode.
- Added support for Reactions.
- Added support to Dark Mode.
- [DSTabBar] Added new widget based on Material TabBar.
- [DSGroupCard] Fixed avatar with
- [DSGroupCard] Improved the scrolling of reply messages
- Added support to new Flutter version (3.27.1)
- [DSVideoMessageBubble] Fix when thumbnail is unavailable.
- [DSImageMessageBubble] Fix when channel is instagram.
- [DSSecurityService] Add service to manage security features.
- [DSPhoneInput] Add support to select current country code.
- [DSButton] Removed border color when
property is not informed.
- [DSEndCallsMessageBubble] Fixed layout when used by small screens.
- [DSEndCallsMessageBubble] Removed load recording state when session doesn't have available recording.
- Added translation to all hard coded texts.
- Upgraded dependencies.
- Added several widgets to support Blip Calls.
- [DSDarkColors] Added new Dark theme colors.
- [DSInteractiveVoiceCallMessageBubble] Added new bubble to render the request call message.
- [DSIcons] Added new icons.
- [DSLocationMessageBubble] Added app selection when touching the map preview.
- [DSVideoMessageBubble] Added title to this bubble.
- [DSUrlPreview] Added visual feedback when tapped.
- [DSExpandedImage] Fixed image layout when expanded.
- [DSTicketMessage] Added
property. - [DSStringExtension] Added a new string extension
- [DSGroupCard] Added
property to DSCard.
- [DSFileMessageBubble] Added media
as property so it'll be displayed along with the file itself. - [DSUserAvatar] Fixed overflow when passing a custom
- [DSHeadlineExtraLargeTextStyle] Created text style primarily used by extra large titles.
- [DSHeadlineExtraLargeText] Created text that uses
as style. - [DSUserAvatar] Added
property to allow customizing the style of font used by name initials.
- [DSFileService] Fixed
method to get mime type based on RegEx.
- [DSExpandedImage] Centered the circular progress loading.
- [DSColors] Added a new color.
- [DSMediaFormatService] Added a method to compress images.
- [DSSelectMenu] Added check to see if options exists before building them.
- [DSExpandedImage] Centered icon that appears when the image is broken.
- [DSReplyContainer] Created the widget.
- [DSUploading] Created the widget.
- [DSInteractiveButtonMessageBubble] Fixed border radius behavior.
- [DSInteractiveListMessageBubble] Fixed border radius behavior.
- [DSApplicationJsonMessageBubble] Added support for interactive lists and buttons.
- [DSCircularProgress] Added widget to build circular progress indicator.
- [DSSearchInput] Added
- [DSMediaFormatService] Added service to format all kinds of media, like audios and videos.
- [DSAudioPlayer] Play audio from local storage when available.
- [DSFileService] Improved download method to get extension based on mime type.
- [DSVideoMessageBubble] Added a progressive loading
- [DSImageMessageBubble] Improved the performance of the image bubble
- [DSVideoMessageBubble] Improved the video storage
- [DSCard] Accept reply messages
- [DSMessageContentType] Add reply as content type
- [DSAudioPlayer] Improved the audio player initialization
- [FFMPEG] Downgraded ffmpeg dependency version from 6.0.2 to 5.1.0
- [FFMPEG] Upgraded ffmpeg dependency version from 5.1.0 to 6.0.3
- [FFMPEG] Added double quotes in commands
- [FFMPEG] Downgraded ffmpeg dependency version from 6.0.2 to 5.1.0
- [DSSpinnerLoading] Set a default color
- [DSFileService] Created new
method - [DSFileMessageBubble] Removed
prop fromDSText
- [DSCard] Added fallback to filename when it's null
- [DSColors] Added a new color
- [DSDeliveryStatusReport] Added new status report
- [DSDeliveryReportIcon] Add new icon to new status report type
- [DSChip] Added a new height param to widget
- [DSMessageItemModel] Added new customer map property
- [DSCard] Added new customer map property; Improve Media view for tunnel users
- [DSChip] Set shape to circle when text is null;
- [DSLocationMessageBubble] Add a broken file image when receive invalid coordinates
- [DSColors] Fixed system color;
- [DSColors] Fixed system color;
- [DSAnimate] Added check to see if scrollController has clients.
- [DSGroupCard] Changed to check date difference in seconds;
- [DSLocationMessageBubble] Fixed card when latitude or longitude have invalid values;
- [DSTextField] Added new param to set autofocus;
- [DSApplicationJsonMessageBubble] New widget to support DSUnsupportedContentMessageBubble;
- Fix overflow on DSUnsupportedContentMessageBubble;
- Add DSApplicationJsonMessageBubble in DSCard;
- [DSColors] Added new color.
- [DSVideoMessageBubble] Fix to play videos from instagram.
- [DSRequestLocationButton] New widget to show the button of request of location.
- [DSRequestLocationMessageBubble] New widget to show the request of location.
- [DSBubbleUtils] New widget to utils bubble.
- [DSLocationMessageBubble] Fixed parse when latitude and longitude value is large.
- [DSLocationMessageBubble] New widget to show the content of location card
- [DSTextField] Altered to show the error message on input validation
- [DSInputContainer] Added a hasError param to show an error border
- [DSAuthService] New service that handles HTTP Requests authentication.
- Added
prop to media widgets so they can use the new HTTP authorization header. - Improved exception handling of all media widgets, services and utils.
- Fixed line height for all DSTexts subtypes.
- [DSInputChip] Changed remove button icon from leading to trailing.
- [DSTextField] Removed Row CrossAxisAlignment
- [TagEditor] Formated file
- [DSToast] Fixed rendering of toast when action type was 'none'.
- [DSDialogService] fixing overflow of title on dialog
- [DSTextFormField] fixing border color when focus change
- [DSPhoneInput] Add a flag to show label text, and always show de flag
- [DSInputChip] Fix text padding
- Upgraded major version of some packages
- [DSTextFormField] New widget to use inside a [Form]
- [DSContactMessageBubble] New widget to show the content of a WhatsApp contact message [Form]
- [DSDashedBorder] New widget that creates a dashed border container.
- [DSExpandedImage] New widget that show an imagem and opens up an image visualizer when tapped.
- [DSInputContainerShape] New enum that represents the shape of an input container.
- [DSVideoBody] New widget to video display (same layout as DSVideoMessageBubble, but without the bubble).
- [DSSurveyMessageBubble] New widget to display survey bubble.
- [Typography] Added line height props to all styles
- [Typography] Fixed text height distribution behavior.
- [Typography] Fixed linkify when using WidgetSpan.
- [DSBottomSheetCountries] Fixed icon background color.
- [DSSearchInput] Improved color props.
- [DSFileExtensionIcon] Added defaultColor prop.
- [DSTextField] Removed requirement of controller prop.
- [DSInputContainer] Added shape selector prop.
- [Sample] Fixed sample bottom sheet showcase name.
- [DSTextField] Changed from DSTextFormField to DSTextField.
- [DSPhoneInput] Somes adjustment
- [DSMessageBubbleAvatarConfig] Create hideReceivedAvatar param
- [DSPhoneInput] Add country callback and text editing controller.
- [DSPhoneInput] Add phone input widget with selectable country.
- [DSSearchInput] Add search input widget.
- [DSSelectInput] Create a default scrollPhysics option.
- [DSDialogService] Fixed hasDialogOpen method. Created isDialogOpen property instead.
- [DSDialogService] Create hasDialogOpen method.
- Add font style prop to typography widgets.
- [DSBottomsheetService] Improve grabber visibility.
- [DSHeadlineLargeText] Fix default font weight.
- [DSSelectInput] Add select field (LOV) widget.
- [DSTextFormField] Fixing focus on DSTextFormField.
- [DSTextFormField] Add onTap and onTapOutside on DSTextFormField.
- [DSToast] Toast layout adjustment.
- [DSAudioPlayer] Fixed audio player on iOS when reproducing .ogg files.
- Pipeline Fix
- [DSProgressBar] Added animation in progress bar.
- [DSProgressBar] Created the widget.
- New Widgets:
- DSRecordStatus
- DSAudioPlayer
- DSAudioSeekBar
- DSAudioSpeedButton
- DSAudioCancelButton
- DSAudioIconButton
- DSAudioResumeButton
- DSCustomRepliesIconButton
- DSInputDecoration
- Changed Widgets:
- [DSRoundedPlayButton] Now it uses an SVG as the main icon.
- [DSPlayButton] Now it uses an SVG as the main icon.
- [DSPauseButton] Now it uses an SVG as the main icon.
- [DSButton] Changed padding between elements from 6.0 to 4.0.
- [DSAudioPlayerController] Renamed from DSAudioMessageBubbleController
- [DSAudioMessageBubble] The audio player (new DSAudioPlayer) was separated from this bubble, alongside with his seek bar and speed button.
- [DSTextFormField] The input decoration (new DSInputDecoration) was separated from this widget.
- Miscellaneous:
- Fixed some properties default values.
- [Library] Removed comments to help indentation.
- [Pubspec] Replaced ffmpeg_kit_flutter_audio (deprecated) by ffmpeg_kit_flutter.
- Tests
- Updated goldens.
- [DSMessageBubble] Added hasSpacer attribute
- [DSMessageBubbleDetail] Fixed message status report expand
- [DSMessageBubbleDetail] Added detailWidget attribute
- [DSHeader] Added default value for systemOverlayStyle attribute
- [DSSystemOverlayStyle] Created new abstract class, with some default overlay styles
- [DSHeader] Added default StatusBar color
- [DSHeader] Adding bottom property on appbar
- [DSHeader] Fixes to use with media preview page
- [DSHeader] Ajust layout with horizontal screen
- [DSToast] Fixed toast overlap
- [DSText] Added selectable text feature
- [DSVideoPlayer] Alter to use FFmpegKit to encode video
- Fix Dart Analyzer warnings
- [DSDialogService] Change primaryButton to be nullable
- [DSAnimate] Created a utils class for animations
- [DSDialogService] Improved readability
- [DSToast] Fixed icon size from undefined to 24.0
- [DSGroupCard] Added scroll controller property
- [DSLinearGradient] Added linear gradient widget
- [DSImageMessageBubble] Fixed image loading container
- [Sample] Updated deployment target version of iOS from 11.0 to 12.1
- [DSAudioMessageBubble] Fixes for ogg audio files
- [DSToastService] Added default duration for toasts
- [DSGroupCard] Added
in ticket card
- [DSInputChip] Fixes some problems with scroll
- Created a new design system widget
- [DSToast] Fixed animation when navigating between screens
- [DSBottomSheet] Removed
and createdbuilder
parameter - General fixes
- Fix DSUserAvatar when user name contains number only
- Added support for ticket message style
- Added new loading spinner
- Bottom sheet fix
- Added support to web link bubble
- Some widget fixes and improvements
- Added unit e goldens tests
- Added support for email in text
- Added suport for Carousel message bubble
- Added support for design system Toast
- Added support for modal bottom sheet
- Added support for document select bubble
- Improved group card logic
- Added suport for ticket type bubble
- Added suport for image select menu
- Improved show more options in text and image bubble
- Added suport for Quick Reply and Select
- Added suport for Video messages
- Image message bubble size fixe
- Added delivery report & timestamp message widget
- Added DSHeader
- Added DSGroupCard
- Added DSRadio and DSRadioTile
- Added link preview to messages bubbles
- Add button styles
- Add unsupported content bubble
- Add file message bubble
- Add typing dots message bubble
- Add animated dots
- Add typography styles
- Add audio message bubble
- Add text message bubble
- Updated README thumbnail
- Updated README thumbnail
- Updated README thumbnail
- Updated README thumbnail
- Updated README thumbnail
- Updated README
- Updated README
- Changed pub credentials location
- Created CI Action
- Created project structure