A practical node-express project in order to increase my backend implement skills using javaScript .
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes:
Primary exception of sharing this is repository is your attention on notes I'm attached on the following of this passage:
- clone the source code using git or download it using top right link
run following command on project root in order to installing dependencies and dev-dependencies
npm install
Application writing base on test driven development; whole tests source codes available on tests directory.
jest testing command embedded into npm scripts test you can test all aspects of application using following command:
npm run test
here's lists of all tests passed by routeHandlers and middleWares also end point address provided as topic on top of each describe:
PASS tests/integration/movie.test.js
✓ Should return all movies when send GET request (414ms)
✓ should return 404 if no movie found (7ms)
✓ Should return 404 when receive an invalid id (9ms)
✓ Should return the movie by given id. (9ms)
✓ Should return 401 if no token provided (15ms)
✓ Should return 400 if movieTitle less than 3 character (11ms)
✓ Should return 400 if movieTitle more than 255 character (5ms)
✓ Should return 400 no genresId is provided (5ms)
✓ Should return 400 no numberInStock is less than 0 (6ms)
✓ Should return 400 dailyRentalRate is less than 0 (5ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (7ms)
✓ Should save the movie if request is valid (8ms)
✓ Should return movie if request is valid (6ms)
✓ Should return 401 if no token provided (5ms)
✓ Should return 400 if movieTitle less than 3 character (6ms)
✓ Should return 400 if movieTitle more than 255 character (21ms)
✓ Should return 400 no genresId is provided (15ms)
✓ Should return 400 no numberInStock is less than 0 (5ms)
✓ Should return 400 dailyRentalRate is less than 0 (5ms)
✓ Should return 404 if no movie founded by the given id (9ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (13ms)
✓ Should update the movie if request is valid (11ms)
✓ Should send Updated movie if request is valid (10ms)
✓ should return 401 if token not provided (4ms)
✓ should return 404 if no movie founded by the given id (5ms)
✓ should return 200 if user is admin and id is valid (5ms)
✓ should remove movie given id if user is admin and id is valid (7ms)
✓ should send movie genre to the user (5ms)
PASS tests/integration/users.test.js
✓ should return 401 if no token provided (80ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (91ms)
✓ should send user if request is valid (76ms)
✓ should return 401 if not token provided (3ms)
✓ should return 400 if user name is less than 3 character (2ms)
✓ should return 400 if user email is less than 10 character (7ms)
✓ should return 400 if user name is more than 50 character (9ms)
✓ should return 400 if user email is more than 255 character (4ms)
✓ should return 400 if user password is less than 8 character (3ms)
✓ should return 400 if user password is more than 30 character (2ms)
✓ should return 400 if user password does not contain at least one lowerCase character (3ms)
✓ should return 400 if user password does not contain at least one UpperCase character (2ms)
✓ should return 400 if user password does not contain at least one numeric character (3ms)
✓ should return 400 if user already exist by given email (5ms)
✓ should save the user if request is valid (85ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (75ms)
✓ should send userInfo if request is valid (74ms)
PASS tests/integration/authentication.test.js
✓ should return 400 if email less than 10 character (148ms)
✓ should return 400 if password less than 8 character (75ms)
✓ should return 400 if email more than 255 character (75ms)
✓ should return 400 if password more than 1024 character (73ms)
✓ should return 400 if user by the given email not found (77ms)
✓ should return 400 if password is not correct (146ms)
✓ return 200 if request is valid (140ms)
✓ should send specific string if request is valid (140ms)
PASS tests/integration/rental.test.js
✓ should return 401 if no token provided (81ms)
✓ should return 404 if not rental available (15ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (16ms)
✓ should send all rentals (15ms)
✓ should return 401 if no token provided (10ms)
✓ should return 404 if not rental available by given id (12ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (13ms)
✓ should send rental if request is valid (13ms)
✓ should return 401 if no token provided (14ms)
✓ should return 400 if no customer found by the given id (21ms)
✓ should return 400 if no movie found by the given id (14ms)
✓ should return 400 if movie.numberInStock is zero (22ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (19ms)
✓ should save rental in db if request is valid (21ms)
✓ should decrease movie number in stock if request is valid (19ms)
✓ should send rental if request is valid (20ms)
PASS tests/integration/home.test.js
✓ should 200 receiving get request (444ms)
PASS tests/integration/customer.test.js
✓ should return 404 if customer by the given id not found (94ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (6ms)
✓ should return 404 if customer by given id not found (6ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (7ms)
✓ should return if not token provided (6ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer name is less than 3 character (6ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer phone is less than 5 character (5ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer name is more than 255 character (5ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer phone is more than 255 character (4ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer phone is more than 255 character (4ms)
✓ should return 200 if request is valid (5ms)
✓ should add the given customer into the db if request is valid (6ms)
✓ should send customer to user (6ms)
✓ should return if not token provided (4ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer name is less than 3 character (4ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer phone is less than 5 character (3ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer name is more than 255 character (4ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer phone is more than 255 character (4ms)
✓ should return 400 if customer phone is more than 255 character (4ms)
✓ should return 200 if requset is valid (7ms)
✓ should change the given customer into the db if request is valid (8ms)
✓ should send edited customer to user if requset is valid (11ms)
✓ should return 401 if no toke provided (4ms)
✓ should return 404 if no customer by the given id (4ms)
✓ should return 200 request is valid (5ms)
✓ should delete customer by the given id if request is valid (5ms)
✓ should send deleted customer to user if request is valid (5ms)
PASS tests/integration/genres.test.js
✓ Should return all genres when send GET request (60ms)
✓ Should return the genre by given id. (8ms)
✓ Should return 404 when receive an invalid id (5ms)
✓ Should return 401 when user not logged in. (5ms)
✓ Should return 400 when genre name is less than 5 character (3ms)
✓ Should return 400 when genre name is more than 50 character (3ms)
✓ Should save the genres req is valid (7ms)
✓ Should return genre if req is valid (4ms)
✓ should return 401 if user not provided token (12ms)
✓ should return 400 if id not found (11ms)
✓ should return 400 if genre no name provided (10ms)
✓ should return 400 if genre name lessThan 5 character (13ms)
✓ should return 400 if genre name moreThan 50 character (14ms)
✓ should return 200 if genre name is valid (28ms)
✓ should update genre by the given id (9ms)
✓ should place updated genre into res.body (6ms)
✓ should return 401 if token not provided (4ms)
✓ should return 403 if user not admin (5ms)
✓ should return 404 if genre not found (5ms)
✓ should return 200 if user is admin and id is valid (6ms)
✓ should remove genre by given id if user is admin and id is valid (5ms)
✓ should send removed genre to the user (6ms)
PASS tests/integration/return.test.js
✓ should return 401 if user not logged in. (76ms)
✓ should return 400 if customerId is not provided (12ms)
✓ should return 400 if userId is not provided (8ms)
✓ should return 404 if no rental found for given customer or movie (11ms)
✓ should return 400 if rental already processed. (13ms)
✓ should return 200 if we have a valid request (16ms)
✓ should set dateReturned on rental object if request is valid (17ms)
✓ should calculate rental fee (17ms)
✓ should increase number of movie in stock (17ms)
✓ should return rental if request is valid (13ms)
PASS tests/integration/authorization.test.js
✓ should return 401 if no token perovide (151ms)
✓ should return 400 if token is invalid (7ms)
info: listening on port 3000...
info: Connected to mongodb://localhost/vidly-test
PASS tests/unit/middlewares/authorization.test.js
✓ should place decoded into req.user if token is valid (3ms)
PASS tests/unit/models/user.test.js
✓ Should return a valid jwt by the given payload (2ms)
- @types/jest
- bcrypt
- compression
- config
- debug
- express
- express-async-errors
- fawn
- helmet
- joi
- joi-objectid
- joi-password-complexity
- jsonwebtoken
- lodash
- moment
- mongoose
- morgan
- pug
- winston
- winston-mongodb
- jest
- supertest
also linting using es-lint
I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Pouria Tajdivand -initial work -Mosh Hamedani
1. Environment variables:
const port = process.env.PORT;
export PORT=5000;
2. Route parameters:
//req.params will return a string
const course =
courses.find(c=>c.id === parseInt(req.params.id))
courses.find(c=>c.id == req.params.id)
1- route params eg.'localhost:3000/api/1380/2' app.get('/api/:year/:id',(req,res)=>{res.send(req.params.id);
2- route queryparams eg.'localhost:3000/api/2?sortByname=1' app.get('/api/:id',(req,res)=>{res.send(req.query)});
3. Response status:
(req,res)=>res.status(404).send('404 not found')
404 not found | 400 bad request | 200 Ok | 500 internal server failed | 401 UNAUTHORIZED(client error) | 403 forbidden |
4. Parsing json req.body:
"in order to express can parse json in req.body need to enable app.use(express.json()) it's actually place a piece of middleware request processing pipe line"
5. input validation using joi:
const Joi = require('joi');
const schema = {name:Joi.string().min(3).required()};
const result = Joi.validate(req.body, schema);
6. There is six falsy values in JavaScript: undefined, null, NaN, 0, "" (empty string), and false;
1. module.exports.log => add it to exports object || module.exports = log => make exports an single thing!
2. installing middleware into request pipe line:
3. parsing urlencoded body {key:value}
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended : true }))
4. serve static files:
5. helmet secure app by setting various header:
6. environment :
process.env.NODE_ENV by_default = undefined
app.get('env') by_default = development
export NODE_ENV=production
7. config module:
config is using to override various data for different env
const config = require('config')
eg. config.get('mail.host')
use 'custom-environment-variables.json' to define costume env variables
8. debug module:
const startupDebug = require('debug')('app:startup')
const dbDebug = require('debug')('app:db')
DEBUG=app:startup,app:db nodemon
9. using pug template engine
app.set('view engine', 'pug') //express load this module
app.set('views','./views') //default path is './view ' override path to templates
show a view and pass data into it:
app.render('view', {title:'my title', massage: 'Hello World'})
10. Router:
const router = express.Router()
module.exports = router
in index.js
1. error object:
error = new Error('error message') -> console.log(error.message) //error message
2. handle async javaScript:
1-using callback functions:
getUserName(1, getReposetories);
function getUserName(id, callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Get username from db...");
const username = [id];
callback(username, getCommit);
}, 2000);
function getReposetories(username, callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Get reposetories from github");
const repos = ["repo1", "repo2", "repo3"];
if (username[0] === 1) callback(repos);
}, 2000);
function getCommit(repos) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (repos[0] === "repo1") console.log("Commit one");
}, 2000);
2-define Promise
const p = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
reject(new Error('error message');
p.then( result => console.log(result)).catch( err => console.log(err.message))
eg .
.then(username => getReposetories(username))
.then(repos => getCommit(repos[0]))
.then(commit => console.log(commit))
.catch(err => console.log(err.nessage));
function getUserName(id) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
function getReposetories(username) {
if (username === "username") {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(["repo1", "repo2", "repo3"]);
}, 2000);
function getCommit(repo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("this is a commit!");
}, 2000);
2- Promise api:
//is useful for unit testing and so on:
const p = Promise.resolve('this is a value')
// the promise is already resolved
p.then(result => console.log(result))
//Promise.all will resolve when all index of array that passed resolve for catch case will return first reject!
const p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("p1: Some async operations happening");
return resolve(1);
}, 2000);
const p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("p2: Some async operations happening");
return resolve(2);
}, 2000);
Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(result => console.log(result)); // [1,2]
//Promise.race will resolve as soon as each index of array that passed resolve
Promise.race([p1, p2]).then(result => console.log(result)); // 1
3- Async and await syntactical sugar
// it can use await syntax every time we receive a promise:
//the await should wrap by an async function
async function logCommit(id) {
try {
const username = await getUserName(id);
const repos = await getReposetories(username);
const commit = await getCommit(repos[0]);
} catch (err) {
function getUserName(id) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
function getReposetories(username) {
if (username === "username") {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(["repo1", "repo2", "repo3"]);
}, 2000);
function getCommit(repo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("this is a commit!");
}, 2000);
1. creating schema in mongoose:
const courseSchema = mongoose.Schema({
default: Date.now();
data Type for creating schema :
String, Number, Boolean, Array, Date, Buffer(for storing binary data), ObjectID(unique identifier)
2. creating Model in mongoose:
const Course = mongoose.model('Course',courseSchema)
//crating a course object:
const course = new Course({
//save the object is a promise!!
const result = await course.save()
3. query builder in mongoose:
const pageNumber = 2 ; const pageSize = 10;
const courses = await Course.find({author:'Pouria'})
.skipe(pageNumber - 1 * pageSize)
.sort({name:-1}) or sort('-name')
.select({name:1, author:1}) or select('name author')
Comparison operators: $eq $neq $gt $gte $lt $lte $in $nin
eg1. const course = await Course.find({price:{$gte:10, $lte:20}}
eg2. const course = await Course.find({price:{$in:[10,20,50]})
logical operators: or and
const course = await Course.find().or([{author:'Pouria'},{isPublished:true}])
Regular expressions(regex):
eg. const course = await Course
//start with Mosh
.find({author: /^Mosh/})
// end with Hamedani and case insensitive
.find({author: /Hamedani$/i})
//contains Mosh
.find({author: /.*Mosh.*/})
4. import data in mongodb:
mongoimport --db <dbname> --collection <collectionName> --file <file-name> --jsonArray
5. updating data by mongoose:
// queryFirst approach:
async function updateCourse(id){
const course = await Course.findById(id);
//findById return null in courseSchema set _id:String
//way one:
course.name = 'Another name'
course.price = 60
//way two:
name: 'Another name'
price: 60
return await course.save()
//updateFirst approach
async function updateCourse(id){
return await Course.update({_id:id},{$set:{ isPublished: false }})
async function updateCourse(id){
return await Course.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {$set:{ isPublished:false }},{new:true}) //return new value to console
6. removing data in mongoose :
// delete firs document by given filter
await Course.deleteOne({isPublished: true});
await Course.findByIdAndDelete(id);
// dalete multipy document by given filter
await Course.deleteMany({isPublished : false});
1. catch the UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning:
try{return await course.save()}
catch(err){return err.message }
2. some mongoose validations:
new mongoose.model({
isPublished: Boolean;
required: function(){return this.isPublished}
//it's not possible to use arrow function
match : /^regex/
enum : ['node','express','graphQl'] //only should be this values
lowercase: true, //mongoose automaticlly convert document to lowecase,
uppercase: true,
trim : true,
type: Number,
min :10,
max :30,
get : v => Math.round(v); // is called when we read the value of a property
set : v => Math.round(v); // is called when set the value of a property
min: 1997,
max: 2019
3. Costume validators:
new mongoose.schema({
type: Array,
validator: function(value){ value && value.length > 0};
message : 'Every course should have at least one tag '
4. Async validators:
new mongoose.Schema({
isAsync: true,
validator: (v, callback)=>{
v && v.length > 0;
message: 'Every course should at least have one tag '
1. Referencing documents:
const Author = new mongoose.model(
name: String
const Course = mongoose.model(
new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
author: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref : 'Author' //collection that is referenced
eg. async function getCourses(){
return await Course.find().populate('author','-_id name').select('-_id name');
2. embedded document
const Course = mongoose.model('Course',new mongoose.Schema({
name : String,
type : new mongoose.Schema({name: String}),
required : true
async function createCourse(name, author){
const course = new Course({name, author});
return await course.save()
createCourse('Node js', new Author({name: 'Mosh' }))
update embedded document:
async function updateCourse(id){
// approach one:
const course = Course.findById(id)
course.author.name = 'Mosh Hamedani'
return await course.save()
//approach two:
return await Course.update({_id:id},{$set:{ //{$unset:{author:''}}
'author.name' : 'Mosh hamedani'
3. Array of embedded documents:
const Course = mongoose.model('Course',new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
author:[ {type: new mongoose.Schema({name: String})} ]
createCoures('React', [new Author({name: 'Mosh'}), new Author({name: 'Pouria'}))])
// add an object
async fucntion addAuthor(id, author){
const course = await Course.findById(id)
return await course.save();
// removing an object
async function removeAuthor(id, authorId){
const course = await Coures.findById(id);
const author = Course.authors.id(authorId);
4. Transaction
fawn implement:
const Fawn = require('fawn')
// task object which is like the transaction
new Fawn.Task()
.save('rentals',rental) //('name of collection', 'object to save')
.update('movies',{_id: movie.id},{$inc:{numberInStock: -1}}) //('name of collection',{which?},{opetator})
.run() //it should set
5. objectID
const id = mongoose.types.ObjectId() // create a objectID
console.log(id.getTimeStamp , mongoose.types.ObjectId.isValid(id) )
Validating ObjectId by joi
Joi.objectId = require('objectId')(Joi)
//into joi schema:
customerId : Joi.objectId().required()
1. modify response:
//approach 1
res.send({name : user.name, email : user.email})
//approach 2 using loadash.pick
res.send(_.picK(user,['name','email'])) //will return an object with given props
2. joi-password-complexity:
const PasswordComplexity = require('joi-password-complexity')
const complexityOption:{
min: 10,
max: 30,
lowerCase: 1,
upperCase: 1,
numeric: 1,
symbol: 1,
requirementCount: 2
return Joi.validate(value,new PasswordComplexity(complexityOptions))
3. hashing passwords
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
async function hashing(data){
const salt = bcrypt.genSalt(10);
return async bcrypt.hash(data,salt)
//compare hash is valid:
await bcrypt.compare(data,hash) //return true or false
4. JWT
//sign a jwt
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const token = jwt.sign({_id:user._id},'jwtPrivateKey') //first arg === payload
//if jwtPriveteKey not set:
console.error('FATAL ERROR: jwtPrivateKey is not defined');
process.exit(1) => // 0 === OK
5. setting res Header:
res.header('x-auth-token','token').send('hello') //first arg is name of header second is payload
6. Adding methods to models
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String
userSchema.methods.generateToken = function(){
const _id = this._id //we can't user arrow function cuz this
return _id;
const user = mongoose.model('User',userSchema)
7. Authorization jwt
//access header:
const token = req.header('x-auth-token');
const decoded = jwt.verify(token,'jwtPrivateKey')
req.user = decoded
8. Protecting Routes
router.post('/', MIDDLEWARE or [middlewareOne , middlewareTwo], (req,res)=>{//})
//middleware(s) will execute before next function
1. handling error by middlewares:
// express error middleware should use after all middlewares.
//log the exception 3.loggger
res.status(500).send('something field.')
2. replace all try catch by middleware:
// approach 1 using own asyncMiddleWare:
async asyncMiddleWare(handler){
return async (req,res,next)=>{
await handler(req,res)
(req,res)=> res.send(req.value)
// approach 2 using express-async-errors
3. logging:
setup 'winston@2.4.0**':
const winston = require('winston');
winston.add(winston.transports.File, {filename: 'logfile.log'});
eg. winston.error(err.message, err) //second arg is metadata
//logging level:
1.winston.error 2.winston.warn 3.winston.info 4.winston.verbose 5.winston.debug 6.winston.silly
// store errors in mongodb:
npm i winston-mongodb@3.0.0
winston.add(winston.transport.MongoDB, {db:'mongodb://localhost/playground',
level: 'info' //only level 1-3 will store}
4. handling uncaught exception // exception that happening in node level:
process.on('uncaughtException', (ex) =>{
winston.error(ex.message, ex)
process.exit(1) //as best practice exit the process every time have uncouthError or rejection
// this approach only work with sync codes
5. handle promise rejection
console.log('UNHADLED REJECTION');
winston.error(err.message, err);
6. handle uncoughtExeption and unhandledRejection using winston: //not working ????
winston.handleException( new winston.transport.File({filename: 'uncoughtException.log'})) //handle uncough exception
throw ex;
1. intalling jest:
npm i jest --save-dev //flag is to not deploy dependency
npm i @types/jest
into package.json scripts:{"test":"jest"} or {"test":"test --watchAll"}
2. writing command:
const result = function(1);
"matcehers :"
//Truthly toBeNull toBeUndefined toBeDefined toBeTruthly toBeFalsy
//Numbers toBe toEqual toBeGreaterThan toBeGreaterThanOrEqual toBeLessThan toBeLessThanOrEqual toBeCloseTo
//Strings toMatch toContain
3. grouping tests:
4. testing string should not be too specific eg. .toMatch(/Mosh/) or .toContain('Mosh')
5. testing array
it('should return supported currencies',()=>{
const result = getCurrncies()
// too general
// too specific
// proper way
//Ideal way
6. testing objects:
1 //toBe compare the reference into memory too but toEqual just compare equality:
toBe({id : 1}) => not passed
toEqual({id: 2}) => passed
2 //test specific props
expect(result).toMatchObject({id:1, name: 'ali'})
7. testing exceptions
8. creating Moke function
// Unit testing should not related on external dependency:
it('should discount totalPrice if customer point be more than 10', () => {
const order = { customerId: 1, totalPrice: 20 };
db.getCustomerSync = function(customerId) {
return { id: customerId, points: 20 };
9. jest mock functions
const mockFunctuion = jest.fn()
mockFunctuion.mokeRejectValue(new Error('...'))
// mock functions matchers:
expect(mockFunctuion).toHaveBeenCalledWith( args )
1. see troubleShot in jest terminal : "script" {"test":"jest --watchAll --verbose"}
for mongoose error ./jest.config.js : module.exports = {testEnvironment: 'node'}
2. winston-mongodb configuration cuz bug in integration test
2. in order to using database or other external dependency to will be needed to setup it s env:
eg. config/test.json:
{"db":"mongodb://localhost/vidly-test", "jwtPrivateKey": "123"}
3. in order to test express apk need to install supertest lib "npm i --save-dev supertest"
4. writing api tests:
1 make sure to require server : let server = require('../index')
*/ beforeEach() and afterEach() funtions provided by jest will execude before and after test block:
make sure run server and close it before and after integration test:
eg. beforeEach(()=>{ server = require('../index'})
afterEach(async()=> {await sever.close()}) */
2 sending api req using supertest:
const request = require('supertest')
it('Should return all genres when send GET req',async()=>{
const res = await request(server).get('api/genres');
5. add data to db and test it:
beforeEach(async()=>{await server.close(), await Genre.deleteMany({})}) //make sure also remove db after test
it('Should return all genres when send Get req',async()=>{
await Genre.collection.insertMany([{name: "genre1"},{name: 'genre2'}] , (err, docs)=>{} ) //using to insert many data to mongodb.
const res = await request(server).get('/api/genres')
expect(res.body.some( g => g.name === 'genre1')).toBeTruthy();
expect(res.body.some(g => g.name === 'genre2')).toBeTruthy();
6. send body using supertest => response= await request(server).post('/api/genres/').send({name: 'genre2'})
7. set the header of request using supertest => requst(server).post('/api/genres').set('x-auth-token', '123'):
when using set method evething you pass as second arg will be an string eg: .set('x-auth-token', 'null' )
8. console.log(new Array(5).join('a')) 'aaaa'
9. enable jest coverage report "test": "jest --watchAll --verbose --coverage "
10. port on use "scripts": {"test": "jest --watchAll --verbose --forceExit --maxWorkers=1"},
1. in oop two types of methods:
Instance methods : available in instance of class eg. new User().genrateAuthToken()
Static methods : directly available in class eg. Rental.lookup()
add static method to mongoose model:
rentalSchema.statics.lookup = function(customerId, movieId){ return this.findOne({'customer._id': customerId,'movie_id': movie_id})}
// it can t using arrow function here. cuz this
- npm i helmet comperssion(use to compress http response to Client) app.use(helmet()) app.use(compression())