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16 - March - 2023

Portfolio Site | Live Link

Technology used:

  • React
  • Three.js
  • Tailwind-CSS

Dev Environment - Vite

yarn create vite

after clone or download, for installing dependencies, please run at terminal...


& to start the application, please run...

yarn dev

Yarn Dependencies:

  • yarn add maath
  • yarn add three
  • yarn add @react-three/fiber
  • yarn add @react-three/drei
  • yarn add @emailjs/browser
  • yarn add react-tilt
  • yarn add framer-motion
  • yarn add react-vertical-timeline-component

Learning context:

  • Navbar scrolling blur effect...
  • Child parent component separation...
  • Usage of HOC for styling purpose...
  • Usage of useProgress hook for 3D model loading...
  • Usage of three.js model rendering by react js

Get 3D models for react app...

  • 1st download [glTF] formate data from website

3D Developer PortFolio using React Three Fiber

Things to Provide

  • public
    • desktop_pc model
    • planet model
    • logo
  • assets - contains other icons and images of the application
  • index.css - some gradient and loader styles including the links for font family
  • tailwind.config.cjs - contains color, screen, boxShadow and backgroundImage configurations
  • style.js - contains reusable style object
  • utils/motion.js - contains animations variants using Framer Motion
  • constants - contains dummy data required for the application


  • Create react project using vite
    npm create vite@latest 3dFolio -- --template react
  • Install tailwind using PostCSS
  • Download below packages for React Three Fiber setup
    npm i three @react-three/fiber @react-three/drei maath
    • three: 3D threejs library
    • @react-three/fiber: React renderer for threejs library
    • @react-three/drei: Useful addons for react three fiber. Provides prebuilt components
    • maath: collection of useful math helpers, random generators, bits and bobs. Mostly meant to be used with three.js. We're using it for random star generation
  • Additional packages


  • desktop_pc model
    • SketchFab - Download GLTF file
    • In the textures folder, we can replace any images with our own. We changed two images:
      • Material_baseColor.jpeg: We used Fabric Felt Texture from here
      • Material.074_30_baseColor.png
  • planet model
    • SketchFab - Download GLTF file
    • People can change the texture of the model by replacing images in textures folder with their own
  • hoc/SectionWrapper
    • A HOC that will handle the layout of each section with animation and padding styles
  • matchMedia
    • Returns a new MediaQueryList object that can then be used to determine if the document matches the media query string
    • In the hero section, we utilize this to detect the device's screen size and subsequently render the canvas accordingly.
    • Read: Why window.matchMedia is better than window.resize
  • Contact Form
    • Create a .env file and add these variables from Emailjs Dashboard
    • Do gitignore the env file
  • Canvas Loader
    • To display a loading animation and the percentage of the progress of loading the 3D model.
    • useProgress hook get the progress of loading the 3D model
    • HTML component of drei allows you to tie HTML content to any object of your scene. It will be projected to the objects whereabouts automatically. Read


  • frameloop: This prop sets the animation loop mode for the scene. The value 'demand' indicates that the loop will only run when necessary, based on changes to the scene.
  • shadows: This prop enables shadows in the scene.
  • dpr: This prop sets the device pixel ratio for the scene. The value [1, 2] indicates that the scene should be rendered at two different resolutions, depending on the device's pixel ratio.
  • camera: This prop sets the position and field of view (FOV) for the camera used to view the scene.
  • gl: This prop sets options for the WebGL renderer used to render the scene, including preserveDrawingBuffer, which ensures that the contents of the canvas can be saved as an image.
  • The Suspense component is used to handle asynchronous loading of resources, such as 3D models, textures, and shaders
  • The fallback prop sets the component to render while the resources are loading.
  • The OrbitControls component is a utility component that provides mouse and touch controls for navigating the 3D scene.
  • Preload component preloads all resources used in the scene, including 3D models, textures, and shaders. This can help to ensure smooth performance during rendering by avoiding delays due to resource loading.
  • useGLTF is a hook to load 3D model from drei library
  • primitive renders the 3D model. Its props are:
    • object: model scene
    • scale: size of the model
    • position: determines position of the model
    • rotation: determines rotation of the model You can pass all positions as an array of points or by separately:
    // or
    By default the position points to the origin i.e., [0,0,0]
  • mesh: Represents a 3D geometery. You can use props such as position, rotation, and scale to transform the entire object as needed.
  • There are several types of lights available in Three.js:
    • AmbientLight: This type of light is used to create general illumination in a scene. It illuminates all objects in the scene equally and does not cast shadows.
    • PointLight: A point light illuminates objects from a single point in all directions. It can cast shadows and can be used to create a sense of volume and depth in a scene.
    • DirectionalLight: A directional light illuminates objects from a specific direction. It is similar to sunlight and can be used to create shadows that appear parallel.
    • SpotLight: A spot light illuminates objects within a cone-shaped area. It can be used to create a spotlight effect and can cast shadows.
    • HemisphereLight: A hemisphere light illuminates objects with different colors from two opposite directions.

Ball Canvas

Canvas created for tech section

  • Float: Applies floating animation to the 3D object
  • castShadow and receiveShadow enable the sphere to both cast and receive shadows
  • icosahedronGeometry component is used to define the shape of the sphere. One of the geometry of three.js. Check all possible geometry shapes here
  • meshStandardMaterial component is used to apply a standard material to the sphere. A flat shading effect means that the surface of the sphere appears smooth and not curved.
  • Decal: A special type of texture that can be applied to a 3D mesh to create the appearance of a sticker or decal on its surface.
  • useTexture: A hook that allows you to load one or more textures

Stars Canvas

Contact section stars

  • state contains a 5000 element Float32Array of random points that lie within a sphere with a radius of 1.2:
    const [sphere] = useState(() =>
       random.inSphere(new Float32Array(5000), { radius: 1.2 })
  • useFrame hook updates the rotation of the ref.current object on every frame
    useFrame((state, delta) => {
       ref.current.rotation.x -= delta / 10;
       ref.current.rotation.y -= delta / 15;
  • group: Allows multiple 3D objects to be grouped together and transformed as a single unit
  • Points: Renders a set of points in 3D space
    • stride: specifies the number of values in the positions array that make up a single point. For ex., stride(3) means each point is defined by three values (x, y, and z)
    • frustumCulled: frustum culling is a technique used to improve rendering performance by not rendering objects that are outside of the camera's view frustum.
  • PointMaterial: sets the material properties for each point rendered by the Points component
    • sizeAttenuation: Size attenuation causes points that are farther away from the camera to appear smaller.
    • depthWrite: Depth writing determines whether or not the rendered points will write to the depth buffer, which affects the rendering order of objects in 3D space.