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History / Logging


  • Explain the Java-discards-log-messages issue. Explain how the Java fast-path discarding of log messages depends on the setting of log_min_messages only at the time PL/Java started, and that in 1.5.1 it will at least use the finer of log_min_messages and client_min_messages.

    @jcflack jcflack committed Jun 20, 2017
  • Rototill wiki before 1.5.0. Go through all pages looking for a) information that's clearly outdated, b) content (or whole pages) duplicating what's now on the main site; in a few cases, add or reword something. Original form had giant long lines and scarcely any vertical whitespace, very hard to read/edit, so essentially every file has been touched by reformatting if nothing else.

    @jcflack jcflack committed Dec 23, 2015
  • Created Logging (markdown)

    @thallgren thallgren committed Jan 14, 2013