- tango-idl
- Other required packages can be installed on apt-based linux systems via
- add deb-src entries for main and contrib (debian) or main, restricted and universe (ubuntu) into /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get build-dep libtango9
- docker and docker-engine (for tests)
git clone https://github.com/tango-controls/cppTango
cd cppTango
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make [-j NUMBER_OF_CPUS]
sudo make install
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<desired installation path>
-DIDL_BASE=<tango-idl installation folder>
-DOMNI_BASE=<omniORB4 home folder>
-DCPPZMQ_BASE=<cppzmq home folder>
-DZMQ_BASE=<zmq home folder>
for modern builds-DUSE_PCH=<ON|OFF>
Build the test suite (ON
by default)
Typical output:
-- Install configuration: "Debug"
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/lib/libtango.so.9.2.5
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/lib/libtango.so.9
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/lib/libtango.so
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/lib/pkgconfig/tango.pc
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/include/log4tango/Appender.hh
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/include/subdev_diag.h
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/include/encoded_attribute.h
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/include/encoded_format.h
-- Installing: /storage/Projects/org.tango/git/cppTango/build/install/include/idl/tango.h
On some debian versions, 7 (wheezy) and older, there is no compatible cppzmq version available.
This requires installing cppzmq via:
git clone https://github.com/zeromq/cppzmq
cd cppzmq
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
And then pass -DCPPZMQ_BASE=/usr/local
to cmake or use
mkdir build
cd build
configure CXXFLAGS="-I /usr/local/include" ..
when compiling via the tango source distribution.
Once installed cppTango provides pkg-config file tango.pc
One can use it to resolve libtango dependencies in his project, for instance using cmake:
pkg_search_module(TANGO_PKG REQUIRED tango)
#note TANGO_PKG_XXX usage
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS})
target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC -std=c++11)
target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${TANGO_PKG_CFLAGS_OTHER})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${TANGO_PKG_LIBRARIES})
provides default installation directory for all Tango devices linked against this libtango:
pkg-config --variable=tangodsdir tango
Using provided docker based TANGO environment:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
From build/
directory run:
$ ctest --output-on-failure --parallel 4
Test project /home/tango-cs/Documents/cppTango/build
Start 54: old_tests::ring_depth
Start 66: asyn::asyn_cmd
Start 77: event::per_event
Start 83: event::user_event
1/93 Test #83: event::user_event ................. Passed 22.65 sec
90/93 Test #1: log4tango_test .................... Passed 0.20 sec
91/93 Test #39: CXX::cxx_nan_inf_in_prop .......... Passed 13.28 sec
92/93 Test #43: old_tests::attr_types ............. Passed 12.89 sec
93/93 Test #14: CXX::cxx_attr_conf ................ Passed 12.81 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 93
Total Test time (real) = 546.93 sec
Test output and device server logs are collected in build/cpp_test_suite/test_results
For more details on testing with CTest, see the guide.
$ ctest -R old_tests::attr_misc -V
UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/tango-cs/Documents/cppTango/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/home/tango-cs/Documents/cppTango/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/tango-cs/Documents/cppTango/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/home/tango-cs/Documents/cppTango/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /home/tango-cs/Documents/cppTango/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 49
Start 49: old_tests::attr_misc
49: Test command: /home/tango-cs/Documents/cppTango/build/cpp_test_suite/environment/run_with_fixture.sh "/home/tango-cs/Documents/cppTango/build/cpp_test_suite/old_tests/attr_misc" "test/debian8/10"
49: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
49: new DeviceProxy(test/debian8/10) returned
49: Setting/Getting attribute info --> OK
49: Writing outside attribute limits --> OK
49: Min alarm detection (on a float spectrum) --> OK
49: Reset min alarm detection --> OK
49: Max alarm detection (on a float spectrum) --> OK
49: Reset max alarm detection --> OK
49: Min alarm detection (on a unsigned short spectrum) --> OK
49: Reset min alarm detection --> OK
49: Max alarm detection (on a unsigned short spectrum) --> OK
49: Reset max alarm detection --> OK
49: Setting/Getting V5 attribute info --> OK
49: Alarm, Warning level detection --> OK
49: Exception when trying to change "hard coded" properties --> OK
1/1 Test #49: old_tests::attr_misc ............. Passed 8.55 sec
The following tests passed:
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1
Total Test time (real) = 8.56 sec
The test runner automatically starts database and all required
device servers for each test. If you want to set up the environment
manually, from build/
directory run:
source ./cpp_test_suite/environment/setup_database.sh # source to get TANGO_HOST
# attach the debugger or perform some additional configuration
killall DevTest FwdTest
docker stop tango_cs mysql_db