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Flow Control and Footers

Alden Hart edited this page Jul 22, 2013 · 39 revisions

For now this page is just rough notes up for discussion.

This issue obviously affects the current FTDI-driven USB, but we are also considering methods that will work best as the native USB is brought online. So some of this discussion is forward-looking

##Flow Control Problem Statement

The control of the commands going to the TinyG board and the responses returned is a complex problem that we have been working through for some time now. It's one class of problem if the machine is moving at nominal feed rates and long-ish Gcode segment lengths (block lengths); it becomes significantly harder as the feed rates and command rates increase and the segment lengths decrease.

###Flow Control Issues Explained

RS-232-style serial communication like that employed by the TinyG between the FTDI USB-to-serial converter and the Atmel XMega microcontroller has several advantages but also a few disadvantages.

The advantages are that there are only two wires required for two-way communication: one to transmit (TX), and one to receive (RX). In order to accomplish talking in either direction over only one wire the two sides have to agree to the timing and format of the signaling.

The disadvantage of this style of communication is that the TX and the RX are each transmitted blindly. Other than the device on the other end sending a response (over the other wire) there's no way to know when a transmission has been received, which is usually just a problem of knowing if the other device is listening. There also no way to tell when the receiving device has been able to handle all of the data that it was sent. Solving this problem is called flow control.

There are many type of flow control, but there are two general methods we will employ, software XON/XOFF and hardware RTS/CTS (Request-To-Send, Clear-To-Send)

In software flow control, the two devices will send special data (XON and XOFF characters) over the line to indicate that it is ready for more data or that it doesn't have room for more data, respectively. This is problematic because the XON/XOFF chacters are then part of the stream, and in some cases, that means that they go into the end of a transmit buffer. This means that all of the characters ahead of it in the buffer must transmit first. If the hardware on both ends of the line supports XON/XOFF, and will transmit those characters ahead of any internal buffers, then the response time is pretty good.

With hardware flow control, two additional wires are used, one for the RX (RTS, or Request To Send) and one for TX (CTS, or Clear To Send). Once device controls RTS, and the other controls CTS. For each device, they set RTS when they have buffer space, and clear it when the buffer is (almost) full. When transmitting, the device reads the CTS line, and if it's set we send data. This means that the response to a buffer full condition is near immediate.

###How this effects TinyG

The challenge is to accomplish and balance these four things:

  1. Never overflow a buffer on the TinyG or FTDI. (The XON/XOFF or RTS/CTS should handle this for us, but it must be turned on per connection from the host side.)
  2. Keep the planner full enough so it plans optimally and does not starve. This generally requires at least 8 of the 28 buffers to be occupied, 12 is a safer number.
  3. Keep the serial channel open so that feedholds characters (!'s) can be injected at any time
  4. Keep a flow of status reports back to the host to report on command status and system state changes

Turns out this is actually a hard problem.

  • Many commands will end up in the planner buffer, and it's possible that a line of Gcode will consume from 0 to 4 buffers. Possibly more. basically, any command that needs to be synchronized with file execution needs to be queued, so this includes M commands, spindle commands, dwells, etc. Since it's possible to put multiple non-mode-related commands on the same Gcode line there can be more than 1 command per line that ends up in the planner queue. This mostly happens at the start of the Gcode file during setup. It's rare during actual Gcode move execution.

  • Further complicating things is that the generation of queue reports is not always one-to-one with commands sent. When a QR is requested it is not sent until the system "gets around to" doing transmissions. In other words, the request is queued but the report is not generated or sent yet. If the system is really busy pushing out a lot of really short Gcode lines - e.g. 5 or 10 ms each, it's going to spend it's time generating and pulsing those lines, not sending text. So in heavy cases there may be multiple requests for QRs made before one is actually sent. When one IS sent it does reflect the current state of the system - it may have "humped" a few states, however. This is unavoidable if you want to the system to prioritize step generation and processing new moves over serial IO.

  • Even with very rapid movement the planner queue does not need to be full to optimally plan. Typically about 8 buffers are required for optimal planning

  • The minimum time for a MOVE in the planner to execute is 5 ms, occasionally less. Non-moves (e.g. M codes) may execute faster. So on average 8 buffers would take a minimum of 40 ms, probably longer. 20 would take 100 ms, probably longer. This gives you an idea of how fast the host must react to prevent queue starvation.

  • Know that the serial buffer will hold an input line until there are at least 4 buffers available in the planner queue. This is to ensure that the line can be processed, and will not result in an exception.

  • The current queue depth is 28 buffers, and could be made somewhat larger if need be.

Current Flow Control Options

The following methods are currently possible and supported

  • XON/XOFF flow control with "blast". Configure $ex=1 and the TinyG emits XOFF and XON characters. The FTDI, when properly configured, sends characters until it's told to stop; resumes when XON is received. This is what Coolterm does if XON/XOFF is enabled. The advantage is that this is very simple and works very well; the disadvantage is that there is no convenient way to inject feedholds. However, if the FTDI is not configured to obey XON/XOFF from the TinyG, then the XON/XOFF characters will be passed on to the host and the controlling software must honor them. This is problematic because the XOFF may be received after the transmit buffers of the host software, OS, and FTDI are already loaded with data, and those will still be sent even if the host stops transmitting immediately.

  • Managing serial queue depth by character counting. The footer returns the number of bytes removed from the serial queue so that the host can know how many bytes are occupied in the serial queue. If the serial queue is non-zero, then the assumption is that the planner queue is full or near full. This method is brittle as the character count can get out of phase with errors, and is therefore not the preferred method.

  • Managing planner queue depth with queue reports. Enabling queue reports ($qv=2) will cause the queue depth to be reported each time the planner queue changes. This method, coupled with some form of flow control, is preferred.

Changes Being Considered / Options

Add RTS/CTS flow control

Add this in addition to XON/XOFF as mutually exclusive settings: e.g. $ex=0 no flow control $ex=1 XON/XOFF flow control $ex=2 RTS/CTS flow control

####Extend queue reports with more information The following is in test in dev: Setting $qv=3 will return:


Where '1' is the number of available buffers in the queue '2' is the number of buffers added to the queue since the previous queue report '3' is the number of buffers removed from the queue since the previous queue report

This allows the host to know not only the queue depth, but the rate at which it is filling and emptying, and therefore manage the transmission of new Gcode blocks. A simple throttling scheme is just to send lines until the buffer fills to some level - say 4 buffers left - then use the buffers removed value as the number of lines to send to replenish the buffer.

So here's what we've been thinking and will be experimenting with shortly.

We can add a new verbosity to the queue reports, $qv=3 for an enhanced or "relative" reporting mode. The response would be: {"qr":[A,B,C]} where

A is the number of available buffers - as per current operation B is the number of buffers added to the queue since the last QR C is the number of buffers removed from the queue since the last QR

In text this might be like: qr:A,in:B,out:C or something like that

This will allow the host to make a decision to send more lines or not, and roughly how many more lines it should send to avoid starvation. Keep in mind the following facts:

So here are some cases the host would react to:

  • The QRs show available buffers dropping per report, a move coming in for each report and very few moves going out. This indicates long(ish) moves being queued - at least moves that take longer to execute than the serial system can deliver them. In this case stop sending new moves when there are 4 to 6 buffers left.

  • The QRs show available buffers dropping fast, one move coming in per report, and many moves going out. This indicates that a lot of short moves are being executed and the queue is being drained faster than it's being replenished. The host should try to replenish the buffer by sending about as many lines to the board as have been removed.

We are going to experiment with this in the next few days. Want to join us? I'll post to the group when I push these behaviors to dev.

####Eliminate filtered queue reports I don't think anyone is using them. This will reduce code and maintenance size and complexity.

####Eliminate the checksum in the footer Again, I don't think anyone is using it, and it adds complexity

####Footer changes Especially if the above are implemented we may be able to be more efficient with the footers. Currently there is one footer style (1) that returns the following array:

{"f":[1, status-code, byte-count, checksum]} --- where '1' is the footer-style

We could allow the footer style to be set by a hidden variable via config. Here's one option

{"f":[2, status-code, queue-depth, buffers-added, buffers-removed]}

This would eliminate the need for requesting separate queue reports by folding the QR information into the footer.

Another option:

{"f":[3, status-code, line-number, queue-depth, buffers-added, buffers-removed]}

The line number os the Gcode N word provided in the command. If no N was provided a zero would be returned. THe line number would be repeated across multiple status reports if the Gcode move generated multiple SRs, or if the Gcode line had multiple commands that queued in the planner.

####JSON fixes Want the 'f' footer to be a sister element to the 'r' response. Both live as siblings at depth 0 under the outer enclosing curlies {}. This causes some of the current JSON to change. Examples:

current:   {"r":{"fb":380.05,"fv":0.950,"hv":7,"id":"9H3583-YMZ","msg":"SYSTEM READY","f":[1,0,0,4079]}}
proposed:  {"r":{"fb":380.05,"fv":0.950,"hv":7,"id":"9H3583-YMZ","msg":"SYSTEM READY"},"f":[1,0,0,4079]}

current:   {"r":{"sr":{"line":0,"posx":0.000,"posy":0.000,"posz":0.000,"feed":0.00,"vel":0.00,"unit":1,"stat":1},"f":[1,0,10,9193]}}
proposed:  {"r":{"sr":{"line":0,"posx":0.000,"posy":0.000,"posz":0.000,"feed":0.00,"vel":0.00,"unit":1,"stat":1}},"f":[1,0,10,9193]}
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