Gamebook ("Livre-jeu") game (Startup files)
IUT de Bordeaux - 2016-2017
- Tiphaine GIRARDOT - Story, Design and development
- Sylvain METAYER - Development
Handle automatics actions, hits, life, a 15-20 sections' scenario, and at least 2 more functionality.
- CSS/HTML must be cohrent with your story
- To return your project, send an email ( with the solution.
- The subject of the mail must be "SWORD Name 1, Name 2".
- The project must be return as ZIP, URL, or attachments.
How to set up your environment ?
- Node.js >=4
- git
Clone the repository on your machine
$ git clone && cd agent-ready
Install the global dependencies
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
Install the local dependencies
$ npm install
Run the dev server
$ gulp serve
All images belong to their respective authors.
Screenshot of the game Ingress